How is queer marriage going?

Teflon Don is just confused right now. He'll be alright!

He is just going through a phase in life trying to determine if he was born gay- or IT JUST HAPPENED Somewhere along the way! LOL!
Why do care?

How is Heterosexual marriage going? Married in Vegas and divorced 3 days later...


If you want to pretend marriage today is anything like what God talked about, you're an idiot.

If I want a true biblical marriage, I don't need a fucking priest or any license from the government. And who am I to tell someone else they can't be married?

Are you God? Are you a prophet?

There is so much sin in this world and you people focus on personal relationships.

Clap clap clap clap

Are you saying a marriage is a piece of paper

It might surprise you to know that when the husband and wife in a marriage put God first, it is exactly like what God was talking about.

I witnessed Godly marriages all my life. My parents were married 58 years before death did they part. My wife's parents have been married 52 years and still going strong. Both sets of grandparents were married 62 and 47 years until the death of one. Both sets of my wife's grandparents were married for over 50 years. None of those worried about what was required when it came to getting that marriage license. That was meaningless based on the focus they took in their marriage.

Someone getting married in Vegas and divorcing 3 days later obviously has anything and everything on their mind other than what the focus should be.
I know that the leftists fought really hard so Adam could marry Steve. It was the civil rights cause of our lifetime. Now that they have moved on to guys taking a whiz in a girls bathroom, I thought it would be good to see where we are after Anthony Kennedy violated the US Constitution

Does anyone have numbers on how many queers have taken advantage of this new found right to marry? It would be interesting to know.

Or, was just a stepping stone to attach Christianity?

Studies show they are as miserable as heterosexual couples.
Again, you miss the fucking point. You are about as dumb as Jade.

I didn't make a judgement on queer marriage in my OP. I asked if anyone has compiled data on how many queers have taken advantage of this new found right. I figured it would be staggering. I figggered queers would be having wedding from sea to shining fucking sea.

It was a big fucking deal right?

So, a million max. 1 of 128.

If you use the meme that homos are 1 in 10 overall seems like they prefer polygamy by a large margin. Prolly to be expected for a demographic that is defined by sodomy.
Again, you miss the fucking point. You are about as dumb as Jade.

I didn't make a judgement on queer marriage in my OP. I asked if anyone has compiled data on how many queers have taken advantage of this new found right. I figured it would be staggering. I figggered queers would be having wedding from sea to shining fucking sea.

It was a big fucking deal right?

You are so pathetic.

I'm not making a judgment.... Queers....

Fuck off pointy hat.... This is you:

Hey guys, let's put on some costumes, light a stick on fire and chant Nigger, but don't forget, we aren't judgmental.
You are so pathetic.

I'm not making a judgment.... Queers....

Fuck off pointy hat.... This is you:

Hey guys, let's put on some costumes, light a stick on fire and chant Nigger, but don't forget, we aren't judgmental.

awwwww does the itty bitty word queer make you sad faggot? Go back to sucking Jade's cock.

Your non answer actually answers my question. The whole thing was a scam from the get go. Queers really didn't want to marry. They wanted a way to attack Christianity. It was a tool of leftists. You of course fell for it because you are weak of mind.