How Feds control this country?

1005. News proves my opinion is very correct (2/16/2018)

On 1/27 in (1,002) about the (anti Trump) text of FBI agents Strzok and Page I wrote:

I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

Four days later, a news article proves my opinion is very correct.

FBI Agent Trump Accused Of 'Treason' Wrote Letter That Helped Get Trump Elected

Paige Lavender,HuffPost• January 31, 2018

WASHINGTON ? FBI agent Peter Strzok helped draft a letter that, in the final days of the 2016 presidential campaign, signaled the re-opening of a probe into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails, CNN reported Wednesday.

Strzok is one of the FBI agents whom some Republicans have accused of scheming to undermine President Donald Trump ahead of the 2016 election. He worked on both the Clinton probe as well as the Russia probe when it was in its early stages, and later joined special counsel Robert Mueller’s team.

The letter Strzok helped draft, sent to Congress by then-FBI Director James Comey on Oct. 28 ? days ahead of the 2016 election ? dealt a blow to Clinton, whom Trump repeatedly attacked for using a personal email while serving as secretary of state. Comey penned another letter just before the election saying no new relevant information was found, and stood by the FBI’s prior decision not to recommend charges

The reality is Strzok took part in the operation to re-open the investigation on Hillary ten days before the voting date that helped Trump to win the election.

The reality is Strzok's text with Page are now used by Trump to attack Mueller's team that investigating him.
992. How to pass "Tax Reform" bill? (11/22/2017)

18 months ago, in #902, I wrote, "Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story." From August till now, the Feds work day and night to frame a case on me. Of course, there is another mission for them, to help the ruling class to escape from the coming economic crisis. For this, Trump pushes out a "Tax Reform".

GOP Tax Bill Mostly Benefits The Wealthy, Tax Policy Center Finds

Arthur Delaney,HuffPost• November 6, 2017

WASHINGTON ? The richest 1 percent of Americans would reap 48 percent of the benefits of Republican tax reform legislation, according to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

US already has a huge debt, that Tax Reform will add more on it. Before the debt mountain collapsing, they try to loot more for themselves in last minute. To get the Bill passing through, we saw Flake and Corker dropped out of the Senate race, then Roy Moore is revealed sex scandal, then Rand Paul was assaulted at Kentucky home by "acquaintance". All these are intimidations to GOP Senate, follow Donald Trump. Vote his way or otherwise, be Corker and Flake, or Rand paul, Roy Moore alike.

GOP Senators Believe Roy Moore's Accusers But Not Donald Trump's

Jennifer Bendery,HuffPost• November 14, 2017

Moore’s scandal has put his party in an incredibly uncomfortable predicament: the more Republicans say the allegations by five women against Moore are proof that he doesn’t belong in the Senate, the more hypocritical they look for ignoring the 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and helping him become president.

So why do Republicans believe Moore’s accusers but not Trump’s? HuffPost spent Tuesday asking GOP senators why the situations are different. Few could offer a convincing argument, instead opting to shrug their shoulders, pivot or abruptly walk away.

That's the way how US government works.
Politicians are whipped to one direction by the Feds.
949. Trump and Sweden terror attack (2/25/2017)

On 2/15 and 2/18, I wrote two articles, predicted the Feds(FBI and DEA)would frame a drug case on 2/19 and they would distract public's attention by natural disaster- flooding caused by storm and dam collapsing.

(947) Why Trump kneels to China (2/15/2017)
(948) Frame a case on 2/19 (2/18/2017)

Now I would say my view is very accurate. The Feds not only planed to distract with natural disaster, but also planed a terror attack in Europe - a "Sweden terror attack" that caused controversy.

Sweden to Trump: What happened last night?
19 February 2017

"You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers.

The Sweden terror attack(likely designated to take place on 2/17 night) was cancelled after I revealed(on 2/15) a secret deal of drug case was done by Trump and Chinese secret police. Trump didn't know the terror case in Sweden was cancelled. On 2/18 morning, He declared a "terror attack last night in Sweden" to their original plan.(Obviously the foreign plot and domestic plot are controlled by different groups)Thus made such a big mistake.

It's funny how the Feds followers tried to cover up that mistake Trump had made. No matter how bad your English are, it's hard to explain "what's happening last night in Sweden". The similar story I remembered is that BBC had reported the WTC 7 collapsing news before it actually happening.

