How dumb does one have to be to think trump is a successful businessman

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
You are right. Hillary blew Trump off by 3 million votes. Some ancient useless rule gave him an anti-democratic presidency.

There were only 538 votes available, so your multi million vote tally is not relevant to who won the Oval office.

The ancient useless rules is the Constitution.
How does anyone bankrupt 3 casinos and call himself a good businessman? Every other casino is still there making money. He has no real product other than his name. After the casinos, the banks could have sent him out flat broke. But they saw his name as an asset on apartments and hotels. So they kept hiim alive and even allowed him to have a management company . Then he got Russian money. He bought golf courses, which are losing money. But he does not need it. The money is still available.
How does anyone bankrupt 3 casinos and call himself a good businessman? Every other casino is still there making money. He has no real product other than his name. After the casinos, the banks could have sent him out flat broke. But they saw his name as an asset on apartments and hotels. So they kept hiim alive and even allowed him to have a management company . Then he got Russian money. He bought golf courses, which are losing money. But he does not need it. The money is still available.

Lefties are pissed because Trump not only kicked Hillary's ass 306 to 232, he also financed his own campaign with his own success.
3 million more votes for Hillary . She whipped his ass in Democracy.

Maybe she did not understand that she was engaged in a presidential election? All she had to do was to grab 270 votes to win, so why the hell was she grabbing up millions of votes that wouldn't even help her?
Maybe she did not understand that she was engaged in a presidential election? All she had to do was to grab 270 votes to win, so why the hell was she grabbing up millions of votes that wouldn't even help her?

So her 66 million voted did not help her? I did not know that.