How much will Trump supporters tolerate?


Shaken, not stirred!
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.
Trump supporters don't maintain the tolerance of Obama supporters. They continue to live in the U.S.A. so you could say they're pretty damn steadfast. I would support a draft to invade South America. My sons could be proud of that.
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

Here’s a thought.

Trump supporters don't maintain the tolerance of Obama supporters. They continue to live in the U.S.A. so you could say they're pretty damn steadfast. I would support a draft to invade South America. My sons could be proud of that.

You're babbling, sweetheart....nonsense about Obama supporters leaving the country. But hey, if you're stupid enough to sacrifice your kids to another bogus war, then let them sign up without a draft. Remember, it was that non-combatant Rumsfeld who slandered every VET in America when he said that a volunteer army is better than a drafted one....this was after he was complicit in the LIE that got us embroiled in Iraq. Carry on.
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

Trump has 2020 in the bag, so this shit doesn't matter.
Trump has 2020 in the bag, so this shit doesn't matter.

How fascist of you to wish so. Obviously, you're beyond the age to be drafted or don't have any kids/relatives/friends who could be. Or you just don't give a damn so long as it's not your ass on the line. Carry on.
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

How many of you leftists volunteered your family to go to Syria?
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

I don't support a draft, let alone drafting women. Does that mean I would vote for a Democrat Socialist? No.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

I don't support a draft, let alone drafting women. Does that mean I would vote for a Democrat Socialist? No.

So you'd back Trump and company on all this sabre rattling with Iran or Venezuela or even Syria? You know that would lead to another back door draft like what happened with Iraq...before a real draft would have to be implemented, because we sure as hell don't have the manpower to cover all the bases.
So you'd back Trump and company on all this sabre rattling with Iran or Venezuela or even Syria? You know that would lead to another back door draft like what happened with Iraq...before a real draft would have to be implemented, because we sure as hell don't have the manpower to cover all the bases.

We have the firepower "to cover all the bases."
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

The average Trump supporter would pimp his own mother out to Trump if it would piss off DA LIBS.
Trump supporters don't maintain the tolerance of Obama supporters. They continue to live in the U.S.A. so you could say they're pretty damn steadfast. I would support a draft to invade South America. My sons could be proud of that.

Actually, Trump supporters are more tolerant than (leftist) Obama supporters. How many protests were there at Dem rallies compared to Trump rallies? How many Trump supporters tear down or protest long standing memorials?

I doubt we would need a draft. A voluntarily enlisted military is more effective than a drafted one.
The average Trump supporter would pimp his own mother out to Trump if it would piss off DA LIBS.

You are irrational. I do my part to piss off "DA LIBS" just by being a rural, responsible gun owning, America loving, hard working Trump supporter.
why are lib'ruls always trying to bring back the draft?.......

"lib'ruls" are pointing out the FACT that all this sabre rattling leans towards another military action …. similar to the bogus invasion/occupation Iraq by the Shrub. That along with Afghanistan led to a "back door draft". Look it up. Bottom line: this country won't stand for a repeat of the aforementioned...and the military has to maintain a certain level of personnel in order to carry out all these actions. Ipso Facto, a draft. Which could happen with the MAGA moron in the White House.
Amash is the first Republican to bolt from the herd, we will see how many follow as the election draws closer.
Actually, Trump supporters are more tolerant than (leftist) Obama supporters. How many protests were there at Dem rallies compared to Trump rallies? How many Trump supporters tear down or protest long standing memorials?

I doubt we would need a draft. A voluntarily enlisted military is more effective than a drafted one.

A counter to your revisionism:

Oh, and your last sentence, a parroting of non-combatant/Iraq war conspirator Rumsfeld, basically shits on the graves of every WWII, Korean and Vietnam vet.