The tactic they used are familiar for us. In 2005, there was a terror case in Europe - 7/7 London under railway bombing, then followed by 8/29 hurricane Katrina and drown of New Orleans. Compare with recent one: 2/17, a terror case in Sweden, Europe.(cancelled, but Trump's speech proved the plan.) 2/19, flooding in California, possible dam collapsing.(didn't happen after plan cancelled)

... California as dangerous storm moves in; Residents south of Oroville Dam should stay alert as storm passes ... expect heavier rain late Sunday(2/19) and ...

950. Big slaughter to distract elimination case (3/4/2017)

The contradictory flaw Trump made on "Sweden terrorist attacks" is similar to that BBC"s report on the collapse of WTC7(in 9/11) before it happens.

Be noticed that there would be a large casualties if the plan had gone through. Trump said, "They took in large numbers".

I was once wondered how many people could they kill in 2/19 California flooding. It seemed not too many if it was only a collapse of a dam. Later I knew it was a much big slaughter in their plan.

Possible norovirus outbreak reported at Oroville evacuation shelter
By Alyssa Pereira, San Francisco Chronicle Monday, February 20, 2017

Between 20-30 Oroville Dam evacuees at the Silver Dollar Shelter in Chico, California are reportedly exhibiting symptoms of norovirus, reports The Sacramento Bee.

Norovirus symptoms typically include vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea. It is highly contagious, and is spread by touching or ingesting items contaminated with the virus. The effects of the virus can be more extreme in children and senior adults.

Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People

FEB 19, 2017 Bruce Y. Lee ,

If the Feds had been successful in their framed drug case plot, there would have been a dam collapse and break out of epidemic thereafter. The death toll would have been up-graded each day to panic public over that small elimination case. Watch the date of the news of Bill Gate's warning. It's not a coincidence.
29. "I am you, American."

In late 1993 and 1994, I worked as a driver for a software company. Their customers were mainly from China. One day, I picked up a customer from airport and accompanied him to the hotel. We talked about US and I told him my bitter experience. And how they delivered the word that they killed President Kennedy. He was a little nervous and said, "Please don't talk about that issue."

Next day, when I met him again, he asked me "Did you read the newspaper? The executive of Disneyland died of a helicopter accident". I was surprised that he paid attention to the forbidden issue and thought it might be another intimidation from Federal law enforcement agent. China opened to the world just for a short time then. Customers from China were interested in travelling and shopping for merchandise which was in shortage in their country. I never saw them reading newspaper. And the dead executive of Disneyland was competing fiercely with another one for the post of Chief executive then.

About that time, I had read an article from newspaper talked about Walt Disney. What impressed me was that he was an informant of FBI. He hated Union. He was evaluated as a good informant because he entertained FBI agents and their family free to Disneyland. Through him FBI could handle a large number of his employees. It was an important post. So when the helicopter accident happened, I felt that might be a work of FBI. They sent a candidate of their own to that VIP post through a violent plot.

Through my own experience, I feel US has became a 'spy country'. I started to view things from another angle. When Leuwinsky scandal happened and Linda Trip said in her speech,"I am you, American." I couldn't help to laugh. She thought many people were the same as her. She may be right. In this country, informant are vastly used by Federal law enforcement agency.
30. Monitor and be monitored

In 1998, I read a book 'Study abroad in US'.( Chinese edition ) Author Qian Ning was a Chinese student studying 'News media ' in US. He visited many Chinese students during school vacation and wrote this book. He wrote, that most Chinese students said they felt US was a democratic country. They didn't feel that they were monitored by American government. Anyhow, there was exception. A man insisted that government monitoring foreign students. He had such an experience. Once he would take a vacation back to China. The night before his leaving, he told his wife (or friend?) to pack for their journey. "Take care, there is top secret documents inside." He said. That was a joke. Next day in airport, His luggage was searched thoroughly. He knew it was his joke caused it. Had he not made that joke, he would have joined that majority and won't say that foreign students were monitored.

Even Wen Ho Lee, once was thought a spy suspect, has been a government informant as well as his wife. They reported the contact of their Chinese counterpart. I think that was why Lee was cooperative at first, talk everything with laugh to agents until he was threatened by FBI agent that if he would not admit he was a spy he could be sentenced to death. Since then he was silenced. This remind me of the two black girls who were placed in dangerous position, (see '18. Portable microwave shooting instrument' ) I think they thought they worked for law enforcement agency without knowing the truth. Lee was lucky to get a good lawyer. Otherwise there was possibility he was still in jail. But compare to Ron and Mrs. Churchill, they were much better. Ron and Mrs. Churchill could never have dreamed of that they died in hands of people they worked for.
31. Extortion

Former FBI director Hoover held large quantity of black material of Presidents and Senators. With these material he blackmailed the politicians. That's why he could stay at that post as long as he wished.

