How Feds control this country?

924. The Feds(FBI and DEA) controlled media manipulate this election campaign (9/29/2016)

In #912 and #920, I talked of how the Feds(FBI and DEA) control the media to help their candidate Trump. The academic study found this too.

Harvard Study Confirms The Media Tore Down Clinton, Built Up Trump And Sanders

by Carter Maness June 16, 2016

It’s no secret that, from the moment she announced her candidacy back in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has been bludgeoned by negative media coverage. The email server; the Wall Street speaking fees; the attacks from both Trump and Sanders. I’ve debated with people who legitimately fear she will be imprisoned before the election.
Some, despite the venomous dismissal of my rolling eyes, have called her a murderer. Others: an old woman, a plutocrat, a crook, abused by her husband, no backbone to speak of. But if you’ve suspected that there’s a reason people are saying these things—perhaps parroting disproportionately negative stories they’ve consumed in the media over the past year-and-a-half—it turns out you’re right.

A new report released this week by Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy found Clinton has received far more negative coverage than any other candidate in the race thus far. The study was based on an analysis of news statements from CBS, Fox, the Los Angeles Times, NBC, the New York Times, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.

The same phenomenon appears in public media too. The internet sites are full of negative posts and pictures of Hillary Clinton. It is accordant to my conclusion that the Feds(FBI and DEA) activated a propaganda movement in internet with their resource - S.S.G.. We should know, the Feds have developed informants everywhere in society. They turn US into a covert totalitarian country.

925. US avoided a D-DAY (10/11/2016)

My wife and my daughter had a trip to North Europe from 9/23 to 10/2. I think it was arranged by the feds(FBI and DEA). To my experience, it used to be arranged with murder plot. (Both on me and my relatives) Also if the murder plot had been successful, there would be big events taking place to distract public's attention from a small killing case in California. On 6/11/2001, they used the execution of McVeigh as distraction.

So when on 9/25 there was a warning of D-day (9/30) - two days before my wife's returning, I naturally thought of that could be the distraction of the plot. I wrote about it in #923 on 9/25.

Friday, September 30th, 2016:

On Friday, September 30th...
a new kind of "world money" goes live.

The D-DAY big financial collapse didn't happen because the Feds failed to murder me at that time. I still would say my perspective is very correct.

Two news prove it.

Financial Hell might break loose tomorrow. Congress OVER-RIDES Obama Veto of Saudi Arabia Lawsuit Bill! Saudis may retaliate by pulling Billions out of Markets and Billions more out of Banks.

Post by Newsroom - Sep 28, 2016

Saudi Arabia made clear that if this Bill was passed, it would withdraw what they claimed would be seven-hundred and fifty BILLION dollars of assets that the Kingdom has in the United States, so as to protect those assets from being seized under the lawsuit provisions.

U.S. Congress passes funding bill; averts government shutdown

Reuters September 28, 2016

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved and sent to President Barack Obama legislation preventing government shutdowns at the end of this week by temporarily funding federal agencies through Dec. 9.

Watch the date of these two news. If the Congress had not passed the funding bill and Saudi dumped US treasury. Then the D-DAY would have become true.
926. The Feds behind Trump (10/14/2016)

Though Donald Trump becomes notorious amid the revelation of his scandals, that won't prevent him to get the president seat. Because he is the candidate of the Feds(FBI and DEA).

We can see it from those aspects.

1. Large scale operation of informants group.

Trump's supporters appears everywhere to rally for him. Especially in internet sites. They attack Clinton with deformed pictures,disinformation .... all accordant to the behaves of S.S.G.(Special Support Group). No one except the Feds controls such kind of group - informants, shills. I talked about this in #901.

2. The media and poll organization Manipulation.

Media and poll are important tools for the election. I found they were controlled by the Feds. (see #884, the Feds guaranteed Chinese secret police they could censor the news) In this campaign, most news about Clinton were negative. Though Clinton spent a lot of money on media for ad, for most time the poll rate tied or conflict each other. A Trump supporter had found this phenomenon too and asked:"Is Money no longer king of the Presidential election?"

