How Should This Be Handled?

It is a proven historical fact that Christianity is no better and in fact, Christianity's message of Jesus has carved a bloody history within the ages. Christianity was not only used to kill countless Jews and Muslims during the Crusades, but it was also used to colonize people of other countries.

So Muslims strapping bombs onto their backs and blowing up innocents is not as bad as Christians who abhor such acts? Truly Leftists are the dumbest morons on the planet; seriously.
Of course they did. So what? Three wrongs don't make a Right, and he is talking about recent history, our history, not ancient history. This is a perfect example. You can't understand a concept so you label someone, but being that it is actually you who isn't that bright, you word your sentence into an oxymoron, yet you have the arrogance to deem others stupid.

Once again you erupt with clueless stupidity without any comprehension of what it is being debated; Dante's the dunce was trying to pin slavery on Christians; that's just stupid.

I was merely pointing out why it was stupid.

Slavery has been an issue for the WORLD'S conscience, not merely here in the US or for Christians. America just happened to have fought a devastating civil war over it because we have a Constitution guaranteeing civil rights while other nations quietly swept it under the rug.

Now run along; life's too short for your glaring stupidity.
Well, Christians and Jews prefer doing their slaughtering and bombing from long distances if possible, but are willing to get up close and personal sometimes too, just seldom as actual suicide bombers.

What a painfully stupid claim; but then, when it comes to being painfully stupid, you have few peers.

Perfectly willing to kill innocent woman and children though. No question about that whatsoever.

Another painfully stupid claim trying to outdo the previous one.

Yes, you really are THAT ignorant and THAT fucking stupid. You define reougnant.
It was the correct response to your clueless idiotic rambling about "righties". You sound no different than the clueless brain addled twits on the left.

Oh Yeah!!!!! Your little jumping moron and your brilliant well thought out "LMAO" is just genius, pure genius!!!!! How many repeat years of knidergarten did it take you to incorporate all of that genius, Genius?
Oh Yeah!!!!! Your little jumping moron and your brilliant well thought out "LMAO" is just genius, pure genius!!!!! How many repeat years of knidergarten did it take you to incorporate all of that genius, Genius?

Have some cheese with that whine you ignorant dunce. Better yet, have another circle jerk with your leftist pal Rune. Now THAT is epic comedy.
Once again you erupt with clueless stupidity without any comprehension of what it is being debated; Dante's the dunce was trying to pin slavery on Christians; that's just stupid.

I was merely pointing out why it was stupid.

Slavery has been an issue for the WORLD'S conscience, not merely here in the US or for Christians. America just happened to have fought a devastating civil war over it because we have a Constitution guaranteeing civil rights while other nations quietly swept it under the rug.

Now run along; life's too short for your glaring stupidity.
You know less than zero when compared with Dantes idiot.
What a painfully stupid claim; but then, when it comes to being painfully stupid, you have few peers.

Another painfully stupid claim trying to outdo the previous one.

Yes, you really are THAT ignorant and THAT fucking stupid. You define reougnant.

Show how I am wrong.