How capitalism works?

I live in an expensive neighborhood, my house is one of the less expensive ones.

One of my neighbors works an hourly salary job as a manager in a small golf store, his wife doesn’t work outside the home. They live on the water in a recently purchased 4.5 million dollar home.

Another couple I know in an even more expensive home work at the Apple Store and the wife as a nurse.

These are honorable professions, but they clearly do not pay even the mortgage on these homes that tend to increase im value by more than the Dow. They clearly have generational family money…the equity increase in their homes is higher than the average salary or the majority of Americans.

The result is that a very hard working family in valuable jobs such as EMS, or police officer will never improve their situation with hard work.

Our system of perpetuating generational wealth for hundreds years voids the basic principles of Capitalism. Yet, working class Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep taxes low on those living the high life by no merit of their own.

We Are Born in the Dugout and Those Who Are Born on Third Base Make Us Believe We've Been Benched
you leave merit and hard work and innovation out completely. authoritarianism and crony capitalism both leave those out of the equation, thus, teeter tottering on that false dichotomy is just playing around in dumb-dumbville.

Beware of the person who claims to be sane but nevertheless believes in American meritocracy.
Totally delusional.
Are people born poor inferior to those born wealthy?

Survival of the "Fatherest" Means Extinction of the Fittest

Poor is not the opposite of Preppy. The hereditary ruling class uses feral minorities against Whites who aren't born rich, which is not at all the same as what the self-appointed rulers mean by "poor." We and the bipartisan HeirHeads are mortal enemies. The fact that the entitled know that gives them a great advantage.

Both they and "the poor" deserve to be poor.
what do you mean by partitionist tendencies?

Neither ideological half of America will ever forge the society it desires if American red and blue states don't partition from one other.
Neither conservative nor progressive Americans will ever function adequately trying to share the same government.
America's dumpster fire status will remain until complete dystopia manifests itself.
We basically have a caste system in this country.

Cast Off Caste

Cut the spoiled brats off at age 18. Let them get through college living off low-wage part-time jobs and be saddled with heavy student loans. They have no right to shame us for refusing to do what they don't have to do.

Confiscate all inheritance over $100,000. That will not only eliminate this toxic unAmerican class, but will eliminate any rational need for any other tax. So much money is tied up in HeirHead mooching that it will also pay off the National Debt.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Scenario

Why do Preppy Progressive purposely create an agenda that is designed to drive people into voting for their Republican classmates? Dump all of that and you will get us back. You are to blame, not us.

Undereducated working class people vote republican,
in direct conflict with their own economic best interests,
because the corporate class that uses them as useful idiots
assures them that their
racism and other bigotry, xenophobia, religious superstition, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, and other serious deficiencies
are OK.

It's entirely as simple as that.
Capitalism has been dead for a long time. We have an oligopoly, where most industries are controlled by few players. They do not have to meet and plot anymore. The internet provides them with all they require to control markets.
The control is why they were able to end price wars, improvement of products like they used to have to do, and give abysmal customer service. Who are you going to call if your internet service provider jacks prices up and makes you talk to someone in India for problems? If you have a few providers in your area, it makes almost no difference to change. They do the same because they can max profits while doing as little work as possible.

Never Repeat What You've Heard in the Hired Media

They do all that because hereditary advantages put inferior people, including the Preppies' no-talent bootlickers, in superior positions. So it's not greed; it's that they are incapable of making profits any other way.
That has nothing to do with Capitalism. The above is an argument based on the Politics of Envy. It is an argument that it is somehow "unfair" that some people, families, etc., have had great success in accumulating wealth, and that is inherently wrong and should be penalized.

It is the underpinnings of both Communism and Socialism in Class Envy. That is, those who espouse it are envious of the success of others and feel the successful should be altruistic and willingly give away their wealth to those less fortunate. There is no telling that in the future, and EMS or police officer who invests smartly might not become a millionaire.

A great example of this in action from the late 19th Century is the Pullman company. George Pullman in the head of the company wanted to improve the lives of his workers. He set up company towns with, what were for the day, nice homes, good businesses, and a decent standard of living. But with living in his towns, there were social rules you had to follow. The towns were run as a rigid paternalistic society. Add in that some workers managed to save and move out into the "free" community outside the company towns.

