How many non-caucasion JPP members are Republican?

Do I, a non-caucasion, identify myself as a Republican?

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Clearly if our tiny microcosm doesn't have a black republican, they don't exist, and Republicans are racist.

No that's not my point at all. I mean there are certainly Republicans like Tin head who are racist but I'm not generalizing all Repbulicans are being racist as that would be wrong and I'm certain there are racist democrats out there. No my point is how in recent years Republicans have hard to alienate groups.

#1. With the advent of Bush they exorcised moderates out of the party. There was no room for fiscal conservative but socially liberal people or even right of center. The moderates had to go and they went.
#2. Then they attacked organizations which have long protected rights of African Americans and have helped them improve their social conditions. Gains in the African American community were promptly lost.
#3. Republicans had made gains with Gays but attacked domestic partnership rights and alienated gays and lost that growing constituency.
#4. Bush made extraordinary gains in the hispanic/latino communities. Then the far right went off on immigration reform and lost that huge constituency.
#4. Now recently they have demonized muslims as all being jihadist fanatics. A natrually conservative group. They are now alienated from Republicans and mostly vote democrat in large blocks.

So with the growing population of hispanics, African Americans, Asians and Middle Eastern folks, how can the Republican party remain viable if they continue to alianate groups based on identity politics?
leaningright is also Native American. There are actually quite a few that are at least partially Native American on this board.
Well so far we have 5 caucasian's who don't know how to read and no non-caucasians voting.

Sorry, but I am not a Caucasian. I am mostly Native American, with some African, Asian, Creole, and maybe a few drops of European (Caucasian) blood. Please tell me you're not going by the bigoted old school adage about "not one drop."
Again, that's like saying your part Irish. Half of everyone claims to have some Native American heritage.

Well, so does that mean people are Caucasian because you think they aren't being honest, or what? Yes, a LOT of white European men fucked Native American women and spawned children together! A lot of Native American men fucked white European women and spawned children together, and their children had children, and so on. You know how that all works, I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

I am offended and insulted by your casual dismissal of my heritage. I have done a great deal of digging into my family genealogy, and it has taken many years to uncover all the secrets.... you see, back in the day, it just wasn't 'cool' to run around telling people you were a Native American, it tended to get you shunned or outcast, or sent to a reservation. So a great many families simply hid this detail, covered it up... and it has only been recently, people have discovered the truth about their ancestry. Even in my own family, where we've known for years about our Cherokee heritage (my great-great-great-grandfather was a Cherokee chieftain), we didn't know until recently, our family is also connected to the Choctaw tribe, this through my mother's side. It was a hidden secret for many years. The Creole/African contingent in our family, also reported to be "Black Dutch" because there was a great deal of prejudice toward Africans, and Creole was often mistaken for African as well.
you heard it first everybody, southern tom sellek look alike dixie is actually an african american. He's basically like 10 minorities all in one. More proof in the future when people call him racist. Hell, I bet he thinks he can say the n-word now.

Yeah dixie, sure, you are related to a cheiftan. And 1/3rd doesn't exist, and jesus talks to you in the shower, and you are the most atheist member of JPP :rolleyes:
Well, so does that mean people are Caucasian because you think they aren't being honest, or what? Yes, a LOT of white European men fucked Native American women and spawned children together! A lot of Native American men fucked white European women and spawned children together, and their children had children, and so on. You know how that all works, I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

That's not how it works. Women are the spoils of war. After you've killed their men, you go and you pick up the hottest one you can find, and then make her your slave.

As for white women marrying native american men, no women would marry into the underclass. She'd be kicked out of her family.