How is queer marriage going?

Nope, Muslims have to follow the law too, despite what Fox News says.

No they don't, because the Gay Mafia that wants to force a Christian baker to bend over lacks the balls to force a Muslim to do that. Christians are not a protected group of the Left, but Muslims are.
No they don't, because the Gay Mafia that wants to force a Christian baker to bend over lacks the balls to force a Muslim to do that. Christians are not a protected group of the Left, but Muslims are.

Ah, yes, the Gay Mafia.
So how come this "Gay Mafia" goes after Muslims who discriminate against gays too? Maybe the Left is slacking on protecting Muslims.
I get the point, I'm explaining why you're wrong. Giving gays the same rights as straight people is not forcing you to accept homosexuality.

and since I have never claimed such you demonstrate your stupidity by saying I am "wrong" about it......I have have nothing negative to say about homosexuals.....I merely object to lib'ruls who try to co-opt society and force their agenda upon know, silly things like "marriage" includes the relationship between two people of the same sex......and killing unborn children is a good know the sort of mindless drivel I refer to.......
Why do you fags think someone identifying your perversion is afraid of you?

I for one am a true homophobe...let me count the ways...

If I get un an elevator with two fancy boys esp if they're both wearing cod-pieces...

It's a clockwork orange world!

If I see two transvestites on the sidewalk ahead on a dark street ...I have to access how big the transvestite is and if they are happy to see me...

If they are too big I could be kidnapped and made into a sex slave and if I am found [by that time] no one will believe I was being sodomized against my will.

They'll say it was a quid pro quo. I will be defenseless and my sphinxter will be over rimmed and greased and I will be drugged up and brainwashed and metrosized.

I will be Pretty Birded up the jet-pack.

For it is in the canon, that to be a bad partner is to screw them up the arse ---it's a traditional idiom since time-in memorial

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As you can expect I'm just an ordinary deplorable-Joe who isn't so sophisticated so I could be sold anything in the right circumstances

I for one am a true homophobe...let me count the ways...

If I get un an elevator with two fancy boys esp if they're both wearing cod-pieces...

It's a clockwork orange world!

If I see two transvestites on the sidewalk ahead on a dark street ...I have to access how big the transvestite is and if they are happy to see me...

If they are too big I could be kidnapped and made into a sex slave and if I am found [by that time] no one will believe I was being sodomized against my will.

They'll say it was a quid pro quo. I will be defenseless and my sphinxter will be over rimmed and greased and I will be drugged up and brainwashed and metrosized.

I will be Pretty Birded up the jet-pack.

For it is in the canon, that to be a bad partner is to screw them up the arse ---it's a traditional idiom since time-in memorial

That's your problem.
Quote Originally Posted by Sally Socks View Post
Homosexuality is normal for homosexuals

we can add that to the list....

attacking children is normal for pedophiles.....
starting fires is normal for pyromaniacs....
killing unborn children is normal for abortionists.....
eating people is normal for cannibals.....
drinking is normal for alcoholics....
lying is normal for lib'ruls......

meanwhile, until a couple of years ago, having a marriage ceremony was not normal for same sex couples..........
I know that the leftists fought really hard so Adam could marry Steve. It was the civil rights cause of our lifetime. Now that they have moved on to guys taking a whiz in a girls bathroom, I thought it would be good to see where we are after Anthony Kennedy violated the US Constitution

Does anyone have numbers on how many queers have taken advantage of this new found right to marry? It would be interesting to know.

Or, was just a stepping stone to attach Christianity?

Why are you always on about Christianity, when all you care about is Mammon?
They don't go after Muslims. That's my point.

They went after that Muslim Uber-driver who kicked out a lesbian couple. I'm sure you didn't know about that because you only watch conservative media and the Right wants us to think there is a war on Christianity.
What's actually happening is that Christians are finally being treated like everyone else.
They went after that Muslim Uber-driver who kicked out a lesbian couple. I'm sure you didn't know about that because you only watch conservative media and the Right wants us to think there is a war on Christianity.
What's actually happening is that Christians are finally being treated like everyone else.

The guy got banned from Uber. Big whoop. Hardly a comparison of the lawsuit against the Christian baker.