A Harvard study proves this. (see#912,920, 924)

3. Email is a tool used by the Feds to blackmail and extort. They had forced the CIA Director Patraeus to resign by his private email. (see 747-751.

So be this time.

4. Julian Assange and Wikileaks are the false flag used by the Feds.
Wikileaks was originally used for Internet censorship and seizure.


By Patrick Henningsen -21st Century Wire
August 25, 2011

Whether or not you believe that Wikileaks and Julian Assange are functionaries of Washington’s sophisticated intelligence web, what is clearly undeniable is that the existence of the document dumping site is being used by the State to end internet privacy, and place restrictions on free speech, the availability of public domain information, and to legally prosecute users of certain websites.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: ‘We have more material related to the Hillary Clinton campaign’. That's an open intimidation.

The trace of the mastermind behind the curtain is evident.

927. A thief crying "Stop thief"(10/25/2016)

Donald Trump said the election is rigged. He knew it because he is a member of that rigging group. Yes, the US is a corrupt country. The election is not out of voters' selection. It depends on who counts the ballot.
The tactic the rigger used in US is to divide the voting area into two colors - red and blue. They say most states are deep blue or deep red, the voting result are used to remain unchangable. So the election depends just on several swing states. In another word, it gives convenience to the riggers. Who controls several vote counting offices can control the result of election. Of course, include the control of high ranking officials of the state who can decide on re-counting.

Who has the ability to control those government offices and politicians? The FBI.

The Election Has Already Been Decided


People get very emotional about major elections, particularly when it comes to how elections impact their money. Yet the scary reality of our modern political system is, your vote doesn’t matter when it comes to who’s really in power. While there are many systemic problems in banking, taxation, trade and monetary policy, none of these systemic problems changes in any meaningfully way by who controls the House, Senate or Presidency.

Regardless of changes in party power, politicians don’t hold the REAL power in Washington. No, the sad fact is, the election has already been decided. And the winner is the banking industry, at the command of the Fed. The Republicans & Democrats have done nothing in a generation to stop the Fed & banking industry from launching us off the fiscal cliff. And neither will Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.


The winner of this rigged election will be Donald Trump. I predict. Even new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows Clinton with a 12-point lead over Trump among likely-voters. According to the most recent CNN Poll of Polls, which averages the results from the four most recent publicly released national polls, Clinton leads Trump by 8-points among likely voters.(Yahoo news)

928. The FBI shows its true face (10/28/2016)

Though the media show Clinton has a two digital leading, Trump says, 'I actually think we're winning' He
rejects polls as inaccurate: ‘All the fair polls have us winning’. He is arbitrary. What makes Trump so confident? Because he knows he is candidate of the FBI. They are the ruler of U.S.

To support Trump's campaign, FBI made its first-ever political bias.

Ex-FBI Asst Director Makes First-Ever Political Endorsement for Trump With Emotional Plea to America


With the election only a few weeks out, James Kallstrom, the former Assistant Director of the FBI, has decided to endorse Trump.

In an interview on Fox News, Kallstrom started out by making it clear that he has a “low opinion of all politicians, except for a few.”

As I always said - email is a tool for FBI to extort:

FBI: New Clinton emails prompt further investigation


WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI informed Congress Friday it is investigating whether new emails that have emerged in its probe of Hillary Clinton's private server may contain classified information. The FBI said in July its investigation was finished.
929. Who has the motive to activate "terror attack"? (11/5/2016)

Feds warn NYC officials about possible al Qaeda attack

By Jamie Schram and Yaron Steinbuch November 4, 2016

New York City law enforcement authorities are on high alert after receiving a warning by the feds about a possible attack by al Qaeda on the eve of Election Day, sources said.

