No, for example, Dr Fauci has been serving both parties for over fifty years, President Reagan promoted him, and President G.W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, I'd have to say regardless of which party you belong to he is nonpartisan in his work and what he reports
Fauci the Fraud only "serves" himself and his Fascistic views on public health.

Let's Review the list of his failure and lies:
1. Claimed that COVID was not a major threat. Then claimed it was.
2. Told American's that masks were unnecessary, days before COVID was officially classified as a global pandemic. He then walked back on it.
3. Knowingly lied to American's about his opinion on mask efficacy. Had no regrets.
4. Claimed that New York's brutal lockdowns were the only path out of the pandemic. They weren't. Florida took a different route that was more successful.
5. Knowingly lied about herd immunity statistics.
6. Predicted Americans would still need to wear masks after vaccination, going against the science.
7. Claimed that Texas's mask mandate repeal would cause a surge in cases. It didn't. A month after the repeal, Texas cases dropped by 4,000 per day.
8. Lied About Gain-of-function Research