How the web became a sexists' paradise

One example is nearly every human society to date. The women operate within the safety zone established by the men.

Tell that to the Amazons, the Spartans, Boudicca and Maggie
Asshat, you aren't ever gonna win this argument because you are using huge generalisations. I know women who are effette, weak, indecisive and rely on 'emotional intelligence' (that term makes me want to puke).

But then I know many men that are like that too.

I know men who are strong, decisive, logical, determined, shrewd and cunning.

But then I know many women who are like that.

We all make small generalisations, but gaping huge ones like your claims on this subject never stand up to testing.
One example is nearly every human society to date. The women operate within the safety zone established by the men.

Tell that to the Amazons, the Spartans, Boudicca and Maggie

This is a great example of the reflected glory some men believe shines on them through the actions of other men. Simone De Beauvoir writes of this phenomenon in "The Second Sex", speaking of particular men in her crowd, whom, in her opinion, seemed to feel that because Proust was a man, they had all written Swann's Way.

And of course, today, this belief is even more ridiculous. We all operate within the safety zone provided by others. And these "others" include both men and women, in our law enforcement and military, both of which, women serve in.

AHZ is not in the military, yet he believes he has somehow provided us with a safety zone. The truth is, he enjoys the safety zone others, including women, have provided for him. As do the majority of us, men and women alike.
The truth is, he enjoys the safety zone others, including women, have provided for him.

Absolute killer point that knocks Asshat's argument to pieces in one sentence.....
Asshat/Brent is a CHO waiting to happen


He is the young man who shot all of those people here in the States, at VA Tech. He felt there were a lot of people aligned in conspiracy against him too.

Hopefully, AHZ does not feel as angry, alone, tortured and isolated as Cho did. It's really a heartbreaking story, all around. It's a terrible world that anyone should ever feel that way in, and you add mental illness into the mix, and that's what you get.
He is the young man who shot all of those people here in the States, at VA Tech. He felt there were a lot of people aligned in conspiracy against him too.

Oh, I get you. Thought it was an abbreviation for something...

I hope AHZ is ok too, I'm sure he will be. I know fairly stable people who hold similar views as he does and they seem to be ok.
This is a great example of the reflected glory some men believe shines on them through the actions of other men. Simone De Beauvoir writes of this phenomenon in "The Second Sex", speaking of particular men in her crowd, whom, in her opinion, seemed to feel that because Proust was a man, they had all written Swann's Way.

And of course, today, this belief is even more ridiculous. We all operate within the safety zone provided by others. And these "others" include both men and women, in our law enforcement and military, both of which, women serve in.

AHZ is not in the military, yet he believes he has somehow provided us with a safety zone. The truth is, he enjoys the safety zone others, including women, have provided for him. As do the majority of us, men and women alike.

I don't think I gain glory from other men. I've never said so. I just know that it's more disruptive to a man's life to not have a job than it is for a woman. that's a fact. Men have responsibilities, women have choices.
The truth is, he enjoys the safety zone others, including women, have provided for him.

Absolute killer point that knocks Asshat's argument to pieces in one sentence.....

The military is overwhelmingly composed of men. And no I did non serve. this discussion is about generalities, not me. Personalizing it demeans all you losers.

Amazons? LOL.
Men have responsibilities, women have choices.

What reponsibilities do men have that women don't, and what choices do women have that men don't?
The military is overwhelmingly composed of men. And no I did non serve. this discussion is about generalities, not me. Personalizing demeans all you losers.

Yet there are women who offer you the protection your need to live comfortably... Does that feel demeaning to you?

As for discussing generalities, see my above ref generalities.
He is the young man who shot all of those people here in the States, at VA Tech. He felt there were a lot of people aligned in conspiracy against him too.

Oh, I get you. Thought it was an abbreviation for something...

I hope AHZ is ok too, I'm sure he will be. I know fairly stable people who hold similar views as he does and they seem to be ok.

Oh I'm sure. I think Top was just using that as hyperbole to make a point. It's good that the internet gives people a place to rant, generally. Maybe if this guy Cho has been ranting on a message board, it wouldn't have happened. Rather, he would have found some nebulous screename to focus his anger on. It's pretty much the thing these days.
Men have responsibilities, women have choices.

What reponsibilities do men have that women don't, and what choices do women have that men don't?

Overwhelmingly, men are valued for their earning power more than women. It is more acceptable for a woman to not work, than it is for a man.

Women can choose to be a homemaker, or to work.

though mr. mom was a great film, the majority of women would not be appreciative of a non-earning husband, even if they say they would in a online debate.

None of this is deniable.
The military is overwhelmingly composed of men. And no I did non serve. this discussion is about generalities, not me. Personalizing demeans all you losers.

Yet there are women who offer you the protection your need to live comfortably... Does that feel demeaning to you?

As for discussing generalities, see my above ref generalities.

Fine...and generally we all operate in the safety provided to us by others in law enforcement and the military, made up of women and men. In your own community you are afforded safety and protection, generally, by the police. Therefore, women are protecting you and affording you safety, right now.
Fine...and generally we all operate in the safety provided to us by others in law enforcement and the military, made up of women and men. In your own community you are afforded safety and protection, generally, by the police. Therefore, women are protecting you and affording you safety, right now.

So which do you think would have a more detrimental effect on law enforcement / military: removing men, or removing women? Be honest.

Women aren't even allowed on front lines, and they're basically jokes as police officers.

Do you think it was right to lower strength/ size standards for policepersons? Do you support lowering standards to achieve political correctness, to the detriment of the public at large? Evidently you do.