Woke is merely asking people to be aware of how their actions and their advantages sometimes come at the expense of others. And that many of us who find ourselves to be comfortable in life with lots of expendable cash and comfort may have been given a gift by generations before which came at the expense of others who have less.
Woke is being aware that that career advancement that brown person down the aisle from your cube got was NOT at YOUR expense, but rather because they were finally SEEN BY MANAGEMENT and their value could be appreciated.
Woke is being aware that the circumstances of your birth, even down to your zip code, largely define whether you have a comfortable life or one that is met with constant struggle to make enough money to survive.
Woke is just being awake.
The fact that you guys on the Right find these things UNBEARABLE is the biggest indictment here. Learn. Do better. BE better.
These are the words of 'Sundance', of which I have slightly modified:
The fear behind libtardism is the fear that someone else might withhold things (opportunities, money, whatever) from he/she/it, fear that if someone lives one's life in a way that he/she/it dislikes, then it might affect he/she/it's life, fear that if someone else gets a job, then there are less jobs left for he/she/it. Fear that if someone makes a ton of money, then there’s less money out there for he/she/it. So people who believe in libtard ideologies seek control as a means of trying to create guarantees and safeguards against those circumstances that they fear.
Libtards try to control the world, and the people within it, to enable their comfort and happiness, which is obviously an endless quest. Trying to control others does nothing in the way of making oneself happy. By extension, voting in this mindset, so that government can try to control others, will also – shocking –
not lead to a happier, more comfortable life.
The conservative tends to be more faithful – and not necessarily in God, but in the ability of the individual to find great strength in himself (or from his God) to get what he needs and to be successful. Therefore the conservative has an outlet for his fear and disappointment – trust and faith in something bigger.
The libtard believes that "the system" must be perfected in order to enable success. Therefore, disappointment is channeled as anger and blame at the system. Voids are left to be filled by faith in the government, which libtards always want to come in and “fix” things.
For the conservative, when life presents great struggles, he knows that he has the power to surmount them. Happiness stems from internal strength and perseverance. For the libtard, when life presents great struggles, the system failed, therefore he was at the mercy of a faulty system, and he believes that only when the system is fixed can his life improve. Happiness, in his mind, is built on systemic contingencies, which he then seeks to control or expects someone else to control.
One blames himself. The other blames anyone and everyone but himself.
And there it is. There’s where the meanness comes from. Libtard ideology causes said libtard to cast anger at the world when things go wrong or appear “unfair.” He constantly chooses only to see the “injustices” – and that makes for a very miserable, mean, blame-casting existence.