How the web became a sexists' paradise

Women have been turned into shrill, hateful, selfish, arrogant, anti-male, anti-family zealots, for the most part. It's not attractive. Try being sweet and making a pie or two!

Ok you're a troll.

Maybe you are Brent ?


Watch daytime tv? So now we have gone from citing feminist writings, which he was unable to do, to "watch soap operas and you'll see proof!"

This guy is a riot.

usc, does he know that they're not real? I'd hate to think I'm going to ruin the next episode of "One Life to Live" for him, by bringing him this distressing news!

Watch daytime tv? So now we have gone from citing feminist writings, which he was unable to do, to "watch soap operas and you'll see proof!"

This guy is a riot.

usc, does he know that they're not real? I'd hate to think I'm going to ruin the next episode of "One Life to Live" for him, by bringing him this distressing news!

I don't need to cite feminist writings. The effects of the idiotic movement are apparent in the attitudes and beliefs of actual women.

I'm not referring to fictional episodic drama.
I don't need to cite feminist writings. The effects of the idiotic movement are apparent in the attitudes and beliefs of actual women.

I'm not referring to fictional episodic drama.


I can't site feminist writings because I've never read one. No women want me, so feminism must be a bad bad thing that's telling them not to want me.

I can't site feminist writings because I've never read one. No women want me, so feminism must be a bad bad thing that's telling them not to want me.

Do you believe in the concept of "prevailing attitudes"? If you do, could please describe the prevailing attitudes of women toward men, and how they have changed with the advent of feminism?

Watch daytime tv? So now we have gone from citing feminist writings, which he was unable to do, to "watch soap operas and you'll see proof!"

This guy is a riot.

usc, does he know that they're not real? I'd hate to think I'm going to ruin the next episode of "One Life to Live" for him, by bringing him this distressing news!

Perhaps an epsode of "The Young and the Useless" ?
Or "the Days of our Wives"
Do you believe in the concept of "prevailing attitudes"? If you do, could please describe the prevailing attitudes of women toward men, and how they have changed with the advent of feminism?


If you look to the stars, the answer is obvious.