How capitalism works?

Point out the specific errors.

Are you always so angry, bitter and full of hate?

I have been telling you why dude

The two parties have hugely divergent philosophy on economics

Read what I have posted for you

Maybe you just were uninformed and not lying
Of mostly trash
Re. Rand, there is quite a bit of value in her works. She pushes the concept of everyone being as competent as they can, and strive for same. Unfortunately, she couples that with the notion that it cannot be achieved unless everyone denounces altruism and only considers themselves.

Theory being that we always do a better job when it's for ourselves. Hard to argue against, but that doesn't require the absence of compassion.

She denounces 'selflessness', which we see a lot with wealthy who destroy the nation every day, and give to charity due to guilt. They pretend to be selfless, when in reality they are just scum.

But Rand doesn't believe anyone should be be doing anything without ROI.

Fantasy that goes overboard. Which doesn't negate the value of the underlying concept of competence.
That is not true

You are saying the crap people say when they know very little about what is actually being done and what worked

The Republican Party UNDOES much of what Democrats due once the Republicans Get the power to do so

Study up on the actual facts

The facts are that 70% of the budget is fixed with mandatory spending. That gives the parties little leeway to make changes. Non-defense discretionary spending increases under both parties with Nixon and Bush with the biggest increases.

What did the Republicans undo? Both parties are fiscally irresponsible.
The facts are that 70% of the budget is fixed with mandatory spending. That gives the parties little leeway to make changes. Non-defense discretionary spending increases under both parties with Nixon and Bush with the biggest increases.

What did the Republicans undo? Both parties are fiscally irresponsible.
The Affordable Care Act
That is a large share of the current Republican vote. I think it is mostly because of social issues since the parties differ little on economics.

The working class used to be a major part of the Democratic New Deal coalition but I think Democrats have alienated many of them by calling them a "basket of deplorables," red neck, and "uneducated" (rather than without college degrees). Whether we think that is an accurate description is irrelevant to whether it has alienated them and lost their votes.

You can see this attitude among JPP posters.

But! Why would working class people vote Republican?
Republicans could care less about working people!
But! Why would working class people vote Republican?
Republicans could care less about working people!

Because they don't agree with you.

Many working class people tend to be anti-abortion, fairly religious, against gun control, opposed to illegal immigration, against transgenders using the same restrooms and competing against those of the opposite sex in school sports, and believe the "liberal elite" don't support these values.

Based on these views it is perfectly logical for conservative working class to vote for conservatives.
But! Why would working class people vote Republican?
Republicans could care less about working people!

Okay, I'll bite. What do the Democrats, today, do for working class people? Lower their taxes? Make them less dependent on government? Reduce regulations and other bureaucratic nonsense on their employers so they can get paid more? Make it easier and incentivize savings and small investments so they can create their own wealth? Pursue laws that incentivize ownership of property and goods over being renters?

What do the Democrats do for working class people?
Okay, I'll bite. What do the Democrats, today, do for working class people? Lower their taxes? Make them less dependent on government? Reduce regulations and other bureaucratic nonsense on their employers so they can get paid more? Make it easier and incentivize savings and small investments so they can create their own wealth? Pursue laws that incentivize ownership of property and goods over being renters?

What do the Democrats do for working class people?

Democrats are fascist
There is absolutely nothing wrong with generational wealth provided said wealth was earned legally, and ethically.

It’s anti-capitalist, anti democratic when the laws are set in a way as to try to keep the money where it is.
There are a record 35 million enrolled in the ACA and 21 million in the expanded Medicaid program.
Doesn't matter. Republicans illegally defunded the risk corridor program aspect of ACA, and put 13 brand new insurance companies out of business. It drastically increased premiums and basically never allowed ACA to exist as designed.

Supreme Court ordered the govt. to pay millions to insurers who were harmed by the illegal act.

If not for McCain's sudden deathbed wave of compassion Republicans would have finished the job under trump
Okay, I'll bite. What do the Democrats, today, do for working class people? Lower their taxes? Make them less dependent on government? Reduce regulations and other bureaucratic nonsense on their employers so they can get paid more? Make it easier and incentivize savings and small investments so they can create their own wealth? Pursue laws that incentivize ownership of property and goods over being renters?

What do the Democrats do for working class people?
I understand that this is a rhetorical question which serves to display your intentional ignorance.

I think the question you should be asking is 'what have Republicans blocked that Democrats attempted to do for the middle class?'.

Each time Democrats try to pass tax cuts for the working class, it gets blocked by Republicans who demand corresponding cuts for the wealthiest in the nation.