How much will Trump supporters tolerate?

Have you looked at the people Trump is calling our "friends" recently?

mind you, his is not the first administration to do business with dirt bags, but he's distinguished himself with open revisionism and the like. Guess we know how much YOU are willing to tolerate from the Orange Oaf.

Way to stand up for your friends. There are other countries who want to destroy America, make sure to stand up for them too.

Seems you define open minded as agreeing with you. Get you head out of Obama's black ass and learn reality, boy.
Have you looked at the people Trump is calling our "friends" recently?

mind you, his is not the first administration to do business with dirt bags, but he's distinguished himself with open revisionism and the like. Guess we know how much YOU are willing to tolerate from the Orange Oaf.

We've known since you joined in May, 2009 how much you're willing to kiss a nigger's ass.
Actually, Trump supporters are more tolerant than (leftist) Obama supporters. How many protests were there at Dem rallies compared to Trump rallies? How many Trump supporters tear down or protest long standing memorials?

I doubt we would need a draft. A voluntarily enlisted military is more effective than a drafted one.

Judging from what I see here, Leftists are a lot more tolerant and civil than Trumpsters.
Here's a thought: how many MAGA folk are willing to DRAFT their sons/daughters into a war with Venezuela or North Korea or Iran?

With Trump's approval numbers dropping and the 2020 election just around the corner, a war would be a most convenient distraction from the Mueller report, to say the least. Just saying.

No…..the best distraction away form the Mueller Report is the DOJ declaring there was no Collusion and no Obstruction. Just ask Fat Jerry who already can't take the heat, as he passes out in public.

Mr. Trump is doing a great job in allowing these nations economies to do better work than any military action could ever do.....just sitting back and watching as both Iran and the commie nation of Venezuela both implode in upon themselves. ;) He is the smartest and shrewdest POTUS since Jack Kennedy.
I don't like the Democrats either and I'm not angry all the time.
I think Trump just attracts people with a low IQ and emotional instability.

So……….almost 63 Million US citizens have a low IQ and are emotionally unstable? Because they disagree with YOU and you are so much their superior its not even funny? Nope.....nothing "elitist" or "condescending" to see here folks....clearly there is no megalomania nor narcissism evident. One's own words of opinion mean nothing. :laugh:
So……….almost 63 Million US citizens have a low IQ and are emotionally unstable? Because they disagree with YOU and you are so much their superior its not even funny? Nope.....nothing "elitist" or "condescending" to see here folks....clearly there is no megalomania nor narcissism evident. One's own words of opinion mean nothing. :laugh:


Indeed you were....attempting to build an argument around a logical fallacy and you even brought your match to this burning STRAWMAN. Do you even comprehend just what a strawman argument is? Are you suggesting that 63 million people did not vote for Mr. Trump and you just did not declare everyone that supported him was :palm: of low IQ and emotionally unstable?

STRAWMAN argument: Is an informal fallacy based upon misrepresentation of another's position. Question? Why don't you just show us how I misrepresented your words? Did you not declare everyone that supported Mr. Trump as being of low IQ and emotionally unstable? I will stand corrected if you did not make that YOUR POSITION in a clear and unambiguous way. :bigthink:

Why do all leftists assume they are always the smartest person in the room? Now that's a strawman argument....because you did not actually make that statement, you simply implied it by pretending to know just what the hell a strawman argument actually is while assuming I DID NOT. Why? Because I am RALPH, a simple redneck with no education? :laugh: Damn I love this job.