How many non-caucasion JPP members are Republican?

Do I, a non-caucasion, identify myself as a Republican?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well, first of all, the fact that you would be stupid enough to try to marginalize me with a pejorative indicates to me that you're completely closed minded on this issue, so why should I even try to answer your question?

Coming from a racist like you that is really sad. You are a racist Mott... asking you why you focus on people's race so much hardly indicates a person is closed minded. The continual focus on race by you is on the other hand very telling of how you truly see people.

Since when is an interest in incluson considered an obsession? Maybe if you took off your rose colored glasses and quit drinking the kool-aid you'll notice that there's a world out there that isn't pearly white and it looks like we could use some of that around here.

Your poll hardly indicates you wanted to 'include' anyone. No one is unwelcome on this site and to date I can't think of anyone that has been mistreated due to race. Or do you have an example of such?

Your poll is yet another attempt by you to paint your opponents as racists, because you wish to project your own guilt of your own racism onto them. Cause it makes you feel better doesn't it?

I have to admit though I just love how conservatives work very hard to alienate people of color and differning ethnicities and life styles and then squirm, squirm, squirm about it when it's pointed out how pearly white they are.

There we are. Racist Mott projecting yet again his own racist views onto others.

So back at you. Why are you so hypersensitive about race? What are you scared of? What's wrong with wanting to be more inclusive? (Oh, and did you notice I could ask you that question with out calling you a "Con" or "Wingnut" or "Fascist" or "Brown shirted, jack booted, swastica waving, storm trooping Nazi"?)

Yeah... after calling Reps racist, it is big of you not to include 'con' or 'wingnut' etc...

The only one focused on skin pigmentation.... is YOU.

So how do you jump to the conclusion that his question to you about your obsession makes him 'hypersensitive'???
Obviously the repukes have done next to zero in attracting minorities.
That's not entirely accurate. They have attracted them, Hispanic, gay professionals and Muslim Americans have had strong attractions to either the Republicans conservative social values or agree with them on economic/business policy but then the Republicans after attracting these constituencies turn around and alienate them. Why?
Coming from a racist like you that is really sad. You are a racist Mott... asking you why you focus on people's race so much hardly indicates a person is closed minded. The continual focus on race by you is on the other hand very telling of how you truly see people.

Your poll hardly indicates you wanted to 'include' anyone. No one is unwelcome on this site and to date I can't think of anyone that has been mistreated due to race. Or do you have an example of such?

Your poll is yet another attempt by you to paint your opponents as racists, because you wish to project your own guilt of your own racism onto them. Cause it makes you feel better doesn't it?

There we are. Racist Mott projecting yet again his own racist views onto others.

Yeah... after calling Reps racist, it is big of you not to include 'con' or 'wingnut' etc...

The only one focused on skin pigmentation.... is YOU.

So how do you jump to the conclusion that his question to you about your obsession makes him 'hypersensitive'???
Show me where I called anyone a racist Mr. Shit for Brains? I'm just pointing out that the Republican party is getting whiter and whiter and whiter and I didn't state or even fucking imply that racism is the reason, though it may be. So Mr. Fucking Rocket Scientest. Please explain to me, why is the Republican party getting whiter and whiter and why have hispanics, Muslims. Asians and other conservative leaning minorities been alienated by Republicans?
Show me where I called anyone a racist Mr. Shit for Brains? I'm just pointing out that the Republican party is getting whiter and whiter and whiter and I didn't state or even fucking imply that racism is the reason, though it may be. So Mr. Fucking Rocket Scientest. Please explain to me, why is the Republican party getting whiter and whiter and why have hispanics, Muslims. Asians and other conservative leaning minorities been alienated by Republicans?

You were being retarded, however, which is why everyone has been telling you to stop being retarded.
Show me where I called anyone a racist Mr. Shit for Brains? I'm just pointing out that the Republican party is getting whiter and whiter and whiter....


Looks like there are many 'non-white' individuals who identify as Republican here. So where in the fuck is your evidence to back your conclusion? You posted a poll, you expected a different result, and when you didn't get it, you just act like you got it and proceeded to make your failed point. The POINT is, you are a racist who is so bigoted you can't overcome your stereotypes, even in the face of clear evidence to illustrate your own bigotry. That's pretty fucking pathetic, man.
