HOW is this possible? The LIE and HOAX of the political elite on Covid.

I didn't say I thought he was right. I just pointed out that he said it was safe and effective as an answer to the question about why we continue to social distance, vaccinate, and mask.

Whether we believe in vaccinations, masking, and social distancing appears to be predicted by our political attitudes rather than any medical knowledge we possess.
The bottom line is the vaccine was developed rapidly on a system they had been designing for over a decade. It was not rushed.
Look at the hospitals jammed with over 90 percent unvaccinated. The efficacy is beyond doubt. Do yourself a favor and get vaccinated. That is how epidemics end.
I know for a fact that people have died from Covid at home. In developed countries, when we think death is close, we tend to head for the hospital. That being said, some people died at home in America, and many people died at home in countries without enough hospitals.
And yes, simpleton, Democrats claim he badly managed the China virus. Ever notice how many of these dangerous viruses seem to originate with the Chinese?
Which is why it was so important that we keep CDC offices in China... And why it was so terrible that trump closed them.
Dear God! Not another COVID thread by graduates of YouTube College of immunology.

Face it. If you haven’t ever studied virology and immunology you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
COVID is real whether you want to believe it or not.

Who claimed that it wasn't scarecrow?

Vaccines, social distancing, and even masks will help you stay out of the Hospital ... and Morgue.

None of those things prevented the spread of covid or infections. However, a good clue of who were at greatest risks were those with comorbidities, overweight, smoking habits etc etc.
POWER? CONTROL? There are a myriad of answers.

A better question would be, after almost two years of telling us masking, social distancing, vaccines and shutting down businesses will defeat the virus, and they don't, why would anyone continue to say "yes! Let's do more of that!"

Only willful idiots think that these quacks know what the fuck they are doing.

So should Biden step down? After all, he claimed that that is what Trump should do for all the deaths on his watch. So far, Biden has beat his numbers even WITH the vaccines readily available.
Covid does not kill.
But Biden DID beat Trump's record on deaths caused by his policies.