So her 66 million voted did not help her? I did not know that.
It only takes 270 to win.
So her 66 million voted did not help her? I did not know that.
So her 66 million voted did not help her? I did not know that.
3 million more votes for Hillary . She whipped his ass in Democracy.
3 years ago
and 2018?
I guess to your kind losing by 3 million votes is a success.
306 votes is ass kicking success. Trump only needed 270 to win, and Hillary was only able to round up a shameful 232.
Trump kicked Hillary's ass, 306 to 232!
I guess to your kind losing by 3 million votes is a success.
How does anyone bankrupt 3 casinos and call himself a good businessman? Every other casino is still there making money. He has no real product other than his name. After the casinos, the banks could have sent him out flat broke. But they saw his name as an asset on apartments and hotels. So they kept hiim alive and even allowed him to have a management company . Then he got Russian money. He bought golf courses, which are losing money. But he does not need it. The money is still available.
It was one of the closest Electoral College wins ever.
Of the 58 elections...only 12 were closer. 45 were greater. So the notion of a "kick ass win" is as phony as the "greatest crowds ever" bullshit.
You are a lefty, so how are you able to see the ec vote?
3 million more votes for Hillary . She whipped his ass in Democracy.
But America isn't a Democracy! America is a Constitutional Republic!
if Trump isn't rich why do you idiots keep claiming his tax cuts only benefit himself and other rich people?.......