US intelligence officials alerted joint terrorism task forces of the threat, which also included Texas and Virginia — though specific sites targeted for Monday in the three states were not mentioned, a federal source told The Post.

Does Al Qaeda interest in US election? Think with your brain. Obviously, someone planned "terror attack" if the election result is not in their favorite. Consider 9/11 attack was activated for Mid-East war and domestic police power(Patriot Act), the "terror attack" is their weapon to grab more power.

It's very clear now that Trump is the FBI's candidate. Email is a tool used by the Feds to extort people. When Assange and Wikileaks were viewed as false flags by public, the FBI quickly found a substitude. After all, they have informants everywhere, especially around politicians. Hillary Clinton is an important politician. Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, could be informant of the FBI, or both are. Those informants could be used as key witness in big case.

When Leuwinsky scandal happened and Linda Trip said in her speech,"I am you, American." I couldn't help to laugh. She thought many people were the same as her. She is right. In this country, informant are vastly used by Federal law enforcement agency.

930. FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers".

BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes
Posted on November 4, 2016

Apparently, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.
waste of time reading his screed.

Why are you here to waste your time? Try to show others your real I.D. - an internet shill?

That's how the Feds control this country and how Trump was elected.

Donald Trump is a candidate of the Feds.(1) (4/30/2016)

I say so because in this campaign there is a lot of comedy show done by S.S.G..

Those rallies, either for trump or against him, have the purpose to raise his popularity.

What is S.S.G.?

" The FBI Special Support Group , or SSG (They're nicknamed G's), supposedly does much of the routine work for the Bureau, leaving the FBI agents themselves free to pursue more important matters. ...

They usually work part-time, and earn about $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 per year or more. The FBI doesn't advertise the existence of the SSG, but it's no big secret either. The reality of the Special Support Group is much different than the "released" information. SSG teams regularly harass and even menace people on the FBI's Black List. ...

The FBI calls this harassment "dangling," and they do it on a regular basis to people who frequently have committed no offense other than to have drawn the ire of the Bureau. Many SSG's are of the lowest caliber of human life, especially those chosen for excessive harassment of innocent citizens. Far too often SSG teams consist of bullies, perverts, racists and ex-convicts and other dregs whose sole purpose is to drive people crazy and ruin their lives. If one of their victims snaps and tears one of them up, the bloodied G will press charges, perjure himself if confronted with his FBI affiliation, and the victim is locked up. Mission accomplished. That's one reason why the FBI is not very open about the SSG. This is just one of the many questionable and outright illegal activities that the FBI uses our tax dollars for. The very people sworn to uphold our Civil Rights are perhaps the most flagrant violators. If you attend a protest rally, or otherwise call attention to yourself, don't be surprised if you start seeing the same bizarre group of people showing up everywhere you go, bothering you and behaving like psychotic clowns."

Of course, Donald Trump himself is a S.S.G. - a high ranking one.

He is chosen because something big will happen. No big group (Democratic Party or Republican Party ) wants to take the responsibility. A clown would easily do that job.
Why are you here to waste your time? Try to show others your real I.D. - an internet shill?

That's how the Feds control this country and how Trump was elected.

Donald Trump is a candidate of the Feds.(1) (4/30/2016)

I say so because in this campaign there is a lot of comedy show done by S.S.G..

Those rallies, either for trump or against him, have the purpose to raise his popularity.

What is S.S.G.?

" The FBI Special Support Group , or SSG (They're nicknamed G's), supposedly does much of the routine work for the Bureau, leaving the FBI agents themselves free to pursue more important matters. ...

They usually work part-time, and earn about $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 per year or more. The FBI doesn't advertise the existence of the SSG, but it's no big secret either. The reality of the Special Support Group is much different than the "released" information. SSG teams regularly harass and even menace people on the FBI's Black List. ...