In leuwinsky scandal, Linda Trip provided Starr's office with 20 hours secretly taped phone conversation in which Leuwinsky talked about her affairs with Clinton. She also instructed Leuwinsky kept the jacket which contaminated Clinton's sperm. Trip didn't get any advantage from it. From my point of view, it was obviously much more a purposed intelligent practice than the relationship of friends. An insistent eavesdropping and evidence searching. Mr. Hoover used to use this kind of material to extort.

In 2000, Mr.Ashcroft competed for US Senator of Missouri. The death of his rival former Governor Carnahan in an airplane crash reminded me of the accidental death of a Disneyland executive several years ago. Anyhow, voters chose the widow of his rival rather then him. I said to myself, 'it may be an coincidence, don't be oversensitive.' Then he was nominated as General Attorney of Justice. This is a post supervising Federal law enforcement agency, a VIP post . I then thought in different way. It seemed like if they could not have someone being a senator, they would sent him to a post which supervising them. Newspaper said Ashcroft is an extreme rightist. His nomination was protested by many civil right organizations. Democratic Party said they would stop him by filibuster. But I knew from beginning, if the nomination was decided by President and senators, then however absurd it was, FBI could get it through.

I started to post in internet in Sept. 2000. I suffered my first 'close for post' on the day Mr. Ashcroft passed his nomination. Here is a comment I posted in '':

"From: KATHAKSUNG Feb-6 2:07 pm To: Kayaker (KSWENSON3) unread 1572 of 1721 1588.1572 in reply to 1588.3 T

The mainstream America will be censorship on internet?
I have a thread:" Law enforcement, a threaten to U.S. democracy" in several forums. My discussion generally went OK, though be harassed sometimes. On Jan. 31, there was a big wave of attack at my sites: failing to post in 'Csmonitor'; topic being blocked away from readers in many forums; "Foxnews" was closed until today. In 'Independent argument', I was personally closed for posting. In an inquiry e-mail I asked " Is this a kind of censorship?" Their reply:"Yes,that is correct. Independent editors reserve the right....". It is not a coincidence. Ashcroft was admitted by senator committee that day with votes 10:8. as Federal Attorney General and 58:42 next day in senators. It is an outstanding signal that law enforcement agent can abuse their power to censor media, frame innocent people."

I thought the success of nomination inspired them to abuse their power in internet.
44. My tenant

As early as 1991, I noticed that friends and relatives were intimidated and estranged from me. And it's secret police' rule to stay as close as possible to monitor, either in living house or working place. In about 1993, there was a young man M often came alone to my house doing missionary work. Since other people came once, then never showed up again,(must have been interviewed and intimidated by surveillance agent) I thought he was an undercover. After I abandoned my work, fearing there would be a murder, he came again, this time with a strong man. M introduced him as his partner. For the first time, he asked me to let them into the house. I refused. I was afraid there would be a violence to me in the house. M never came to mission since.

My current tenant T rented a bedroom of my house two years ago when I was in South-east Asia. In same period, new neighbor moved into the house next to mine. To my experience, they are someone with special mission. He was a good tenant anyway. Visitors were rare. He always stay at his room. Never go outside except buying food or going to work. (Even in week ends) On Nov. 8, he came back home with a man. He said it's his former collegue, happened renting a bedroom in next house. I don't believe coincidence for a long time. The man's strong body remind me of the M's partner several years ago. I waited for his leaving until midnight. I told him I didn't want to see him again in my house because his late staying harassed my family. I did this out of security reason. Then on Nov.9 and Nov.16, two messages in web sites suggested I was a danger to my family. Which just convinced me that my worry is not over-sensitive. It's a reaction to my opinion on anthrax attack.
25. Neighbor seller and gun

After drug case and having many harassment experiences, I began to follow the newsabout law enforcement agency and drug case. I found there were a lot of police brutalities. Some police shot people, then planted a gun as reason for shooting. I immediately thought of my neighbor - Mr. Wang. Mr. Wan sold toys. Sometime he started to sell guns. California is a state with strict gun laws. People have seven days waiting period to buy a gun. The gun Mr. Wang sold is air rifle. It was, too, under gun control law. I remember the Flea Market authority has come to his space, ordering him to pack up the gun or to be kicked off market. Wang packed up gun that day. To my surprise, next week he went on selling his air rifles. Nobody came to make trouble for him ever since. He put the gun box along the line separate our spaces.

