How is queer marriage going?

They went after that Muslim Uber-driver who kicked out a lesbian couple. I'm sure you didn't know about that because you only watch conservative media and the Right wants us to think there is a war on Christianity.
What's actually happening is that Christians are finally being treated like everyone else.

Spoken like a true left winger.
Spoken like a true left winger.

You can do the Left vs Right thing if you want, but nothing I said there was wrong.

Americans accept gay people. If you discriminate against gays, you can hide behind Christianity or Islam, but most people will still condemn you.
You can do the Left vs Right thing if you want, but nothing I said there was wrong.

Americans accept gay people. If you discriminate against gays, you can hide behind Christianity or Islam, but most people will still condemn you.

You're the one that did it, thus, the statement of fact about you.

Other faggots and faggot lovers think homosexuality is OK.

You used another typical left wing tactic. You tried to equate thinking being a faggot is wrong, which isn't in question, with discriminating against them. It's the same thing you gun haters try to do when you say if we don't support your claimed common sense gun legislation it means we support having kids shot in schools.
You used another typical left wing tactic. You tried to equate thinking being a faggot is wrong, which isn't in question, with discriminating against them.

No, I was talking about discrimination because that's what the topic was. We were talking about the Christian baker and the Muslim Uber-driver who both discriminated against gays. They both got an angry backlash, despite the Unhinged Right saying this is just about people attacking Christianity.
No, I was talking about discrimination because that's what the topic was. We were talking about the Christian baker and the Muslim Uber-driver who both discriminated against gays. They both got an angry backlash, despite the Unhinged Right saying this is just about people attacking Christianity.

No, the uber driver simply got fired.
No, the uber driver simply got fired.

Yes, that was the backlash he suffered. The couple didn't choose to sue him, but the company still fired him.

It's funny, for all the talk about immigrants needing to assimilate, it seems like a lot of Conservatives haven't assimilated to American culture either.
Yes, that was the backlash he suffered. The couple didn't choose to sue him, but the company still fired him.

It's funny, for all the talk about immigrants needing to assimilate, it seems like a lot of Conservatives haven't assimilated to American culture either.

Now you're attacking conservatives because you were proved wrong, lol.
I know that the leftists fought really hard so Adam could marry Steve. It was the civil rights cause of our lifetime. Now that they have moved on to guys taking a whiz in a girls bathroom, I thought it would be good to see where we are after Anthony Kennedy violated the US Constitution

Does anyone have numbers on how many queers have taken advantage of this new found right to marry? It would be interesting to know.

Or, was just a stepping stone to attach Christianity?

Well, I've heard that queer marriage sucks, blows and many take it up the ass. Other than that, it's working out just fine.