The FBI calls this harassment "dangling," and they do it on a regular basis to people who frequently have committed no offense other than to have drawn the ire of the Bureau. Many SSG's are of the lowest caliber of human life, especially those chosen for excessive harassment of innocent citizens. Far too often SSG teams consist of bullies, perverts, racists and ex-convicts and other dregs whose sole purpose is to drive people crazy and ruin their lives. If one of their victims snaps and tears one of them up, the bloodied G will press charges, perjure himself if confronted with his FBI affiliation, and the victim is locked up. Mission accomplished. That's one reason why the FBI is not very open about the SSG. This is just one of the many questionable and outright illegal activities that the FBI uses our tax dollars for. The very people sworn to uphold our Civil Rights are perhaps the most flagrant violators. If you attend a protest rally, or otherwise call attention to yourself, don't be surprised if you start seeing the same bizarre group of people showing up everywhere you go, bothering you and behaving like psychotic clowns."

Of course, Donald Trump himself is a S.S.G. - a high ranking one.

He is chosen because something big will happen. No big group (Democratic Party or Republican Party ) wants to take the responsibility. A clown would easily do that job.

ok, ok. :igive:
This country is controlled by the Feds (the FBI). They controlled the media so in 2016 election, their candidate Donald Trump got a free service from media.

The Feds also activated its informant team (S.S.G.) to discredit Clinton in Internet to create an atmosphere that Hillary was disliked. That's how they manipulate an election.
Trump is supported by the Feds. He stole the President seat by rigged election and fake poll. But they couldn't rig the business because that will cost a lot of money. This story proves how unpopular Trump is and false the system (election and media) is.

How Trump's brands fade away

Zane Anthony, Kathryn Sanders and David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post 4/13/2018

Before he ran for office, Donald Trump made millions by selling his name to adorn other people's products. There was Trump deodorant. Trump ties. Trump steaks. Trump underwear. Trump furniture. At one time, there was even a Trump-branded urine test.

Now, almost all of them are gone.

940. The FBI interfere US president election (12/29/2016)

The FBI played an active role to interfere the US 2016 president election. It hit Democrate's nominee Hillary Clinton by email gate to help its candidate Donald Trump. The evident scene was in July 5 during Chilcot report. "FBI Director Comey potentially gave Clinton’s political rivals some ammunition, conceding there was "evidence of mishandling” classified information and that an FBI employee who did the same “would face consequences for this.”
The FBI didn't indict Clinton because they have no evidence that Clinton intended to do wrong with her email setup."( In fact, this is common for others. Powell had done samething. Why they beat the drum this time on Clinton? Because this time the FBI need a candidate of their own to handle a criminal case. So they determined to help Trump to win the election. This was also the time the Feds made a secret deal with Russian to hack Clinton's computer.

So then Trump started to call for Russian's help. Why not China? Because he knew they had a deal with Russia already.

Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

—JULY 27, 2016

What Russian had hacked? Maybe there was something important. Because in President Debate, Trump intimidated his rival hillary that he'd have special prosecutor and "you'd be in jail".

On 10/28, the FBI director Comey reopened Clintion email investigation, then dramatically dropped the investigation on 11/6. A powerful department of the nation so openly, actively interfere in president election is unprecedented.
941. Payment to Russia for hacking in US election (1/4/2017)

Of course, Russia won't do it for free. There must be a secret deal between the intelligence of the two countries. We outsiders can only see it from some facts.

The secret deal: Hacked email were handed to Wikileaks to issue to hit Hillary Clinton.

The payment of secret deal:

1. Aleppo falls (or "liberated" from Russia side) on 12/15. Resistance and civil withdraw from East Aleppo by bus. Five years fight ends. A big victory for Russia and its allies.

2. Economic interest.

Japan pledges 300 bil. yen economic package at Abe-Putin summit

December 17, 2016

The total value of Japan's contribution in investment and loans, including through agreements between private sector firms, is around 300 billion yen ($2.54 billion), Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kotaro Nogami said after the leaders' summit.

