No… I believe in a system that uses capitalism to reward those who work hard to provide a valuable service as called for from the market.
If you do not limit wealth retention by a small group of individuals you end up being ruled by a small oligarchy making laws designed to favor them, that is what we currently have.
Capitalism ends with a group who won by manipulating the market, unless it s regulated. That has happened in America.
Consider homeowners insurance, for example. We have a system in the United States that has developed in which for the vast majority of Americans to own a home, they must finance the purchase with a loan from a bank. The bank intern requires that the homeowner purchase insurance, the insurance companies collect premiums, but when there is a major disaster, they lobby the government to bail them out. They do not save the kind of money they need in order to get themselves out of a disaster, instead pay their CEOs, huge bonuses.
The reason the government bales them out is twofold, the insurance companies have very expensive lobbyists, who get friendly politicians elected. Secondly, if the insurance companies cannot afford to honor their contracts. The voters suffer. Insurance companies intentionally put themselves in the position where the government is forced to bail them out. In the end, homeowners are paying for an insurance that is unlikely to honor their contract, but will make the members of the insurance company wealthy. The banks are happy because they are protective. The middle-class Americans have to pay so much to own a home that it is difficult to get ahead.
This only happens because insurance companies, and their CEOs got to wealthy. They got so wealthy they were able to make the rules.