How do you turn a liberal into a Conservative?

America's economy needs immigrants.
No, it doesn't.
Around the world established countries are getting an influx of immigrants fleeing lands that our corporations and armies have looted and destroyed.
What land has corporations or the US army destroyed?
It is easy to call them all criminals and scare the people into hating them.
Illegal immigration is a criminal offense. They are criminals.
These strangers are after what we have. They want peace and opportunity.
No, they don't. They were criminals in their own country, and those countries dumped those criminals on the United States. Acts they were in prison for include rape, assault, murder, and gang affiliation.

Now Biden puts them up in fancy hotels, builds free housing for them (and not cheap housing either!), gives them money, cell phones, free medical care, etc.; all while citizens are struggling to get by due to Biden's inflation (currently 34% since he was installed). Source: Federal Reserve.
When a Governor ships undocumented immigrants to another state- it is a sign of reckless irresponsibility.
Biden's. It is Biden that invited invasion of the United States. That's an act of treason, Lizard.
The TRUTH is Governor DeSantis and Abbott are actually breaking the law by Trafficking humans!
DeSantis and Abbot are not Joe Biden. Both DeSantis and Abbot are trying to close the border, Lizard.
When a Governor ships undocumented immigrants to another state- it is a sign of reckless irresponsibility.

The TRUTH is Governor DeSantis and Abbott are actually breaking the law by Trafficking humans!
Didn't Joe's app allow 320,000 to be directly transported into the country..using our money?
She's a drunk
She is just a typical Trumptard that is trying to intentionally lie, deny, and defy the obvious for her own hateful malevolent self-interests!

If you will notice, TRUMPTARDS are no different than Donald Trump!

As every human social flaw that Donald Trump has personally, SO DOES THE TRUMPTARD share.

These people are sociopaths and habitual liars and mental cases, and they know their only power comes in numbers.

Remember that the truth and reality are their natural enemies, as they cannot win elections or gain power with using the truth or reality- SO THEY HAVE NO USE FOR THE TRUTH OR REALITY!

TRUMPTARDISM is the plague that is destroying the American way, Democracy, and the well-being of the people so they can force their evil, selfish, and racist ways on the PEOPLE!

This is why the election is so important! The only way to stop them is with your vote!
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She is just a typical Trumptard that is trying to intentionally lie, deny, and defy the obvious for her own hateful malevolent self-interests!

If you will notice, TRUMPTARDS are no different than Donald Trump!

As every human social flaw that Donald Trump has personally, SO DOES THE TRUMPTARD share.

These people are sociopaths and habitual liars and mental cases.

Remember that the truth and reality are their natural enemies, as they cannot win elections or gain power with using the truth or reality!

TRUMPTARDISM is the plague that is destroying the American way, Democracy, and the well-being of the people so they can force their evil and racist ways on the PEOPLE!
Democracy is not the American way. The United States was never a democracy.
The evil and racism is from YOU. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else, Lizard.
Mantra 1d. Inversion fallacy.
She is just a typical Trumptard that is trying to intentionally lie, deny, and defy the obvious for her own hateful malevolent self-interests!

If you will notice, TRUMPTARDS are no different than Donald Trump!

As every human social flaw that Donald Trump has personally, SO DOES THE TRUMPTARD share.

These people are sociopaths and habitual liars and mental cases.

Remember that the truth and reality are their natural enemies, as they cannot win elections or gain power with using the truth or reality!

TRUMPTARDISM is the plague that is destroying the American way, Democracy, and the well-being of the people so they can force their evil and racist ways on the PEOPLE!
I'm happy to see that you appreciate my honesty... Thanks for that...perhaps you're really not a mad, bad lizard after all...;)
I'm happy to see that you appreciate my honesty... Thanks for that...perhaps you're really not a mad, bad lizard after all...;)
Lady, I despise everything I know about you! Basically, for the danger people like you pose for the rest of us. YOU INTEND HARM ON OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN SELF INTERESTS AND YOU PERSONALLY TAKE PLEASURE IN THAT!

All I need to know about you is that you want a hateful dictator to lead you and force his criminal, racist, and misogynist ANTI-AMERICAN ways on everyone else. And you are just too stupid to understand that Donald Trump is just using you as a convenient idiot to seek power and riches for himself- AND YOU ARE A THREAT TO THE WELL-BEING AND HUMAN RIGHTS OF OTHERS!

You are on the wrong side of every issue our nation faces right now.
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Every Trump voter should receive a complimentary, unregulated, untraceable bullet in the head, delivered by some criminal punk thug who was able to get their hands on a gun, in appreciation of the lax gun laws they and their assholes in government kiss the NRA's ass with.

Every Trump voter should receive a complimentary, unregulated, untraceable bullet in the head, delivered by some criminal punk thug who was able to get their hands on a gun, in appreciation of the lax gun laws they and their assholes in government kiss the NRA's ass with.

You and Mr. Tiny Penis are big on killing every Republican. How inclucive of you assholes.