How is queer marriage going?

Who said I hated gays? I have several lesbo friends.

If you don't want them to have the same benefits as straight couples, it seems likely that you hate them. And gay males have to deal with homophobia way more than gay females, so that doesn't surprise me.
If you don't want them to have the same benefits as straight couples, it seems likely that you hate them. And gay males have to deal with homophobia way more than gay females, so that doesn't surprise me.

Who said that's what I wanted? You don't know my position at all, and are just making stupid assumptions.
if we "aren't allowed" it isn't a misconception.......

The misconception is that gays are getting some kind of special treatment as a plot to force homosexuality on people, when really this is just us having to do business with everyone.
You can still hate gays because you're afraid you might be gay yourself, that's totally legal. You just can't discriminate at work.
you realize that changes nothing, right?.....the set of straight couples would include the set of straight people.......

But there is a difference between groups and individuals. A hetero couple has certain rights that homo couples now have. Neither group lost any rights, rather one group gained rights that the other group originally had.