How to Act "Manly"

Real men think;

A real men always wears a condom, ear plugs and nose plugs when having sex with a woman. Cause real mean can't stand STD's, the sound of a woman screaming or the smell of rubber burning.

Real men think birth control should come in ale and lager flavors.

Real man think that nodding your head and looking at your watch is an adequate response to her saying "I love you."

Real men think "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" is an acceptable reply to a wedding vow.

Real men think Valentines day should be on February 29th.
Okay, I should qualify that "acceptable" goatees do not include hair above the lip. Just a little on the chin and slightly off to the side...

Thanks for playing, perverts. I was physically incapable of fantasizing about goatees in such manner until you three proles (Damo, Tom, Mott) chimed in from the low-income housing lot...
I guess our job is done here then?
Originally Posted by TuTu Monroe View Post
Tom is experienced in kissing real goats.

Well who doesn't? He's hardly unique there.
