How good a physicist was Oppenheimer?

So me where I stated that. I dare you.
What's it worth to you? Or are you a commie cocksucker who expects me to work for free? LOL

All you have to do is admit you were shitfaced when you posted it and don't remember half the shit you post then I'll post the link. Deal, Terry?
Dutch of course has zip interest in the truth unless it might be by chance going in his direction, and he was smart enough to figure this out...all of which is unlikely.

You're a good allie for Terry; you both hate America and want to see our nation burn to the ground.
Good points, and that's why I don't think we can leave core scientific research in the magic hands of the free market. Government investment in core scientific research has paid off many times over, and it's imperative that USA remain one of leaders in public funding of science

I agree wholeheartedly. A great example is the USDA. They have had what amounts to an agricultural research group since the early 19th century and arguably their mandate to provide science to the community has helped America be the self-feeding powerhouse it is today. That's public funded science through and through.

The NIH is another example. Previous years' studies show that nearly 50% of blockbuster drugs that are developed are developed from NIH (public) funding.

The list goes on and on.
What's it worth to you? Or are you a commie cocksucker who expects me to work for free? LOL

All you have to do is admit you were shitfaced when you posted it and don't remember half the shit you post then I'll post the link. Deal, Terry?

You post up a hateful, massively inflammatory, LIE and then try to weasel out of it. I may troll people here but there are limits of decency in that, at least for me. It seems you have none and that fits you nicely in with the worst of the radical Left.
You post up a hateful, massively inflammatory, LIE and then try to weasel out of it. I may troll people here but there are limits of decency in that, at least for me. It seems you have none and that fits you nicely in with the worst of the radical Left.
You're both a liar and a racist, Terry, but I forgive you because I believe you are also demented.

I also wanted to see if you were honest or prove you are lying. Sadly, it was the latter. Worst of all is that you do it under the banner as a Chief of the United States Navy. You're an embarrassment to the service and an admitted oath-breaker.

The felons can't vote so that eliminates like 90% of the Black population from doing so...
Actually, as a retired Navy Chief I made a whole career out of insulting people' intelligence first, you braindead piece of buttfuck residue!
Terry A. Gardner, EMC (SW) USN (Ret.)
Terry A. Gardner enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1979 serving on active duty until 1985 then the reserves until 2005. An avid wargamer, particularly with miniatures, he developed an intense interest in military history.

You're both a liar and a racist, Terry, but I forgive you because I believe you are also demented.

I also wanted to see if you were honest or prove you are lying. Sadly, it was the latter. Worst of all is that you do it under the banner as a Chief of the United States Navy. You're an embarrassment to the service and an admitted oath-breaker.

So, you mischaracterize something I said taking it completely out of context and turning it into a lie. How disingenuous of you. But I suppose in your own petty, vindictive, and pea brained way that's all you have for retorts: Insults, innuendo, and ad hominem. Must suck that you can't debate even the most minor points on any topic.
So, you mischaracterize something I said taking it completely out of context and turning it into a lie. How disingenuous of you. But I suppose in your own petty, vindictive, and pea brained way that's all you have for retorts: Insults, innuendo, and ad hominem. Must suck that you can't debate even the most minor points on any topic.
What's the context, Terry? All those posts you made about African-Americans add up to a picture of a demented racist who is dishonoring the United States Navy.

Your quotes form a picture, dumbass. You can scream context all you like but people can see the trend.



What's the context, Terry? All those posts you made about African-Americans add up to a picture of a demented racist who is dishonoring the United States Navy.

Your quotes form a picture, dumbass. You can scream context all you like but people can see the trend.

Are you really that... Yes, you are...

You are making your claim from this combination of posts:

The population of Miami is 70% Hispanic.
Why is it so difficult for you to accept the fact that the population of Chicago and Detroit is 70% black?

The felons can't vote so that eliminates like 90% of the Black population from doing so...

It is clear my response was in reference to Goat's earlier post, but you have taken it completely out of context and turned it into a LIE. But that's expected since you have no ability to articulate any sort of cognitive reasoned response to other's posts. All you have to work with is petty insults, ad hominem, and lies. That too is typical of the radical Left. They use the big lie nearly continuously because they are bereft of intellect and ideas.
Are you really that... Yes, you are...

You are making your claim from this combination of posts.
It's not my fault you're a shitty writer, even for a racist fuckwit.

The funnier part is you seek to ignore the context of all your other racist posts. What demented dumbasses often forget is that what they don't talk about is almost as important was what they do talk about. Volsrock loooooves to post about blacks committing crimes. He never posts about Pedo Nazis or Aryan assholes committing crimes. Do you know why?

Give me a few minutes to find more your posts. I'll respond to them in "context". :rofl2:
So, you mischaracterize something I said taking it completely out of context and turning it into a lie. How disingenuous of you. But I suppose in your own petty, vindictive, and pea brained way that's all you have for retorts: Insults, innuendo, and ad hominem. Must suck that you can't debate even the most minor points on any topic.

Did you give him permission to doxx you?
Did you give him permission to doxx you?
Report me, dumbass. Your Pedophile King will have you in prison. LOL

Terry posted all of his shit just like you did, dumbass. If you drop offline, will it because you live in a Third World Shithole sucking the cock of a foreign king?

Rule#1:....If you post your own information it is the same thing as giving permission for others to use that information, please be careful what you post so you do not give information that you do not want public. This is a public forum that guests can read, any information you post is available to the public.

Actually, as a retired Navy Chief I made a whole career out of insulting people' intelligence first, you braindead piece of buttfuck residue!