How dumb does one have to be to think trump is a successful businessman

New York society laughs at him...mocks him.

He is a pretender. Only the stupid buy into his shit.
All of that, and he ended up with billion's of net worth, a private plane with a famous bed for the ladies to visit, lots of loot to pay off hookers, hotels all around the world with his name on em, married to the most beautiful first lady ever, created the best economy in many decades, highest GDP numbers in decades, lowest unemployment numbers ever, lowest unemployment numbers ever for blacks, Latinos, and women. Show me a man that never failed at anything, and I'll show you a man that never did anything!

Nah. There's no credible evidence that he's actually a billionaire. It's a meme he created to fool suckers and rubes.

And, as you so amply demonstrate, it's working.

They Idolize Con-Men ... :rolleyes: and Demonize Inelegance
But America isn't a Democracy! America is a Constitutional Republic!

Wow, you figured it out. But we call it a Democracy. We say we believe the majority wins. But not true is it. A guy like Trump can get a victory while losing the vote of the people. Sad isn't it?
Because the bankers made him solvent and the Russians may have made him rich again. It would be so easy to prove. Just show his taxes. He certainly has identified with the wealthy even as they pushed him away.

and yet you're stuck having to prove it without to be a mindless lib'rul cunt, doesn't it.......
His taxes are being subpoenaed. They are coming out so your fantasy will be wrong again. Those are things that are alien to you. They are called facts.

Make sure Rachael Maddow gets to see em first! The boygirl gives Trump the gifts that keep on giving!!!!!
Make sure Rachael Maddow gets to see em first! The boygirl gives Trump the gifts that keep on giving!!!!!

It will be the house that gets to see them first. That is the gift that stops giving. The Repubs could block it before, but not now. The house can actually do its job. All fair-minded Americans should be happy for that. To you idiots, you think it will exonerate him. That should make you pleased to end it all. You should be praying for Trump to release his taxes. The fact that you aren't, proves you know better. He is a tax cheat ,a money launderer and a thief. Every objection and protest you register proves what you guys fear and suspect.
Trump’s net worth is 3.1 billion. He must be doing something right.
Why are liberals jealous of what others have and feel there should be sharing.

Nobody knows his net worth. If you had done a scrap of homework you would know Trump is obsessed with appearing to be super wealthy.He sued when he did not make fortune 400. He is an immature person who cares about appearances far more than substance. He is a superficial and vain man who demands adoration. You guys are providing it on a level he never had before. I feel no jealosly toward him. I just want the truth. His taxes will tell us so much . Must be a reason he is hiding them. Can you think of one?...or 2 or 3.
Clintons are rich and showed taxes. Romney showed them. Every single presidential candidate but one showed them. Can you think of who that was? You would have raised hell if anyone else did not show them.[/IMG]

Estimated net worth of $3.1 billion on Forbes's list of the world's billionaires
The Trump Organization is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump, the current U.S. President, is the sole or principal owner.
Trump owns a Boeing 757-200; a Cessna Citation X corporate jet; two Sikorsky S-76B helicopter

Trump is also the President of the United States.

YOU? You're a whiny, low IQ loser sitting on the internet claiming Trump isn't successful. You look stupid.

Nobody knows his net worth. If you had done a scrap of homework you would know Trump is obsessed with appearing to be super wealthy.He sued when he did not make fortune 400. He is an immature person who cares about appearances far more than substance. He is a superficial and vain man who demands adoration. You guys are providing it on a level he never had before. I feel no jealosly toward him. I just want the truth. His taxes will tell us so much . Must be a reason he is hiding them. Can you think of one?...or 2 or 3.
Clintons are rich and showed taxes. Romney showed them. Every single presidential candidate but one showed them. Can you think of who that was? You would have raised hell if anyone else did not show them.

You are such a loser, yes you are jealous of anyone who is better off than you.
The liberal way is to take from those that are successful.
You are the asshole that wants to benefit from someone else’s success.
Trump's dad was a very successful slum lord who amassed billions while discriminating against minorities. He tried to save Donald from his bankruptcies, even buying millions of dollars in casino chips and not using them to help Daffy's bottom line. Even that, could not save Daffy's casinos. He gave his son over half a billion dollars, yet Daffy still went bankrupt over and over.
It is so easy for him to prove his expertise and to show he is not doing financial crimes. Just release his taxes. Every other presidential candidate did it the last 50 years.
No candidate has been involved with the shady bankers and oligarchs like Trump has. He should be happy to show the Americans he is clean. He has the most to achieve. He could end all the questions . He said he would release his taxes. But there must be some reason he did not. Can you think of any? I can.
Exactly how will Trump releasing his taxes make money for me? How would that take anything away from him? You are as usual, making no sense.
I ,on a personal level, would get nothing. However the country would have more information about who our crooked president was dealing with. That information is what the people deserve.
Trump has an opportunity to show how honest he is and to immediately stop the critics. Yet he does not.
Trump said he would release his taxes because he figured he was not going to win. When he did, it was time to put up. He instead hid them.