How Should This Be Handled?

It is a proven historical fact that Christianity is no better and in fact, Christianity's message of Jesus has carved a bloody history within the ages. Christianity was not only used to kill countless Jews and Muslims during the Crusades, but it was also used to colonize people of other countries.

A lesson in history from a clueless dunce. Where do you Liberals come up with this convoluted history gobbledeygook?

But all that nonsense aside; how many Jews or Christians strap bombs on their backs and blow up busses, children and wedding parties?
You are either an idiot or as dishonest as Christiefan says you are. I am good with either scenario.

He actually has touched on some historic truth. But then, what does an ignorant dishonest hyper partisan retard like you care about facts, reality or the truth.

Your forte' is trolling threads in a desperate effort to remove any doubt what a repugnant dumbass you really are. Yay you!!
The Bible was also used to justify and perpetrate slavery here in the good old home of freedom and shit for white people, and fuck everyone else, for hundreds of years.

So Jews and Muslims never had any slaves? You really are a typical small minded clueless Liberal dunce of epic proportions.
The first time you ever think I will personally nominate you for a Nobel Prize!

What would an incredibly stupid, unintelligent, clueless leftist twit like you know about "thinking"? You're much better at clueless eruptions.

Now do the world a favor and fuck off and die.
He actually has touched on some historic truth. But then, what does an ignorant dishonest hyper partisan retard like you care about facts, reality or the truth.

Your forte' is trolling threads in a desperate effort to remove any doubt what a repugnant dumbass you really are. Yay you!!

I am not saying it is untrue. I am saying it isn't Right, Don't worry, I completely understand that you don't do nuance. To give you an example of how limited your thinking is though, consider that by you labelling everything liberal as bad or wrong or dishonest or ignorant or false, you fail to truly considered anything said by a liberal or progressive, and a good member of any "side" knows that the other side is right about some things and their own side is wrong about some things. Because of your refusal to see anything grey at all, you are missing a lot of the picture and because of YOUR hyper partisanship you defend what your side is wrong about with vehemence which bars any gain of knowledge or advancement on or from either or any side.

How about putting down the sword and the shield and having a reasoned respectful debate?

All you end up being is a bur under the saddle. Yay You. The same thing happened to Taft. He has some knowledge, some cognitive ability but he is so hyper partisan he can't hear anything at all except his own voice.
Or, you don't know history. I'm good with that fact.
Using the times of greatest killing and robbery ever justified by Christianity as justification to do more injustice is not Right. I am OK with knowing that you are essentially amoral as a result of misinterpretation of what Jesus would really have done.
So Jews and Muslims never had any slaves? You really are a typical small minded clueless Liberal dunce of epic proportions.

Of course they did. So what? Three wrongs don't make a Right, and he is talking about recent history, our history, not ancient history. This is a perfect example. You can't understand a concept so you label someone, but being that it is actually you who isn't that bright, you word your sentence into an oxymoron, yet you have the arrogance to deem others stupid.
A lesson in history from a clueless dunce. Where do you Liberals come up with this convoluted history gobbledeygook?

But all that nonsense aside; how many Jews or Christians strap bombs on their backs and blow up busses, children and wedding parties?

Well, Christians and Jews prefer doing their slaughtering and bombing from long distances if possible, but are willing to get up close and personal sometimes too, just seldom as actual suicide bombers.

Perfectly willing to kill innocent woman and children though. No question about that whatsoever.
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Muslim terrorist are winning the war for sure to instigate our bastard politicians to trash more and all of our freedoms. They're workin on it!!!!!

Bush and congress handed Bin Laden the win when they used his actions to vastly curtail our freedoms and initiate a shift to totalitarianism, a direction which both Right and Truth Detector evidently approve of since Right is willing to give up freedom of religion and TD has already made his RWA cred extraordinarily clear.
Bush and congress handed Bin Laden the win when they used his actions to vastly curtail our freedoms and initiate a shift to totalitarianism, a direction which both Right and Truth Detector evidently approve of since Right is willing to give up freedom of religion and TD has already made his RWA cred extraordinarily clear.

Just like the left, the right never understands that BIG government got them into the mess so they believe more BIG government will get them out of the mess BIG government created. Of course the end result of that is freedom suffers because government is "FORCE" by definition.

"The truth shall set ye free!"
Using the times of greatest killing and robbery ever justified by Christianity as justification to do more injustice is not Right. I am OK with knowing that you are essentially amoral as a result of misinterpretation of what Jesus would really have done.
Islam gets a pass?
Bush and congress handed Bin Laden the win when they used his actions to vastly curtail our freedoms and initiate a shift to totalitarianism, a direction which both Right and Truth Detector evidently approve of since Right is willing to give up freedom of religion and TD has already made his RWA cred extraordinarily clear.

Just like the left, the right never understands that BIG government got them into the mess so they believe more BIG government will get them out of the mess BIG government created. Of course the end result of that is freedom suffers because government is "FORCE" by definition.

"The truth shall set ye free!"

Irony; a clueless BiG Government leftist and clueless NO Government Libertarian having a circle jerk over the "right".
Bush and congress handed Bin Laden the win when they used his actions to vastly curtail our freedoms and initiate a shift to totalitarianism, a direction which both Right and Truth Detector evidently approve of since Right is willing to give up freedom of religion and TD has already made his RWA cred extraordinarily clear.

I could have sworn that Bin Laden was dead. Damn you're one clueless dunce. It's painfully obvious you have no idea what totalitarianism means.

But alas, in the empty heads of clueless lefttards like you, and equally clueless Libertariantards like Classic, 9-11 never happened.

Yes, you both really are THAT stupid.