How the web became a sexists' paradise

So which do you think would have a more detrimental effect on law enforcement / military: removing men, or removing women? Be honest.

Women aren't even allowed on front lines, and they're basically jokes as police officers.

Do you think it was right to lower strength/ size standards for policepersons? Do you support lowering standards to achieve political correctness, to the detriment of the public at large? Evidently you do.

I'm starting to understand myB!tch's style of "debate" He never addresses the underlying issues. He mearly tosses out red herrings.

Do you or don't you agree that:

Darla said:
Therefore, women are protecting you and affording you safety, right now.
There's really some elements of truth here. I've personally seen it. Not really on this board, but on others. Women who are opinionated and passionate in online forums attract the most vitriolic attacks. Not from most men, mind you. But, there's a significant subculture of male posters who try to shout women down, and degrade them. I hate reading this kind of stuff (it's really depressing), but it's important to be aware of it.

When I'm thinking of the worst shit I've seen, I'm thinking Maineman, toby, FearAndLoathing, me, Dixie, MichaelK, DrWho.
I don't think girls get the worst of it at all, in fact most guys go out of their way to be nice.
Dumb article.
I'm starting to understand myB!tch's style of "debate" He never addresses the underlying issues. He mearly tosses out red herrings.

Do you or don't you agree that:
Either that or he's truly paranoid. I'd worry if he's preparing a manifesto for NBC.

I'm starting to understand myB!tch's style of "debate" He never addresses the underlying issues. He mearly tosses out red herrings.

Do you or don't you agree that:

Some women are cops. SOme women are in the militarily. But overwhelmingly these two institutions derive their basic effectiveness from a preponderance of men.

Just because both men and women are in the military, doesn't mean "men and women both contribute equally" to these organizations. You deny the value of men when you make these sweeping and dishonest parallels.
Some women are cops. SOme women are in the militarily. But overwhelmingly these two institutions derive their basic effectiveness from a preponderance of men.

Just because both men and women are in the military, doesn't mean "men and women both contribute equally" to these organizations. You deny the value of men when you make these sweeping and dishonest parallels.
Gosh, I don't feel devalued. Why do you? Sounds like insecurity to me.