How was the speech?

Oh, indeed, Lf.

Some are losing their self-control, their self-discipline.

Some are just going bonkers.
You think someone that can't figure out what gender they are, can't recall history at all, burn and loot cities and commit crime openly in broad daylight, spend much of their time talking about their selfish sexual deviancy, HAS ANY CONTROL???
Perhaps an act of atonement would be too much to ask from Walter.

He has committed the sin of bearing false witness.

We conservatives are a forgiving group though.

“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”

Colossians 1:13-27 NKJV​

No redemption for Walter. Poor Walter,
Yes, there is...even for Wally...and he will know the full error of his folly, for all will be laid bare.

...and Wally is going to have to live with that.
I suspect it is the AGE that is the factor...because the supposed "extremely obvious cognitive decline" is bullshit.

His memory IS shot. I grant you that. But there have been three members of my extended family with "cognitive decline" who could never have mastered the information Joe Biden currently possesses...and has shared in recent answers to questions given to him in public.

He is old...looks a lot older than he is...and physically dodders. But he has mastery of facts and knowledge than Trump cannot match even in an open-book exam. You know that!

He is old...and acts old, walks old, and talks old. I am more than 6 years older than he...and I am physically superior in damn near ever metric. THAT is what is bothering you folk. If the "cognitive decline" {he does not know or cannot process and articulate certain facts) were actually the factor...the much greater danger is Trump...who is essentially operating on a grade school level.
You can't argue both sides of a paradox, fool!
In 2020…Joe…”I am Joe Biden and I am running for the US Senate.”

Trump received a Bachelor of Science in economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 1968.
His dad bought his degree. Note ,he received no honors. That much we can find. But he had Cohen threaten every school with huge lawsuits if his grades got out. Trump is so proud of his grades. Trump is really quite stupid.