How do you turn a liberal into a Conservative?

Lady, I despise everything I know about you! Basically, for the danger people like you pose for the rest of us. YOU INTEND HARM ON OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN SELF INTERESTS AND YOU PERSONALLY TAKE PLEASURE IN THAT!

All I need to know about you is that you want a hateful dictator to lead you and force his criminal, racist, and misogynist ANTI-AMERICAN ways on everyone else. And you are just too stupid to understand that Donald Trump is just using you as a convenient idiot to seek power and riches for himself- AND YOU ARE A THREAT TO THE WELL-BEING AND HUMAN RIGHTS OF OTHERS!

You are on the wrong side of every issue our nation faces right now.
You are an evil hate-filled lizard.
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They seem so ecstatic about killing conservatives. But neither has the balls to face one of us one on one. They're cowards.
If they want to take a shot at one of us, they best not miss. The report from their own gun will be the last thing they ever hear.
A rough talking rube who was too cowardly to actually join the military :chicken::crybaby:
They seem so ecstatic about killing conservatives. But neither has the balls to face one of us one on one. They're cowards.
If they want to take a shot at one of us, they best not miss. The report from their own gun will be the last thing they ever hear.
You're the sawed off little runt mama's boy who needs to hide behind a gun.

I don't even own one.

Besides, I even wouldn't need one to face the likes of you.
Every Trump voter should receive a complimentary, unregulated, untraceable bullet in the head, delivered by some criminal punk thug who was able to get their hands on a gun, in appreciation of the lax gun laws they and their assholes in government kiss the NRA's ass with.

Yet another example of a Democrat calling for civil war.

You WILL lose, Sybil.
Nah. That's YOU, Lizard.
YOU are the one supporting Biden and all that he does.
I am very proud of Joe Biden, and he has my full support.

On the other hand, I am very ashamed of Donald Trump and you idiots that kiss his ass and have such an insatiable appetite for him and his malevolent ways! What a bunch of idiots, suckers, and fools! :laugh:

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I am very proud of Joe Biden, and he has my full support.
So you support The Oligarchy. You support a man that has committed four acts of treason (so far).
On the other hand, I am very ashamed of Donald Trump and you idiots that kiss his ass and have such an insatiable appetite for him and his malevolent ways! What a bunch of idiots, suckers, and fools! :laugh:

What 'malevolent ways', Lizard?