Except he has never said he would do that or really even hinted at it. He's talked more about religious liberty than he has religious oppression.
He was against allowing Muslims to build a Mosque in a place that was zoned for a church.
he hates black people
cruze is evil
You really think that about him? I think Cruz is actually very inspiring especially with his focus on returning the country to a constitution based focus along with strengthening our good American values. I was proud to vote for him yesterday and am praying that he continues to do well in the future primaries.
Did you ever play Celebrity Jeopardy?
May I add all of the FREE advertising he's getting, what with the haters talking about him; every single fucking day on their TV and Radio shows.
#3 is a lie. Trump is not believable.
9. Really stupid people, called "Trumptards." Notice that, aside from Texass, Trump is carrying the gutter states, such as Alabubba, Tennessee, Georgia, and a close win in Virginia.
If advertising mattered JEB would have it all sewn up...My closeted racist acquaintance.
There are a number of reasons I think that Ted Cruz is actually dangerous, and they all stem from the fact that he is an evangelical Christian ideologue, and he uses that to take strikes at the guarantees of freedom and equality that we are promised by the Constitution.
And he's the one who made me feel that way. He's said, publicly, that he believes the only way to save the US is by turning it into a Christian theocracy.
He associates with hate groups like the "American Family Association" (which is where he said the only way to save the US is to turn it into a Christian theocracy), and claims that Christianity and religious freedom are under attack while at the same time attacking the very document that guarantees religious freedom by saying that states don't have to recognize the Supreme Court's rulings about the constitutionality of hate-based discriminatory laws.
As to that Supreme Court ruling, he went to stand with Kim Davis, who was in clear violation of her Oath of Office and the Constitution in her refusal to abide by the Supreme Court's decision.
Look at the Planned Parenthood debacle, where the attempt to take PP down with lies backfired and saw the people trying it being charged.
Cruz stood with others who want to bring down PP based on edited videos and lies and, even when it was proven to be edited video and lies, stood by that. He was given the actual facts and chose to ignore them. Like any Tea Party candidate or member you'd care to name, fact does not shake belief for him. It's an amazing kind of insanity in and of itself. But so is Charles Manson, and I certainly wouldn't want him running for President, either.
Cruz talked about the "greatness" of Jesse Helms, a racist who supported Apartheid, did what he could to block the appointment of black judges and tried to keep Martin Luther King Jr. Day from being a national holiday. This is a man Cruz admires.
Of course, he's also responsible for the government shutdown which cost the US economy, according to Standard & Poors, $24 million.
Ted Cruz is a religious ideologue who is immune to facts and is only interested in ripping out those parts of the Constitution that do not fit his "Christian theocracy" ideal.
If I was forced at gunpoint to vote between him and the idiot Trump (who I think is dangerous for different reasons), I'd have to pick Trump because I think he's slightly less dangerous than Cruz.
Can you give more detail please
His focus is on a Christian America excluding all others he would govern, a religiously pularistic people needs a President whose focus is on all not just Christisns.You really think that about him? I think Cruz is actually very inspiring especially with his focus on returning the country to a constitution based focus along with strengthening our good American values. I was proud to vote for him yesterday and am praying that he continues to do well in the future primaries.
i wouldn't underestimate Trump. Trump has done the following to earn his front runner status. He has tapped into the mood of a large segment of the electorate. He has used the threat of a third party candidacy to roll up the GOP establishment. He has manipulated the large and fractured field of GOP contenders to his advantage.
The amazing thing is that Trump has done this with essentially only 35% of GOP voters. That should also be a cause for alarm in his campaign.
The electoral politics are becoming very interesting. Clinton will start of the general election campaigning with a substantial lead in electoral votes and Trump will be playing catchup.
That's a FUCKING LIE. He does very well with Hispanics, (at least in several states he has won) and it appears that 25 percent of blacks support him.In terms of popular vote things are real interesting. Trump has alienated virtually all ethnic minorities, around 30 % of the population.
Clinton will probably win 90% of those votes. Hillary does poorly with white males, around 35% of the population, so Trump will win around 70% of those votes making those two demographic a statistical wash.
So then it would appear that it will probably be the women of this nation who will determine who the next President will be. Given one of the candidates is a woman, I'd say Clinton has a size able advantage though by no means insurmountable.
if Trump were to win the general he'd have the same problem any populist has. He can't keep the promises he has made.
I agree, the battle will be over women votes. I don't know how that will play out, but it will be interesting to see. I can see why women might be offended by both candidates.
Trumptards know what I know, which is that the Donald supports abortion, higher taxes and spending, universal government healthcare, and generally speaking, nothing that they would claim to support. They admit he's not believable every time they explain how they are voting for him because he is an outsider who is fighting against the system in DC.
Short answer: He's against gay marriage
Short answer: He's against government funded abortions no matter what
Short answer: I'll never vote for a Christian who is honest about his Christianity.