How much will Trump supporters tolerate?

Calm down. I know nobody likes hearing how they're wrong, but there is no need for name-calling.

Anyway, the parties switched positions during desegregation. Goldwater ran on a platform of segregation being a state issue, which attracted the Conservatives and alienated the Liberals. This is when Conservatives started voting Republican, and the Democrats started adopting more liberal policies.

another lib'rul who think the south switched to the Republican party because even though they were racists and opposed desegregation they left the party that supported it and joined the party that passed the Civil Rights Act........obviously, people left the demmycrat party because the demmycrat party was run by people as stupid as you are........not only that, but they did it a decade later........(hint.....Goldwater lost, Reagan won).......
another lib'rul who think the south switched to the Republican party because even though they were racists and opposed desegregation they left the party that supported it and joined the party that passed the Civil Rights Act........obviously, people left the demmycrat party because the demmycrat party was run by people as stupid as you are........not only that, but they did it a decade later........(hint.....Goldwater lost, Reagan won).......

People left the DNC because the GOP started saying that desegregation was a state issue in order to win over people who, while they may have opposed slavery, didn't want to end segregation.
Take a deep breath, try to calm down, and get yourself educated.

I didn't say they were. I said the issue of slavery went by state. And today, the states that were in favor of slavery almost always vote Republican.

The slave holding counties still vote Democrat. Look at any county by county election map. The Republican counties have gained relative population and have always been more numerous.
People left the DNC because the GOP started saying that desegregation was a state issue in order to win over people who, while they may have opposed slavery, didn't want to end segregation.
Take a deep breath, try to calm down, and get yourself educated.


Watch this if you dare.
Watch this if you dare.

As usual, Ben Shapiro is purposely getting some things wrong here. It's not that all of the "racist" politicians went from the DNC to the GOP. It's that the GOP started using the Southern Strategy to win over voters who were pro-segregation during the sixties, mainly starting with the Barry Goldwater campaign. They did this in conjunction with promoting "small government" as a justification for making segregation a state issue, as well as a way to appeal to rich businessmen who didn't want government regulation. Since then, the GOP has become the party of "small government" and conservative "values." The DNC accepted desegregation when they saw that this is where the country was going.
Today the DNC is very racially diverse, the GOP is virtually all white, and literally any group that believes in segregation votes Republican.


Vote for secession:

2016 voting pattern:
This map isn't showing which counties owned slaves or supported slavery, it's showing who was for vs against secession. And even then, there isn't much of a match to which areas are Republican or Democrat today.

LOL When discussing history you have to fill inthe blanks, and that is done with a knowledge of human behavior. In this case, slave owners acted in their own best interest and voted for secession, the most vehement anti-slavers (in the mountain counties) voted against. Most others followed along with the rich and powerful (slavers) and fell for the "Northern Aggression" baloney.

In the current map we see that the centers of power (counties with state capitals) are the deepest blue, while the mountain counties are the deepest red.
LOL When discussing history you have to fill inthe blanks, and that is done with a knowledge of human behavior. In this case, slave owners acted in their own best interest and voted for secession, the most vehement anti-slavers (in the mountain counties) voted against. Most others followed along with the rich and powerful (slavers) and fell for the "Northern Aggression" baloney.

LOL Actually a lot of people voted for secession because they didn't like that the federal government was getting involved in a state issue.

In the current map we see that the centers of power (counties with state capitals) are the deepest blue, while the mountain counties are the deepest red.

But that doesn't correspond to the people who voted for secession.

And even if it did, it doesn't change the fact that the Republicans were using the Southern Strategy during desegregation.
LOL Actually a lot of people voted for secession because they didn't like that the federal government was getting involved in a state issue.

But that doesn't correspond to the people who voted for secession.

That explains most of the secession voters.
It corresponds with the people who voted against secession.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Exactly what are you correct about, bunky? So far you haven't answered the OP honestly or directly, and you haven't been able to disprove the supporting information linked. And your pitiful racist jibes are just that...pitiful.

So what are you "correct" about.

I see your mistake. You automatically accepted what was said because it's what you want to hear. Your second mistake was failing to acknowledge my superiority to you. What will be your third mistake, son?

As the readers can see, I asked a question that CFM avoids answering. Among his self aggrandizing babbling, he makes a passing remark about the supporting material to the OP that clearly demonstrates CFM DID NOT read the articles or cannot logically/factually fault their content if he did. This is A-typical of the willful ignorance of the general Trump supporter.

CFM, like many of his like minded cohorts, is incapable of a rational debate/discussion. So unless he changes tactics, I'll go back to ignoring him as he follows me around groaning about every posts & thread I put forth.