How do you turn a liberal into a Conservative?


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Easy, just send them busloads of illegals like how Gov. DeSantis shipped illegal immigrants to heavily liberal Martha's Vineyard in Taxachusetts, or as Gov Abbott did by shipping illegals to blue cities.

While I don't expect liberals will see just how hypocritical they are on this illegal immigrant issue, I do expect that there might be one or two
libs that may just smarten up to at least consider coming over to the sane America First Republican Party.
Easy, just send them busloads of illegals like how Gov. DeSantis shipped illegal immigrants to heavily liberal Martha's Vineyard in Taxachusetts, or as Gov Abbott did by shipping illegals to blue cities.

While I don't expect liberals will see just how hypocritical they are on this illegal immigrant issue, I do expect that there might be one or two
libs that may just smarten up to at least consider coming over to the sane America First Republican Party.
It's not likely. Leftism is a mental disorder. It would be like hoping a person with schizophrenia will wake up one day and decide they don't have schizophrenia. Leftism is a serious abnormality that steals from the sufferer the ability to think independently and logically. The disorder is characterized by poor reality testing, perpetually offense and the presence of persistent delusional thoughts that everyone who isn't a leftist is an anti- "democracy" fascist. The disorder is chronic, incurable and in the final stages the person is indistinguishable from someone with syphilis of the brain.
Easy, just send them busloads of illegals like how Gov. DeSantis shipped illegal immigrants to heavily liberal Martha's Vineyard in Taxachusetts, or as Gov Abbott did by shipping illegals to blue cities.

While I don't expect liberals will see just how hypocritical they are on this illegal immigrant issue, I do expect that there might be one or two
libs that may just smarten up to at least consider coming over to the sane America First Republican Party.
You are a fascist. You hate the US.
America's economy needs immigrants. Around the world established countries are getting an influx of immigrants fleeing lands that our corporations and armies have looted and destroyed. It is easy to call them all criminals and scare the people into hating them. These strangers are after what we have. They want peace and opportunity.
It's not likely. Leftism is a mental disorder. It would be like hoping a person with schizophrenia will wake up one day and decide they don't have schizophrenia. Leftism is a serious abnormality that steals from the sufferer the ability to think independently and logically. The disorder is characterized by poor reality testing, perpetually offense and the presence of persistent delusional thoughts that everyone who isn't a leftist is an anti- "democracy" fascist. The disorder is chronic, incurable and in the final stages the person is indistinguishable from someone with syphilis of the brain.

A loser's putdown.
Easy, just send them busloads of illegals like how Gov. DeSantis shipped illegal immigrants to heavily liberal Martha's Vineyard in Taxachusetts, or as Gov Abbott did by shipping illegals to blue cities.

While I don't expect liberals will see just how hypocritical they are on this illegal immigrant issue, I do expect that there might be one or two
libs that may just smarten up to at least consider coming over to the sane America First Republican Party.
tell them that you're bringing back debtor's prisons and killing the useless eaters.
What I may or may not be doesn't change the fact that leftism is a mental disorder. We see this all the time with you people. It's pointed out to you that you're brain damaged and you say, "You're a loser" as if that changes the facts. As I said, you people have no reality testing.
Perhaps I should repost the study that clearly shows that young white liberal women and white liberal men have a huge
rating as having severe mental problems. I'll let the mentally disturbed libs at this forum decide if they want me to repost
that study.
They are useful idiots for every group that feels "victimized".
It sure looks like the entire democrat party feels hurt and victimized that their hatred for American
values and for America are not being taken seriously by the majority of Americans. By the way, have
you ever seen a liberal carrying or displaying the American flag? I sure haven't.