Then I was horrible to find that my neighbor seller in Galt flea market selling same guns. She, too, put the gun box along the line which separated our spaces .

Mr. Wang boasted how nice his gun was. Showed me the rifle line in bore. I was not interested. One evening when I finished business, I was ready leaving. But my van did not move so I got off to check. I found there was a big block underneath the front wheel. It was a box with a brand new air pistol inside. I returned it to Mr. Wang next day. He was not happy as I had expected. Simply with a 'Thank you', he turned away to do other things. I felt there was a disappointment in his sentiment. It was not a plant but a trap. I knew if they found any accusation, despite true or false, they won't let me alive.

I quit the business at the end of 1993. Then went to China. In 1995, I came back. When I went to flea market, I thought:'Now they have no reason selling gun.' I went to Mr. Wang's space. No, there was no gun. He didn't sell it any more.
49. Frame attemption (continue to "37. Manipulate Bank operation")

In early this month (Dec. 2001), there was a news in World Journal (Chinese newspaper) which said that FBI was one step away to have the permission of Chinese government to allow a FBI representative in US Embassy in Beijing. The title of representative was Legal Attache. Now I understand why US Consulate in Bankok wanted me wrote to Legal Attache and why there was no response from him.

Back to March 14, 2000, when I had no response from Legal Attache and Visa date was due. I went to Burma through a port named Ranong. The police in custom told me I was not allowed to go to Rangoon unless I took part in a state running tour. I went to MTT(state travel agency). They asked 350 for a two days tour. That amount was one month's cost when I drifted in South East Asia. I couldn't afford it especially I couldn't get remittance from my wife then. I went to airline ticket office, they said all flights were cancelled. I was lock in Ranong. I had a feeling it was a revenge of my complain letter but didn't expect more serious event was waiting for me. Since I couldn't go any further in Burma, I went back to Thailand the same day.

Next day, I took bus to Bangkok. A young man with cap tried to talk to me. Thought he might be a detective, I turned away from him. To my surprise, he kept follow me, tried to stand beside me all the time when we took a break. Next morning, a newspaper was put at my door. Since the guesthouse I stayed were all cheap one, (only about 5 dollars a day) an English newspaper was a luxury. I thought someone wanted me read it. An article got my attention which said that on way from Ranong to Bangkok, police had seized a record haul of drugs. Two men involved spoke Thai with heavy Chinese accent. They fled after they asked to go to toilet. I recalled the young man's strange behavior, and guessed they might try to connect me to that case.

On March 18, I was in Canchanenbury, visiting Bridge of River Kwai. In dining-room of guesthouse when guests were watching TV, in dim light I saw a young man with cap came in whom was identical to one I met in bus rest area. That night about 3 am.I was awoke by a large noise. Some one talking loudly, walking back and forth at my door. The room I stayed was a bungalow above River Kwai connecting with others by wooden boardwalk. The walking steps made a large noise in midnight. It was obviously an attempt to lure me out. Fearing there might be a violence, I stayed inside. Next day, I complained to manager of guesthouse. She introduced me to Papa. Papa was a western about in his fifties. He said,"You should go out, tell them stop talking." I suddenly was aware that what they needed was that I being outside at midnight talking with someone placed there so they could take a picture. I moved to another guesthouse that day.

On Mar. 20, I was back in Bangkok. I went to National library reading newspapers. When I finished reading it was about 7 pm, I was horrible to find the whole reading room was empty, the only other reader was that young man who was sitting next to me. Three times he tried to stay beside me. You can not explain this a coincidence. In south-east Asia, though I was still under surveillance of local police, I didn't care because I did nothing wrong. But to frame me up in a drug case, that was different. I was in panic.
83. Spy country (8/21)

When I started my thread in internet, a message told me, the content of " The newspaper titled: " Heroin bust called U.S. record".(See San Jose Mercury, 6-22-1991)." is a day off...

