How much will Trump supporters tolerate?

I've already answered it. Go back and look :rolleyes:

So you'll gladly condemn another generation to getting maimed, damaged or killed for a lie perpetrated by privileged chicken hawks and war mongering imperialists, thinking they don't consider you just another dumb toot to be used as a it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, you babble the mantras of the willfully ignorant. Once again, for your education:

Now, anything of worth to say regarding the OP?

wait, women got the vote and slaves were freed in 1970? are education sucked.......I never learned that.......

WTF are you babbling about? You do realize that everyone can click the link and actually READ the articles, right? That makes the stupidity you just spewed above just that...stupid.

Once again, you prove to be a Post Modern Fool not worth responding to. When you grow up and/or grow a pair to actually discuss the issues at hand, I'll respond.
Calm down. I know nobody likes hearing how they're wrong, but there is no need for name-calling.

Anyway, the parties switched positions during desegregation. Goldwater ran on a platform of segregation being a state issue, which attracted the Conservatives and alienated the Liberals. This is when Conservatives started voting Republican, and the Democrats started adopting more liberal policies.

The willfully ignorant like PMP are insipidly stubborn.
As usual, Ben Shapiro is purposely getting some things wrong here. It's not that all of the "racist" politicians went from the DNC to the GOP. It's that the GOP started using the Southern Strategy to win over voters who were pro-segregation during the sixties, mainly starting with the Barry Goldwater campaign. They did this in conjunction with promoting "small government" as a justification for making segregation a state issue, as well as a way to appeal to rich businessmen who didn't want government regulation. Since then, the GOP has become the party of "small government" and conservative "values." The DNC accepted desegregation when they saw that this is where the country was going.
Today the DNC is very racially diverse, the GOP is virtually all white, and literally any group that believes in segregation votes Republican.

Shapiro is pathetic....he thinks being vehement about his revisionism makes him correct. Sad.
So you'll gladly condemn another generation to getting maimed, damaged or killed for a lie perpetrated by privileged chicken hawks and war mongering imperialists, thinking they don't consider you just another dumb toot to be used as a it.

What the hell are you talking about?
As the readers can see, I asked a question that CFM avoids answering. Among his self aggrandizing babbling, he makes a passing remark about the supporting material to the OP that clearly demonstrates CFM DID NOT read the articles or cannot logically/factually fault their content if he did. This is A-typical of the willful ignorance of the general Trump supporter.

CFM, like many of his like minded cohorts, is incapable of a rational debate/discussion. So unless he changes tactics, I'll go back to ignoring him as he follows me around groaning about every posts & thread I put forth.

The question was answered. You demonstrate that all it takes for you to consider something fact is for it to say what you want to here. Agreeing doesn't make it correct but that's the way you do things.

You'll go back to ignoring because you're a goddamn coward. Nothing more, nothing less. Prove that I'm correct.
yes.....but the article is about Nixon and 1970, thus is irrelevant to sufferage and slavery.......

:palm: Learn to read carefully and comprehensively, will ya please? Nixon is only PART of the article...his actions helped/continued to establish the idiocy we see today with Trump getting support from people he wipes his feet on. Slavery and sufferage are a historical part of this as well. If you don't understand this, get a nearby adult to explain it to you....because obviously you seem to think that all moments in recent history are disconnected.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As the readers can see, I asked a question that CFM avoids answering. Among his self aggrandizing babbling, he makes a passing remark about the supporting material to the OP that clearly demonstrates CFM DID NOT read the articles or cannot logically/factually fault their content if he did. This is A-typical of the willful ignorance of the general Trump supporter.

CFM, like many of his like minded cohorts, is incapable of a rational debate/discussion. So unless he changes tactics, I'll go back to ignoring him as he follows me around groaning about every posts & thread I put forth
The question was answered. You demonstrate that all it takes for you to consider something fact is for it to say what you want to here. Agreeing doesn't make it correct but that's the way you do things.

You'll go back to ignoring because you're a goddamn coward. Nothing more, nothing less. Prove that I'm correct.

As the reader can see, CFM just regurgitates the SOS, thinking that no one notices. I challenge anyone to search this thread to link or copy & paste the EXACT post where CFM states in on uncertain terms that he fully supports Trump & company's war mongering to the point of military action, as well as another "back door draft" (yes, I provided valid proof that it did exist and happen during the bogus Bush invasion/occupation of Iraq and the unnecessary warring in Afghanistan). If you can't, that makes CFM a liar. That he can't fault the supporting articles in print makes him a fool to claim otherwise. This is why once exposed, I put jokers like him on IA, as they are a waste of time inanely dodging, accusing and stalling. He's done for a few months.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So you'll gladly condemn another generation to getting maimed, damaged or killed for a lie perpetrated by privileged chicken hawks and war mongering imperialists, thinking they don't consider you just another dumb toot to be used as a it.

What the hell are you talking about?

Your answer to the OP, genius. Unless you can copy/paste or link the post of you saying the contrary.
"Journalist Says".....
thanks for proving Desh isn't the only idiot in the world......

:palm: People can click the link and read the WHOLE article, ya fool. That makes your lame out of context nonsense just that...nonsense. Case in point:

It was reported by the Associated Press that [gubernatorial candidate] Brian Kemp's office (the secretary of state's office) in Georgia was blocking 53,000 voter registrations in that state — 70 percent from African-Americans, 80 percent from people of color.

The journalist then goes on to detail FACTS that support the title....that's what real journalist do. If you can factually disprove what he writes, do so or STFU and go back to lapping up Fox News with slack jawed zeal.
As the reader can see, CFM just regurgitates the SOS, thinking that no one notices. I challenge anyone to search this thread to link or copy & paste the EXACT post where CFM states in on uncertain terms that he fully supports Trump & company's war mongering to the point of military action, as well as another "back door draft" (yes, I provided valid proof that it did exist and happen during the bogus Bush invasion/occupation of Iraq and the unnecessary warring in Afghanistan). If you can't, that makes CFM a liar. That he can't fault the supporting articles in print makes him a fool to claim otherwise. This is why once exposed, I put jokers like him on IA, as they are a waste of time inanely dodging, accusing and stalling. He's done for a few months.

Keep puckering n-lover. That's all you are and all you'll ever be.

You put people on IA because you're a goddamn coward that isn't man enough to defend what he believes. Nothing more, nothing less.
The journalist then goes on to detail FACTS that support the title....that's what real journalist do. If you can factually disprove what he writes, do so or STFU and go back to lapping up Fox News with slack jawed zeal.

he didn't factually prove anything he wrote........its a handful of lib'rul memes and you are stupid enough to repeat it...
The journalist then goes on to detail FACTS that support the title....that's what real journalist do. If you can factually disprove what he writes, do so or STFU and go back to lapping up Fox News with slack jawed zeal.

no desh, he didn't factually prove anything he wrote........its a handful of lib'rul memes and you are stupid enough to repeat it...
he didn't factually prove anything he wrote........its a handful of lib'rul memes and you are stupid enough to repeat it...

Stop lying....makes you look foolish. Both articles document their's the highlighted words in blue that you click on in addition to the actual events they spell out. You have many chances to logically & factually to disprove any part of the articles. Clearly, you can't. Clearly, your just being a stubborn ass for the hell of it. Back into the IA bin with ya....maybe you'll grow up in a few months.
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