How many non-caucasion JPP members are Republican?

Do I, a non-caucasion, identify myself as a Republican?

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you heard it first everybody, southern tom sellek look alike dixie is actually an african american. He's basically like 10 minorities all in one. More proof in the future when people call him racist. Hell, I bet he thinks he can say the n-word now.

Yeah dixie, sure, you are related to a cheiftan. And 1/3rd doesn't exist, and jesus talks to you in the shower, and you are the most atheist member of JPP :rolleyes:

Grindtard, I can't help how absolutely handsome I am, it is in my genes I guess. I don't claim to be African-American, I am Native American. I do have some African and Creole ancestry, my something-great grandparents were a mixed couple who came to America via the West Indies in the 1600s, and lived in Pennsylvania amongst the Quakers. Their children, being the "half-breeds" they were, naturally had wives and husbands of diversified ethnicity. My great grandmother on my mom's side, is full Asian. But the most prevalent of all in my family, is Native American. I am officially listed with the government as a Native American, Cherokee tribe. I am also on the registry with the Choctaw nation. On my Father's side, my last name traces back to a 'German' who escaped political persecution from some King, and his family had fled into the Black Forest. They literally had to sneak out of Europe by claiming to be "Black Dutch" instead of German, because they would have been turned over to the King and killed as peasants. It's really a fascinating story, my sister is currently working on a book about it.
I'm going to save the link to Dixie's post for when he contradicts it at a later time, and then I can expose his lie. That's the thing about habitual liars - eventually their lies will catch up with them.
I'm going to save the link to Dixie's post for when he contradicts it at a later time, and then I can expose his lie. That's the thing about habitual liars - eventually their lies will catch up with them.

Preemptive accusation of lying... that's a new one... is that going to now be the preferred pinhead strat?
Mott, why are you and other libs so obsessed with race?
Well, first of all, the fact that you would be stupid enough to try to marginalize me with a pejorative indicates to me that you're completely closed minded on this issue, so why should I even try to answer your question?

Since when is an interest in incluson considered an obsession? Maybe if you took off your rose colored glasses and quit drinking the kool-aid you'll notice that there's a world out there that isn't pearly white and it looks like we could use some of that around here.

I have to admit though I just love how conservatives work very hard to alienate people of color and differning ethnicities and life styles and then squirm, squirm, squirm about it when it's pointed out how pearly white they are.

So back at you. Why are you so hypersensitive about race? What are you scared of? What's wrong with wanting to be more inclusive? (Oh, and did you notice I could ask you that question with out calling you a "Con" or "Wingnut" or "Fascist" or "Brown shirted, jack booted, swastica waving, storm trooping Nazi"?)
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So are we still at zero on the count.

If Dixie was Indian he was most certainly chased off the reservation, and he married a trailor trash white chick who is also his cousin. So he ain't all injun.
Well, first of all, the fact that you would be stupid enough to try to marginalize me with a pejorative indicates to me that you're completely closed minded on this issue, so why should I even try to answer your question?

Since when is an interest in incluson considered an obsession? Maybe if you took off your rose colored glasses and quit drinking the kool-aid you'll notice that there's a world out there that isn't pearly white and it looks like we could use some of that around here.

I have to admit though I just love how conservatives work very hard to alienate people of color and differning ethnicities and life styles and then squirm, squirm, squirm about it when it's pointed out how pearly white they are.

So back at you. Why are you so hypersensitive about race? What are you scared of? What's wrong with wanting to be more inclusive? (Oh, and did you notice I could ask you that question with out calling you a "Con" or "Wingnut" or "Fascist" or "Brown shirted, jack booted, swastica waving, storm trooping Nazi"?)

STFU Mott, and vote in a real poll!!
I just love how conservatives work very hard to alienate people of color and differning ethnicities and life styles and then squirm, squirm, squirm about it when it's pointed out how pearly white they are.

As your poll shows, that "stereotype" doesn't necessarily fit, does it?

I want you to tell me, what have conservatives done to "alienate" anyone? Conservatives believe ALL Americans should be able to enjoy freedom and prosperity. We don't have a need to categorize people as "victims" and put them in segregated boxes, so we can exploit their differences. When you look at the TEA Party rallies, you see white people, black people, Hispanics, Asians... men... women... all unified for a common objective, and not dependent upon class warfare. Meanwhile, virtually everything coming from the left is marginalizing people, categorizing entire groups of people based on stereotypes, putting people into groups which can be pitted against each other for political expediency. We see bigoted assumptions about broad cross-sections of America, based on what geographic location they reside in, or what color their skin is predominately. And we see entire sections of the country, ridiculed and mocked as "stupid people" because they happen to disagree with your political philosophy.