Putin dismissed the notion that he was only interested in getting economic benefits from Japan.

"If anyone thinks we’re interested only in developing economic links and a peace deal is of secondary importance, that’s not the case," he told the same news conference. That's all for the controversial islands. He went Japan just for those business deals.

You may say that's something between Russia and Japan. The Truth is Japan is the pocket slave of the US. If you still remember Trump claims credit for $50 billion investment by Japanese firm and 7 billion from a Taiwan firm. They were puppet nations that have to pay their defense share that Trump demands. Include that payment to Russia for the US sake.
942. How the FBI helps Donald Trump (1/11/2017)

Trump is the candidate of the FBI. He from the beginning knew the secret deal of email hacking between the FBI and Russian secret police.

Though Trump said hacking had ‘no effect on the outcome of the election’. He can not explain why he
Called on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference

The unusual friendship manifested in his tweet that Putin has been praised for many times as being smart and being admired and respected.

The fact that Russian were paid with war interest and economic interest after Trump being elected US president. (see #941)

The fact that Putin remains inaction after President Obama retaliating Russia's hacking with new sanction and diplomats' expelling. (Putin says he is waiting for Trump's administration.)

All these proved there was a secret deal that Russian hacked US in election to the order of Trump and his master.

Trump also was helped by the FBI in following fields.

1. S.S.G. rally. It's a nation wide informants net. A resource controlled by the Feds. (see #901)

2. Cyber space team, especially in face book. Combine with the fake news created by the disinformation office, they waged a wave in internet community to support Trump and tarnish Clinton.

3. Media. See #924. "Harvard Study Confirms The Media Tore Down Clinton, Built Up Trump And Sanders
by Carter Maness".
971. Secret deal behind Russian's email hacking (7/22/2017)

Trump called Russians to hack Clinton's emails. He says now he didn't know Russians hacking deal. What was his base to call Russian to hack Clinton's email? Idea dropped from the sky?

'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Of course, Russian wouldn't give a free service. Six months later, Aleppo fell. A first payment to Russia after Trump won the president campaign. Rebel retreated in order. That was an arranged deal.

Aleppo: Evacuations resume after buses set ablaze

CNN December 18, 20

As many as 9,000 people had been evacuated from eastern Aleppo in nine convoys on Thursday and Friday

The full deal is done one year later. Tillerson's words means "Now we fulfill the deal. Syria is yours".

US Secretary of State says 'Syria's fate is in Russian hands now'
The Independent• July 3, 2017

The US Secretary of State has reportedly told the United Nations Secretary General that he thinks the fate of Syria and its leader is now up to Russia.

Rex Tillerson held a private meeting with Antonio Guterres at the State Department when he said the US was limiting its mission to defeating terror group Isis, according to Foreign Policy.

Trump and Putin's Syria Ceasefire Effectively Lets Assad Off the Hook
Time July 10, 2017

Observers and former U.S. officials say the ceasefire deal effectively guarantees Assad’s regime remains in place, in spite of Trump administration rhetoric to the contrary.

Meanwhile, US had a missile attack on Syria in the name that Syria had a chemical weapon violation, that was a cover up operation of the secret deal.
943. Trump and coming economic crisis (1/18/2017)

I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on:

1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are secret from public.

2. Trump avoided to pay federal income tax for decades. He refuses to open his income to public. Such a big issue generally was neglected in election and he is elected president. Because otherwise there is a lot of secret property of the FBI would have been exposed under sunshine. Under secret operation, that topic has been omitted. The income of the FBI is free from tax.

3. Trump is arrogant, behaves like a dictator because he knows behind him is a terror power. So he was sure he would win the campaign - if not, "it was rigged", he intimidated his rival "you'd be in jail", he openly called for Russian's help to hack Clinton's email, such a fact is still a forbidden topic in recent Russian hacking debate, he blames media "fake news" if he dislikes it, he demands firms to move back to US in extorting style. All these are the characteristic of the FBI.

