How dumb does one have to be to think trump is a successful businessman

All of that, and he ended up with billion's of net worth, a private plane with a famous bed for the ladies to visit, lots of loot to pay off hookers, hotels all around the world with his name on em, married to the most beautiful first lady ever, created the best economy in many decades, highest GDP numbers in decades, lowest unemployment numbers ever, lowest unemployment numbers ever for blacks, Latinos, and women. Show me a man that never failed at anything, and I'll show you a man that never did anything!

Liberals are incapable of comprehending the bold part; they would have had to have done something. ;)
Nothing quite as enjoyable as watching someone you have on ignore desperately and compulsively post to you

Reminds me of CFM and his addiction to black cock.
Wow, you figured it out. But we call it a Democracy. We say we believe the majority wins. But not true is it.

Who says this other than low IQ, uneducated morons like you?

A guy like Trump can get a victory while losing the vote of the people. Sad isn't it?

Not sad at all; it is BRILLIANT and if you had a brain you could comprehend the genius in our founders thinking. They did not want a couple of high population states dictating the Presidency in perpetuity and no giving smaller states equal representation.

Of course morons like you prefer a Fascistic third world shit hole dominated by low IQ liberals. How stupid are you? That was rhetorical.
Nothing quite as enjoyable as watching someone you have on ignore desperately and compulsively post to you

Not nearly as enjoyable as pointing at your dumb ass and laughing knowing I don't have to wallow in the endless circle of stupidity with you. :laugh:

Nothing quite as enjoyable as watching someone you have on ignore desperately and compulsively post to you

Reminds me of CFM and his addiction to black cock.
Trump multiplied the size of his father's business. Who is to say his son won't do the same? If expansion isn't success then I don't know what is.