How much will Trump supporters tolerate?

Stop lying....makes you look foolish. Both articles document their's the highlighted words in blue that you click on in addition to the actual events they spell out. You have many chances to logically & factually to disprove any part of the articles. Clearly, you can't. Clearly, your just being a stubborn ass for the hell of it. Back into the IA bin with ya....maybe you'll grow up in a few months.

go away, meme pusher......there's no way to disprove opinion......

Don't blame me for your lack of comprehension. We tolerate your ignorance, or often just ignore it.

Yeah, just as I can't meet a simple burden of proof, so you just double down on your bluff and bluster....not unlike your orange pated leader. You're done. Carry on.
When the upper class goes to war too, we have less of them. The wealthy have no problem sending the lower classes to their deaths. When they have skin in the game, they become less pro-war.

demmycrats have lots of skin in starting wars and in starting drafts.........I guess demmycrats have wealthy skin.......
The best way to get a hater to come to terms with reality is in their wallet, and their Putin puppet tRump and his criminal family and other vagrants and thieves of his administration of rot are helping themselves on their taxpayer dime, including tRump's kissers' dime.