Quote, "You cited the wrong date! Although the rest of your newspaper and highway information (in Bay Area holds up). "
He gave me an URL to check:

I thus knew my article was under scrutiny. I live in San Jose. I read San Jose Mercury News. Most news reference were from it.

Some people doubted that when I said Walt Disney was an informant. (#29. "I'm you, American")

Question, quote, "What was Walt informing on? Mickey's communist ties? Goofy's drug problems? Minnie's prostitution busts? "

With above URL, choose S.J.M.N, with appropriate key words and time, you can find news I referred.

Quote,"But most disturbing, the allegation that Disney was an FBI informant, recruited by J. Edgar Hoover to snitch on employees and Hollywood colleagues in exchange for favors....."
See whole story in "THE AUTHOR WAS WALT DISNEY A WICKED WITCH? OR IS THIS MAN GOOFY?" San Jose Mercury News, 8/1/1993.

In Chinese newspaper "World Journal"(5/7/93, page 3A) talked about this too. W.Disney was FBI's informant from 1940 to 1966 when he passed away. It also talked about former President Ronno Reagan was a FBI informant, code 'T-10', when he was president of Actor and Actress Association(translation) in 1947.

Are these the only informants FBI have had? Of course not. FBI titled W. Disney "Full Special Agent in Charge Contact" in 1954. It's 50 years passed, a net of surveillance should have been developed already. And in addition to this informant net, we can see there is another army of FBI: retired FBI. They are still the eye and ear and hand of the Bureau. And they used to occupy important position. Such like Ornell, who became Chief in charge of security of WTC after retirement. Still they say they are outnumbered in war on terror. They want recruit one million more TIPS. A spy country that Gestapo and KGB have ever dreamed of. A monstrous power that almost equal to Defense Department. But it's not used to defend US citizens, it's used to spy on them.
83. Spy country (8/21)

When I started my thread in internet, a message told me, the content of " The newspaper titled: " Heroin bust called U.S. record".(See San Jose Mercury, 6-22-1991)." is a day off...

Quote, "You cited the wrong date! Although the rest of your newspaper and highway information (in Bay Area holds up). "
He gave me an URL to check:

I thus knew my article was under scrutiny. I live in San Jose. I read San Jose Mercury News. Most news reference were from it.

Some people doubted that when I said Walt Disney was an informant. (#29. "I'm you, American")

Question, quote, "What was Walt informing on? Mickey's communist ties? Goofy's drug problems? Minnie's prostitution busts? "

With above URL, choose S.J.M.N, with appropriate key words and time, you can find news I referred.

Quote,"But most disturbing, the allegation that Disney was an FBI informant, recruited by J. Edgar Hoover to snitch on employees and Hollywood colleagues in exchange for favors....."
See whole story in "THE AUTHOR WAS WALT DISNEY A WICKED WITCH? OR IS THIS MAN GOOFY?" San Jose Mercury News, 8/1/1993.

In Chinese newspaper "World Journal"(5/7/93, page 3A) talked about this too. W.Disney was FBI's informant from 1940 to 1966 when he passed away. It also talked about former President Ronno Reagan was a FBI informant, code 'T-10', when he was president of Actor and Actress Association(translation) in 1947.

Are these the only informants FBI have had? Of course not. FBI titled W. Disney "Full Special Agent in Charge Contact" in 1954. It's 50 years passed, a net of surveillance should have been developed already. And in addition to this informant net, we can see there is another army of FBI: retired FBI. They are still the eye and ear and hand of the Bureau. And they used to occupy important position. Such like Ornell, who became Chief in charge of security of WTC after retirement. Still they say they are outnumbered in war on terror. They want recruit one million more TIPS. A spy country that Gestapo and KGB have ever dreamed of. A monstrous power that almost equal to Defense Department. But it's not used to defend US citizens, it's used to spy on them.
The Feds control the Country...hmmm I thought big Corps did you know through monnies, and Congressional retirees getting NO SHOW

Now would you rather have 51 diff election laws,51 separate abortion laws, 51 different Diff educational systems, 51 diff controls over pollution, 541 sets of Healthcare...etc etc you get the idea.
Oh we already have it and it's miserable
The deep state shut down the live feed to Rage Against the War Machine.

Who woulda thunk?
IAM A FAG AM I said:
I sucked a lot of cock in my life but I never sucked yours.
And you never will, Mason the fag who has me on forced ignore yet keeps replying to me. You had to eat a lot of Damo vagina for that to happen.