The Politics of Envy followed. The eventual result was a general strike by the workers who were fed up with Pullman's forced utopia that they labored under. With no real hope of betterment because of Pullman's rules in what amounted to a Socialist society, they struck. The strike became more widespread and general that the federal government stepped in an put it down by force using the US Army.

Wealth ebbs and flows. It is rare that a family stays rich for many generations. Those are the exceptions. But to look at your neighbor and how they are doing relative to you and then you whine and complain about that while calling for their penalization for success is nothing but Politics of Envy.

The Whites' Uncle Toms

Inferior people are jealous of the talented. They get a vindictive pleasure when they see the talented get humiliated, bossed around, and economically exploited by your precious richkids, who are as inferior as you are.

Your lifetime dream is to be accepted at the country club and patted on the head by those who are members solely through birth privileges. Your most pathetic desired compliment from them will be, "We forgive you for not being born rich."
TAG still perceives capitalism and socialism as a binary choice rather than necessarily concurrent dynamics.

It's been sufficiently explained.

One must then suspect a learning disability.
Teddy Roosevelt started the inheritance tax. He explained the danger of passing wealth and power along. He was a very rich man and knew what a danger the wealthy with passed-on fortunes were. People who die o not have any say. They no longer care. Why do you care for them?

They'd have to believe in ghosts if they are afraid to stop a plutocrat from picking the winners and losers after he is dead.
It doesn't.

Capitalism is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at an agreed upon price.
It does not matter if family wealth is passed on (and it should be, but that's another discussion). You are arguing a strawman.

Hereditary Power Contradicts and Eventually Destroys Capitalism

Would it matter if pro athletes got the right to pass on their positions to their sons? Pro sports would soon become a joke. If you believe in inheritance, the joke's on you. Go back to the crumbling castles of Europe and choke on the dust from the guillotined skulls of your idols.
Awwwww. He used big words, didn't he? Okay. I'll try to dumb it down for you:

Keynesian economics is simply this: if the economy is doing poorly, the idea is to print money and flush it into the economy to try to stimulate it. This doesn't work. Printing money without a corresponding increase in wealth causes inflation. You can't print your way to prosperity.
Keynesian economics can only occur because of fiat currency. That is a currency that has no backing in any form of wealth. It's just paper (or these days more commonly, bits in a computer). Most dollars are just bits in a computer.

Fiat currency is dictated by the government, along with it's perceived 'value'. This is nothing more than communism of currency itself. The government owns the market. In the U.S. it is also unconstitutional.

Yes...that's what I said. The Federal Reserve and fiat currency is unconstitutional.

Fiat currency was implemented by a Democrat, unconstitutionally. The massive theft it involved is why Fort Knox was house all that stolen loot.

Fiat Lux

Potential wealth is wasted as undeveloped without investment. Since your Preppy idols have no potential and would be nobodies without Daddy's Money, no wonder you refuse to recognize the economic value of potential, especially human potential.

Fiat money is fake money that creates real money. Water is not food but it makes food grow.
And what plank of the Libertarian party describes this?

I realize you don't like the Libertarian party (I disagree with some of their principles also), but making shit up about them is not helping you.

Whither Went the Wither?

Libretardians will impose a police state "to protect rugged individualists against mob rule." By the way, Lenin also preached, in the same bait-and-switch way, that Communism would eventually eliminate the need for having any government at all.
Hereditary Power Contradicts and Eventually Destroys Capitalism
No, it doesn't.
Would it matter if pro athletes got the right to pass on their positions to their sons?
A pro athlete position is not property.
Go back to the crumbling castles of Europe and choke on the dust from the guillotined skulls of your idols.
If you don't maintain the property you inherit, it will fall into decay.
Fiat Lux

Potential wealth is wasted as undeveloped without investment. Since your Preppy idols have no potential and would be nobodies without Daddy's Money, no wonder you refuse to recognize the economic value of potential, especially human potential.

Fiat money is fake money that creates real money. Water is not food but it makes food grow.

You don't know what wealth is.
You don't know what money is either.
Fiat money IS real money. It doesn't create 'real' money. True Scotsman fallacy.
Undereducated working class people vote republican,
in direct conflict with their own economic best interests,
because the corporate class that uses them as useful idiots
assures them that their
racism and other bigotry, xenophobia, religious superstition, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, and other serious deficiencies
are OK.

It's entirely as simple as that.

you're miseducated into thinking globalism is cosmpolitanand chic, and eugenics is just "expecting better".

Your worldview is a moral perversion.

do better.