How is queer marriage going?

You are so pathetic.

I'm not making a judgment.... Queers....

Fuck off pointy hat.... This is you:

Hey guys, let's put on some costumes, light a stick on fire and chant Nigger, but don't forget, we aren't judgmental.

Queer has been legitimised, hasn't it? If not then what does the Q in LBGTQ mean?
Of course it would be way too much for you to actually listen to the man and comment. Much easier to spout bullshit instead.

It's a Facebook link. Meaning you have to log in to access it. As you may (or may not) know, Jack is 'off the Grid'.
Agreed. Doesn't change the weird obsession some have with one thing and not the other.


Agreed. I don't watch slasher films, videos of animals getting abused, either. I prefer to live in my own little world of happy and normal.
awwwww does the itty bitty word queer make you sad faggot? Go back to sucking Jade's cock.

Your non answer actually answers my question. The whole thing was a scam from the get go. Queers really didn't want to marry. They wanted a way to attack Christianity. It was a tool of leftists. You of course fell for it because you are weak of mind.

Cry harder...
Cry harder...

It is really odd that you are having this kind of temper tantrum to a very simple question.

All I was asking was how many queer marriages have taken place since Anthony Kennedy found them a new right. I figured it would be YUGE.
It is really odd that you are having this kind of temper tantrum to a very simple question.

All I was asking was how many queer marriages have taken place since Anthony Kennedy found them a new right. I figured it would be YUGE.

It was not. And who could be surprised ?
It is really odd that you are having this kind of temper tantrum to a very simple question.

All I was asking was how many queer marriages have taken place since Anthony Kennedy found them a new right. I figured it would be YUGE.

Maybe he's the "girl" in the relationship and "her" tender feelings got hurt.
You misunderstood. Queer marriage was forced on America by a small minority that influenced a very small number of judges. It's the gay mafia.

Uh-huh, and how exactly did giving gay couples the same benefits as straight couples force anything on America as a whole?
When women were given the right to vote, was something also forced on men?
Uh-huh, and how exactly did giving gay couples the same benefits as straight couples force anything on America as a whole?
When women were given the right to vote, was something also forced on men?

It's an attempt to force the normalization of queerness. Like calling black white and other such nonsense.