Several reasons, of course. Not any one thing.
1. Marketing: Elections are ALL about marketing, whether on TV, Radio or personal appearances. Trump has dominated the slogan battle. Every time he says "Make America Great Again" his over-capacity crowds chant USA USA USA USA. That's powerful.
No question about that. Trump and his marketing team are master manipulators, especially of the stupid.
2. Lack of apology: Trump has said many things that have shocked the Establishment in both parties. He has doubled down, dug in his heels and told the critics to fuck off. He would have been GONE the first time he copped out and apologized.
I am sick to death of hearing celebrities (and let's face it, Donald J. Trump is a celebrity and not any kind of politician), say something vile and then apologize for it as if the apology simply wipes the slate clean. It doesn't. You said it, you should own it and deal with the consequences, except that Trump supporters are too stupid to hold him accountable for any of the things he does.
3. He's believable: Look at his rallies. They are pure performances of stream of consciousness. Livingston Taylor once said that a performance is a conversation between the performer and the audience. During a Trump rally, it's as if he's speaking to everyone personally. No teleprompters, no canned speeches. Nothing slick and rehearsed. Just words from the heart. They resonate.
I nearly pissed myself with this one. He's believable? The only thing he actually is would be untrustworthy. He has uttered, reiterated, doubled-down on and stood behind so many of his own lies that I think he may actually believe him. To a thinking person, how he says what he says is absolutely not as important as what he actually says. But his supporters don't think, they don't check facts, and when the truth is given to them they refuse to accept it. The only thing believable about Donald J. Trump is that he is a liar and you can't believe anything he says.
4. He has either picked the very and most important issues of the campaign or has created them: Illegal immigration, China Trade Policy, protecting the Second Amendment, caring for our wounded veterans, expanding the economy. He leads in ALL those categories, and in all polls he has the highest numbers of all the candidates in the category of leadership.
Actually, he's picked not the important issues but the issues he knows will fire people up - ones that radicalized right-wing extremists have been tub-thumping on about for years. Trump may lead in all of those categories, but he didn't pick them because he knows (or cares) anything about them, and I rather doubt he picked them himself. I think it's more likely his strategy team picked them and told him "Here are the hot-button issues for radical fanatics who don't check facts. GO!"
5. He has not run away from the media. He has gone on every TV and radio show possible, allowed himself to be poked fun at and ridiculed. He has become such a media darling that they have to have him because of the ratings. For that reason, the media has become Trump's bitch. Oh, and during his rallies he continues to refer to the media as dishonest. That resonates. He is now immune from the left wing media, AND the Conservative establishment media.
He definitely runs to the media because again, it's marketing and manipulation. If Trump knows anything, it's about branding. He's running on a brand, not real issues or any ability to do anything about them or with any real knowledge of them. And of course, he refers to the media as dishonest while being one of the most dishonest people on the face of the planet.
6. He is the most powerful figure in this race. His eight billion dollar company and his association with world leaders and political donors has given him more power than any candidate in the history of America.
Wait, wait. Political donors? But I thought Trump didn't NEED donors (which of course explains why there's not one but two "Donate" buttons on the first page of his website).
7. He has not made this race about ideology. This is driving the THE VIEW libs and the Rush Limbaughs batshit crazy. He has not made this about liberal versus conservative. Republicans ALWAYS lose that battle, mostly because they don't have the balls to follow up and because the media is in control. Trump has made this race about competency, and he has attacked Republicans as well as Democrats. And he was right. Both parties have sold us down the river.
He hasn't, you're correct. It's not Liberal v Conservative, Socialist v Capitalist. But oddly enough, what he's managed to pick up is the "batshit crazy" out there who are willing to blindly follow someone without thinking to check a single thing he says.
8. He claims to be self funding the race. And he has spent the least amount of money.
Trump says he's self-funding, but in fact he has
loaned his campaign $17 million, which his campaign can repay him up until the Republican National Convention. Out of his own pocket, he has GIVEN (not loaned) $250,000.00. And he's also taken $7.5 million dollars in individual donations from the general public.
He also reimburses his company for things like office space and his campaign headquarters at Trump Towers (in other words, he pays himself for renting his own space) through in-kind contributions from the campaign to the company.
His campaign uses TAG Air for Trump to fly from place to place. TAG Air is owned by Trump. So he pays himself to use his own company for airfare.
So yeah, he's self-funding by loaning himself money he'll pay himself back, paying himself for rent he pays, and collecting millions in small donations.