How much will Trump supporters tolerate?

Way to stand up for your friends. There are other countries who want to destroy America, make sure to stand up for them too.

Hey, if YOU want to be friends with despots and dictators and neo-fascist, suppressive regimes, that's YOUR BUSINESS. Personally, I take insult and denial that these "friends" of the Orange Oaf's are of good intentions for what MY COUNTRY stands for (or should).

So we know how much you'll tolerate from Trump. Thanks for being honest.
Hey, if YOU want to be friends with despots and dictators and neo-fascist, suppressive regimes, that's YOUR BUSINESS. Personally, I take insult and denial that these "friends" of the Orange Oaf's are of good intentions for what MY COUNTRY stands for (or should).

So we know how much you'll tolerate from Trump. Thanks for being honest.

Indeed.....its easy to TOLERATE things like a 3.2% GDP, several million new jobs, the greatest labor participation rate in recent history since the 60s, lower taxes, less government nose up your ass business killing over-regulations.....a 50% drainage of the EPA swamp creatures (the EPA staff has actually been reduced close to 50%)….moving the vast majority of the FARM BUREAU staff out of DC to the actual farming states away from the swamp rat lobby industry, the lowest unemployment rates for minorities EVER in this nation, the kicking of terrorist ass all over the world, disrupting terrorism at its source....MONEY and FUNDING rather than through BLOOD and US TREASURE.

Yep.....WE THE PEOPLE sure enjoy TOLERATING such things. ;)
We've known since you joined in May, 2009 how much you're willing to kiss a nigger's ass.

translation of CFM response: I can't logically or factually fault the OP's premise or the subsequent facts used to support it, so I hide my intellectually impotence behind racial invective.
Indeed you were....attempting to build an argument around a logical fallacy and you even brought your match to this burning STRAWMAN. Do you even comprehend just what a strawman argument is? Are you suggesting that 63 million people did not vote for Mr. Trump and you just did not declare everyone that supported him was :palm: of low IQ and emotionally unstable?

STRAWMAN argument: Is an informal fallacy based upon misrepresentation of another's position. Question? Why don't you just show us how I misrepresented your words? Did you not declare everyone that supported Mr. Trump as being of low IQ and emotionally unstable? I will stand corrected if you did not make that YOUR POSITION in a clear and unambiguous way. :bigthink:

Why do all leftists assume they are always the smartest person in the room? Now that's a strawman argument....because you did not actually make that statement, you simply implied it by pretending to know just what the hell a strawman argument actually is while assuming I DID NOT. Why? Because I am RALPH, a simple redneck with no education? :laugh: Damn I love this job.

You think Democrats lie about you every day or something stupid like that. And that's why you're always angry.

Well, you do lie about us every day by calling us uneducated deplorables (among a host of other insults). What's worse, you're trying to undermine what this great nation was founded on. We aren't angry...yet...
Well, you do lie about us every day by calling us uneducated deplorables (among a host of other insults).

Is it an insult if it's true? Trumpsters do tend to be very uneducated. I don't call them "deplorable," though.

What's worse, you're trying to undermine what this great nation was founded on. We aren't angry...yet...

No, that's what Trump is doing by creating a culture of Fascism. I believe in truth, checks and balances, government transparency, and democratic elections.
Is it an insult if it's true? Trumpsters do tend to be very uneducated. I don't call them "deplorable," though.

No, that's what Trump is doing by creating a culture of Fascism. I believe in truth, checks and balances, government transparency, and democratic elections.

What do you know about education?