Or notUhhh.....you MAY want to rethink that statement.
Or notUhhh.....you MAY want to rethink that statement.
DepOrting. Little keyboard on a phone.Whats "depirting?"
Klan were zealots, true. Your point?So were the Klan.
Or not
Klan were zealots, true. Your point?
“Zealots” can be jailed and deported too.
What "right" is trying to say, is that these Muslims are so scary to him that he is more than willing to change the rules (ignore the Constitution) to make himself feel safe.
Maybe so, but has he actually said anything yet to support that theory?
When did you start giving a flying fuck about the Constitution?
What I proposed is no different than what libs have done, except of course my proposal makes the country stronger, not weaker.What "right" is trying to say, is that these Muslims are so scary to him that he is more than willing to change the rules (ignore the Constitution) to make himself feel safe.
I think we should all wring our collective hands and point the finger of blame at George Bush.
The only thing worse than the fucking leftist blaming Bush for everything is the fucking rightist crying endlessly about it. Leftist are marathon fucking idiots and rightist go all out to catch up!
Go tell your mommy on em Jerkoff!!!!!
Since the first step would be to declare certain acts as usurpations against the state, I suppose it would start off as a law enforcement issue.
Any time you get an Islamist in a public forum they always claim it's the religion of peace. Yet obviously it has been used to inflict violence on a massive scale. Guns are peaceful too and we regulate those, so the precedence is there to regulate Islam. So I think even in the US, with our Bill of Rights, mosques can be regulated just like guns. Just like we make a gun owner prove that he's not a criminal before he can purchase a gun, a person would have to prove they aren't a criminal that practices terrorism before they can become a member of a mosque. Then all mosques have to have a key-card system to enter, and those points are monitored.
I'm not really sure, friend. What do you think would be the best way to get rid of this problem?
That's your side of the story. Mine is that the Crusades were to push the Muslim hordes back to the middle east after they tried to colonize Europe to destroy Christianity there. History is repeating itself.It is a proven historical fact that Christianity is no better and in fact, Christianity's message of Jesus has carved a bloody history within the ages. Christianity was not only used to kill countless Jews and Muslims during the Crusades, but it was also used to colonize people of other countries.
That's your side of the story. Mine is that the Crusades were to push the Muslim hordes back to the middle east after they tried to colonize Europe to destroy Christianity there. History is repeating itself.
It is a proven historical fact that Christianity is no better and in fact, Christianity's message of Jesus has carved a bloody history within the ages. Christianity was not only used to kill countless Jews and Muslims during the Crusades, but it was also used to colonize people of other countries.
I think we should all wring our collective hands and point the finger of blame at George Bush.
After all, our Nobel Peace Prize winning "black" President has already led they way; appologize for our past sins, blame your own country and point your finger at Bush.
Look at how he has healed our own nation and eliminated the partisan divisiveness in this nation and has brought us so much closer to utopia.