4. He can command the politicians, a power only the FBI has.
On Jan. 3, Without Warning or Public Input, House Republicans Vote to Dismantle Ethics Oversight Office
On same day, when Trump says no, so said representatives hurried to cancel their decision.
House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump

JANUARY 03, 2017

5. Why the FBI push out such an unqualified person to be US president? I think it relates to coming economic collapse. Everybody knows that Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate at least twice this year. It will poke off the real estate bubble. Trump is the man that runs the real estates property of the Feds.

Trump rooted for the housing bubble to burst


May 24, 2016 - If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money. ... economic crisis before playing audio of Trump in 2006 expressing desire to see the housing market crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump is heard saying in the ad.

6. In Kat Sung's elimination case, the Feds have accumulated a large quantity of houses. They made a lot of money by house trading to maintain their big plot. When a bubble breaks off, the houses they hold become a hot potato.

7. To get rid of a large quantity of real estates while to take the chance to make big money when a property market crisis comes. What else can you do except to have a real estate manager to be the president? That's why Trump is selected.
960. Silk Road Forum (5/13/2017)

Trump fired FBI Director Comey. There is a big argument. I think it's part of the Feds' plan - "Drain the swamp". To have a FBI Chief of their own. The last FBI director who left the post without fulfill the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think.

Louis Freeh's case: I (Kat Sung) am the target of the Feds. They plotted to eliminate me in a framed drug case with Chinese secret police. The Feds signed a secret deal with Chinese police.

1. To justify the payment to Chinese secret police, Pentagon created an air incident(US spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter in South China Sea and landed in HaiNang Island.)

4/11/2001, spy plane crew were released by China. A step to justify the payment as ransom for the crew.

2. 6/11/2001 Tim McVeigh (Oklahoma bomber) was executed. It was a planed breaking out date of the framed drug case. The planed case failed. (see story) The Feds used to distract public attention from a small case by a big event.

** Louis Freeh, FBI Chief resigned in June, two years short of his term. He took the responsibility of that secret deal which made China an economic power.

3. 9/11/2001. 911 attack in New York which justify the Afghan war and Irag war. A pay back from the Feds to Pentagon for spy plane case.

7/13/2001 China granted to host 2008 Olympic Game.
9/17/2001 China got the membership of WTO. These are the payments to China. Since then China has a big leap on its economy and now is the economy number 2 of the world.

I conclude this from Skolnick's article and my experience. The persecution from the Feds never stops. Now there is a new one.

4/7/2017 Trump met with Chinese president Xi in Mara-lago in the name of discussing the North Korea issue. I think it's for another secret deal. N. Korea case is a very formal national event. It should be talked in Washington D.C.. But scandalous things are afraid to be exposed to the sunlight. They even don't trust people worked in White house. see "955. New deal on 4/7? (4/4/2017)"

5/9/2017 Trump fired FBI Chief Comey. I think a new framed case has been arranged by the Feds and Chinese secret police. They need some one of their own to carry out the illegal operation.

5/15/2017 One Belt and One Road Forum holds in Beijing. I think the payment of secret deal to China
will be signed in the form of contract or treaty, possibly with some ally's infrastructure contract such like high speed rail contract (Indonesia) or treaty with N.Korea.

China has managed to rope in the US at the last minute for its Silk Road summit besides South Korea, the EU and Japan, leaving India to be the only major country yet to confirm its participation in the high-profile event.

The Trump administration announced that Matt Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and senior director for East Asia of National Security Council of the White House, will lead the US delegation to the attend the One Belt and One Road Forum.

"The United States recognises the importance of China's One Belt and One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road Forum May 14-15 in Beijing," a joint statement by China's finance and commerce ministries said.

