How capitalism works?

Nope. All you need is initiative and drive. That's how you CREATE capital. Anyone can play.

And you're still wrong.

Nope. You MAKE your own 'opportunities'.

You are describing Democrats.

Communism doesn't work. You are describing Democrats.

You are describing Democrats.

You are describing Democrats.

Cliche fallacy.

Preppy Progressives

Kennedy, Gore, Dean, ad nauseam. The list of guillotine-fodder richkid Democrats is as long as the one their classmates, the Republicans, have. Neither clique belongs in America. They both are destroying it, like a boxer with a left-right combination of punches.

Slimey little bootlicking snakes only point to one side or the other. The Sperm Bingo winners are never criticized as a whole toxic class. Whataboutism should mean get rid of both, but in our Low-IQ debates it is only used as an excuse to keep your own assigned side's HeirHead tyrants.
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so typical, a lib sees the general flaw of their worldview in a flash of correctness and immediately flees back to clown world.



The Far Right Begets the Far Left.

"Liberal" is derived from a Latin term that implies inheriting the ownership of White slaves. Plebeians were never called "Liberales."
The Kochs are from the line that started the John Birch society. They have used their money and power to shape America as they see it.
Donkephantastic Princes

Ironically, the Koch founding father had been screwed out of opportunities by monopolistic Capitalism and went to Russia to see if he could make money off his unique idea there. He saw that Communism was an even worse monopoly, but he never realized that it was a powerplay of HeirHeads posing as Social Justice Warriors. Marx's own wife was a countess who could have married any king in Europe. The whole Left is Right, Jr.

Of course, so is the New York Times owned by HeirHead scumbags. Pot calling the Kettle black doesn't imply that the kettle is OK. You've been tricked into implying that abolishing inheritance is a Liberal issue. Both the entire Left and the entire Left are mortal enemies of Americanism.
If those people control everything that means they also control the government. So if the government took a big hunk of inheritance they would control that also.

We don't need the government to take people's money just because we don't think they deserve to be rich. I haven't seen government make very wise use of the money they do collect. And if the wealthy are "buying politicians" the politicians will just use that money to benefit the wealthy. It is better going to their children who will spend it to create jobs that continue to benefit workers.

Claiming that HeirHeads Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

So you'd rather tax the living than the dead. Confiscating this unearned wealth would eliminate any rational need for any other taxes. You're one of those peasant Americans who would be proud to have his son die taking a rich kid's place, as was allowed in the Vietnam War.
It is the battle. Roosevelt saw the dangers from the inside, he was a very rich man from a wealthy family and passed the inheritance taxes. Since then the wealthy have fought like hell to get rid of it. You know why they want it gone. I cannot understand why the average guy wants to build an aristocracy.
That is not what they do with their money. They buy politicians, lawyers and other powerful people to help them live even better and more powerfully. Look at what Kochs do with their money. They are doing great damage. The rich never have enough money or power. that,would otherwise go completely untaxed.

Politics Has Become Nothing More Than a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

How about "the Kochs and the Kennedys"? Otherwise, you're just being partisan instead of American by promoting one HeirHead ideology over the equally unAmerican other one.
Vacuous argument fallacy. There currently is no democracy anywhere on Earth. The last such attempt was CHAZ, in Seattle, WA, which ended by dissolving into an oligarchy.

Straw Brains Creating Straw Men

How convenient it is for economic elitists to pretend that looting by Afram savages is a "democracy." The truth is that Civil Rights for the Uncivilized is a tactic of your religion of Birth-Class Supremacy. Whites who are born rich deplore, despise, hate, and fear all other White people.
There is only one capitalism. There are three major forms of socialism: fascism, communism, and slavery.
You do not need to 'keep capitalism in check'. Capitalism requires NO government intervention. Socialism is not capitalism.

You were born with two ears and just one mouth! So, perhaps you should listen twice as much as you talk, and you may actually learn something! [Geeko Sportivo]

Not sure where you were educated, but you must have skipped class or something. You have a lot to learn before you start talking out your ass yet again!

Just sayin'
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Some people do have a misconception that life is supposed to be fair!

Crunch, Crunch! Squish, Squish!

It is our manly duty to make it fair, not to be economic-sissyboy pushovers falsely claiming "that's the way life is." Life is that way not by chance, but by the way powerful and vicious forces make it be.

Strip them of all their privileges. We far outnumber those born in the 1% and can crush them like grapes. It's time to quit whining or submitting. It's time to make wine.
I think fairness would be the very first consideration I have before I do anything.

It should be the very first consideration before any president, or legislation branch, or Supreme Court makes a decision that effects us all!

So I would say that fairness does play a role in how we should move forward as mankind.

A Vulture Needs Two Wings in Order to Fly

The Leftists intentionally distort fairness to mean equality (#StupidSpeak: "equity") for the inferior in order to give a talking point to their Rightist prep-school classmates.
A Vulture Needs Two Wings in Order to Fly

The Leftists intentionally distort fairness to mean equality (#StupidSpeak: "equity") for the inferior in order to give a talking point to their Rightist prep-school classmates.

The Sage Of Main Street? Inferiority? Rightist prep-school classmates? StupidSpeak? :laugh:

You must be so very proud of your little self- Huh? Up there on that lofty little perch!

Give us a break Icky Twerp!

Crunch, Crunch! Squish, Squish!

It is our manly duty to make it fair, not to be economic-sissyboy pushovers falsely claiming "that's the way life is." Life is that way not by chance, but by the way powerful and vicious forces make it be.

Strip them of all their privileges. We far outnumber those born in the 1% and can crush them like grapes. It's time to quit whining or submitting. It's time to make wine.

Arguing with you MAGA-STUPID Holier-than-Thoust Dumber-than-a-box-of-pubic-hair Idiots like you, is so much not even a challenge, It makes me feel like I am taking advantage of something, like if I ever parked in a Handicapped Zone, while not even being handicapped! It makes me feel guilty for taking advantage of your ignorance!

It's just too easy arguing with idiots and nothing ever seems to be gained from it anyway for me.

Give someone else a try, and stop trolling me!

Please and Thank You in advance!
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Undereducated working class people vote republican,
in direct conflict with their own economic best interests,
because the corporate class that uses them as useful idiots
assures them that their
racism and other bigotry, xenophobia, religious superstition, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, and other serious deficiencies
are OK.

It's entirely as simple as that.

Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

There you Demwits go again with your race-treason, multicultie slumming, anti-human religion of secular humanism, pussy-whipped Mama's Boy pushovers, academic pseudo-intellectualism, and other deficiencies of the smug and silly Snob Mob.