How Disgusting Are Big Corporations?

In a sense, when you are not being paid by a company, they still own and control you. You are working for them for free.


You are an employee, selling your skills to your customer, your employer. You can leave at any time. Slavery is illegal in the United States.
Hello Nordberg,

Corporations want to be treated as people, but they treat real people as possessions.

If real people acted like corporations, their victims often seek court-mandated restraining orders.

Corporations ARE people. And people DO have court mandated restraining orders placed against them.
In no way do I understand the corporations are people concept.
Can a corporation exist without any people in it? No. Someone owns that corporation, or it is made up of several owners. The articles of incorporation are written by actual people. Filing them and paying the filing fees are actual people. Corporations cannot exist in a vacuum.
Except it gives the corporations and their execs undeserved powers that continue decade after decade.
Who are YOU to decide what is 'undeserved'? You are not the king.
They lobby and bribe for something.
If a government officer accepts such a bribe and passes laws to benefit that corporation as a result of that bribe, that is illegal. It should be treated as such.
The house and senate change and die off.
The lobbying and bribing continue.
The same thing applies.
Eventually, they slip in what they wanted all along.
At that moment, the government officer that 'slipped it in' is breaking the law.
That is what allowed Gramm to slip the Banking deregulation laws in which gave us a 2nd great depression to fight off.
No, the Fed did that one!
It takes people to form those legal structures. It takes people to run them. Even your own definition has 'people' in it. Those people have rights.

thats so stupid. it takes people to build a building, that doesn't mean buildings are people. you're smarter than this. I remember my neocon zealot phase. I was wrong then.
thats so stupid. it takes people to build a building, that doesn't mean buildings are people.
A very nice try, but a false equivalence. Buildings do not need people to be in them or even occupy them. Corporations do (or the corporation simply ceases to exist). Yes, it's still on the records, but with no further taxes being paid, etc., it won't be on the records long!
you're smarter than this. I remember my neocon zealot phase. I was wrong then.
Don't count me stupid just yet! :D I still welcome your counter-arguments!
A very nice try, but a false equivalence. Buildings do not need people to be in them or even occupy them. Corporations do (or the corporation simply ceases to exist). Yes, it's still on the records, but with no further taxes being paid, etc., it won't be on the records long!

Don't count me stupid just yet! :D I still welcome your counter-arguments!

you're still an idiot on this one dude. the false equivalence is corporation = person.