HOW is this possible? The LIE and HOAX of the political elite on Covid.

The USA has less than 7X more population.

The USA has just under 800,000 Covid deaths in total.
Korea less than 4,000.
Covid does not kill. There are ZERO deaths from Covid.
But, but mask bad, vaccine bad, and it's a HOAX.
Paradox M. Paradox V. The Covid fear mongering is a hoax.
Believe me even though I can't do basic math like proportions, I'm exceedingly wealthier than you!
Can't help it, always comical, a Trump loyalists even mentioning someone else is lying is like a Bernie Madoff defender calling another a thief

Amazing the number of times the obvious has to be explained, ah, cause the virus is moving rapidly thru the unvaccinated, which even based on the percentage you provided means close to four and half million people, in fact, 93 percent of those admitted to hospitals in South Korea are unvaccinated (

Just examine the facts and you will know the truth
Argument from randU fallacies. Making up numbers and quoting them as 'data' is a fallacy.
Always, no, but when those advisers have a history of being nonpartisan and are basing their opinions on what the Science tells them at the time, they are a more reliable than what the contrarians offer
Science isn't an advisor.

Most advisors, particularly those from the Church of Global Warming, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Green, the Church of Covid, the Church of the EV, the Church of Hate, and the Church of Karl Marx routine deny and discard theories of science, and various branches of mathematics...particularly statistical mathematics.
Ah, cause I was responding to content another poster offered, something you fail to do, but I don't have to, the facts speak for themselves, or, as I told you in response to your topic post, just examine the facts and you will know the truth
Okay, Anchovies. Here are some facts for you:

Paradox V:
I get vaccinated to protect myself from Covid. I demand YOU get vaccinated because mine doesn't work.

Paradox M:
I wear a mask to protect myself from Covid. I demand YOU wear a mask because mine doesn't work.

The N95 specification, which designates that the masks used to 'stop Covid' are DUST MASKS, and cannot stop any virus. Many of these 'Covid masks' don't even meet the N95 specification.

Masks are designed to be worn for a couple of hours at most, then discarded. Long term wearing of masks causes health risk to the user from bacteria and fungi.

No vaccination prevents infection. The best it can do is mitigate what happens to the vaccine recipient when infection occurs.

Covid has no vaccine. mRNA treatments are not a vaccine.

The mRNA treatment programs your cells to manufacture Covid.

Mortuary owners and grave diggers saw no marked increase in bodies to process. The number of graves dug in the last five years speaks for itself. Go look in any cemetery.

Hospital and medical workers in clinics wear masks outside of an operating room because the GOVERNMENT REQUIRES THEM TO. They hate it.

Cruise ships, which required 100% 'vaccination' for crew and passengers, still had Covid infections spread throughout the ship.

Research expedition members, which required 100% 'vaccination' before joining such teams such as those in Antarctica, still had Covid infections throughout the teams.

Ivermectin, which has shown effectiveness at treating a Covid infection, was denigrated by Democrats as 'horse medicine', even though Ivermectin is approved for use in humans as well as veterinary use. It is NOT an experimental treatment, unlike the Covid mRNA treatment.

Covid does not kill. No variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills.

Pneumonia, which can be induced by ANY respiratory virus (nothing special about Covid!) IS dangerous, but can be treated IF caught early and treated aggressively. With ANY respiratory virus, watch for pneumonia and GET IT TREATED EARLY. Options fall off fast if you don't get it treated! Most folks infected with Covid did not develop pneumonia.

It's 2025, and people are STILL wearing their masks, even in their cars, sitting alone. It must suck to live life in such paranoia.
The bottom line is the vaccine was developed rapidly on a system they had been designing for over a decade. It was not rushed.
The 'vaccine' was developed in six months. It was rushed. mRNA treatments are not a vaccine.
Look at the hospitals jammed with over 90 percent unvaccinated.
Where? Did you know that the medical ships sent to help out the hospitals were not even utilized???
The efficacy is beyond doubt. Do yourself a favor and get vaccinated. That is how epidemics end.
No vaccine stops any infection. The Covid 'epidemic' is a nothing burger. Covid does not kill.
Okay, Anchovies. Here are some facts for you:

Paradox V:
I get vaccinated to protect myself from Covid. I demand YOU get vaccinated because mine doesn't work.

Paradox M:
I wear a mask to protect myself from Covid. I demand YOU wear a mask because mine doesn't work.

The N95 specification, which designates that the masks used to 'stop Covid' are DUST MASKS, and cannot stop any virus. Many of these 'Covid masks' don't even meet the N95 specification.

Masks are designed to be worn for a couple of hours at most, then discarded. Long term wearing of masks causes health risk to the user from bacteria and fungi.

No vaccination prevents infection. The best it can do is mitigate what happens to the vaccine recipient when infection occurs.

Covid has no vaccine. mRNA treatments are not a vaccine.

The mRNA treatment programs your cells to manufacture Covid.

Mortuary owners and grave diggers saw no marked increase in bodies to process. The number of graves dug in the last five years speaks for itself. Go look in any cemetery.

Hospital and medical workers in clinics wear masks outside of an operating room because the GOVERNMENT REQUIRES THEM TO. They hate it.

Cruise ships, which required 100% 'vaccination' for crew and passengers, still had Covid infections spread throughout the ship.

Research expedition members, which required 100% 'vaccination' before joining such teams such as those in Antarctica, still had Covid infections throughout the teams.

Ivermectin, which has shown effectiveness at treating a Covid infection, was denigrated by Democrats as 'horse medicine', even though Ivermectin is approved for use in humans as well as veterinary use. It is NOT an experimental treatment, unlike the Covid mRNA treatment.

Covid does not kill. No variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills.

Pneumonia, which can be induced by ANY respiratory virus (nothing special about Covid!) IS dangerous, but can be treated IF caught early and treated aggressively. With ANY respiratory virus, watch for pneumonia and GET IT TREATED EARLY. Options fall off fast if you don't get it treated! Most folks infected with Covid did not develop pneumonia.

It's 2025, and people are STILL wearing their masks, even in their cars, sitting alone. It must suck to live life in such paranoia.
Yeah, whatever