Later May. My brother was arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will come back in late May. The Feds used to plot a case when victims are in trip. see last message #559.

see story at:
961. The real reason why Comey was fired (5/16/2017)

In last message, I said "The last FBI director who left the post without fulfilling the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think." But Freeh resigned to take the responsibility to sign a secret deal with China whom collaborated to frame a drug case. Comey was fired for his persistence on law. That's quite different.



.... Before the past months' controversies, Comey was perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff with top officials in the George W. Bush administration over a federal domestic surveillance program.

As the deputy attorney general, Comey rushed to the hospital bed of Attorney General John Ashcroft to physically stop White House officials in their bid to get his ailing boss to reauthorize a secret no-warrant wiretapping program.

Comey described the incident in 2007 testimony to Congress, explaining that he believed the spy program put in place after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was legally questionable.

When he learned that Andrew Card, the president's chief of staff, and Alberto Gonzales, the White House counsel, were heading to Ashcroft's hospital room despite Ashcroft's wife's instructions that there be no visitors, Comey told Congress, Comey beat them there and watched as Ashcroft turned them away.

"That night was probably the most difficult night of my professional life," Comey said.

It happened in 2004 - the year when the Feds tried to eliminate me by "unreasonable search and arrest by police". Here is a quote of my message #238.

"238. Manipulate Supreme Court (7/4/2004)

Several times I talked about my allegations that Feds tried to force me out alone. On the purpose to eliminate me by unreasonable police search, arrest or police violence.

Re: "My immediate thought was that it proved my allegation they would use local policeman for a violent murder or arrest." (229. Unreasonable search and arrest (5/19))

"Forcing me out alone, or in a stranger's car, to encounter a police search, then a police violence or arrest. (230. Unreasonable search and arrest (2) (5/24))"

What the Feds want is to have a "no-warrant wiretapping programe". It means a power of search and arrest without warrant. How civilians are threatened by this? Here is what I wrote,

369. D.O.J. wants unlimited power (1/2/06)

Though Bush tries to put the argument in the name of "we are in the war, saving American's lives", his real purpose is to legalize unreasonable search. The real commander behind him is the Department of Justice.

1) US citizens are protected by the Constitution. If government wants to put you under surveillance, they must apply for a warrant from the court with evidence.

2) FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is in low standard. Government can apply a warrant based on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to prevent it to be used in domestic criminal case. Because there is big difference between suspicion and evidence. And we have seen how D.O.J. hates this wall and activated waves of attack on it. ....

370. The corrupt D.O.J. attacks (1/2/06)

The purpose of 4th Amendment is to protect people from evil activities (set up, plant) of corrupt law enforcement agent.

If corrupt official plant fake evidence at your home. (gun, drugs) And asked for a search warrant. Judge would asked him for evidence. The corrupt official couldn't say:" Because I suspect it." That's how domestic criminal law requires. It depends on Evidence not suspicion.
The official also couldn't say, "I knew it because I had a search already." That's unreasonable search. (warrantless search) It's illegal.

FISA standard is low. Law enforcement official can request a warrant on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to forbid it be used in domestic criminal law. Otherwise 4th amendment will mean nothing.

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant from FISA. Say they suspect you are a terrorist. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed. A foreign intelligence method is used in domestic criminal law. Though D.O.J. said Patriot Act gave them such privilege, there is at least a FISA court watch their behavior.

Now you see how important Comey had done in 2004, he protected the Fourth amendment of the Constitution.

But a man adheres to law
is an obstacle to corruptive officials. That's why Comey was fired by Trump - Who stole the president power with the help of the Feds.

Comey was fired on May 9. I allege it is for a framed drug case. My brother and his wife has been arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will return in late May. It's an unusual long time trip. So I worry the Feds has planted in my brother's house too. The Feds (FBI and DEA) need a Chief of their own to handle a framed case. Chinese secret police plays a big role in this case. They'll make a search and arrest when my brother passed the custom in late May.