How young Americans are set to change the US forever

it will no longer be a christian cracker "kulture"

We will see, but my compatriots who were flaming liberals and the life of the party are becoming anal Bible thumpers these days too. Pro-abortion people become anti-abortion people once they have children. Life can be unexpected and unpredictable. Young me would be sad about this, but grown up me is, "I am tired of paying more and more taxes only to see things get worse and worse, so screw raising my taxes to pay crappy teachers more money to be crappy teachers."
The left is putting their political hopes in the youth

They can’t explain how and when the Baby Boomers who we were told were ALWAYS liberal democrats suddenly became conservatives?

we live in a two party system.

It doesn't take long seeing the dingbats on the left running things, to scream for the opposition party. Sure, buyers remorse sets in there too, but you are truly an idiot if you think we are moving away from a two party system that maintains somewhat equal electability.

You mean the gerrymandering system? Let's hope you give it up to avoid Civil War.
You mean the gerrymandering system? Let's hope you give it up to avoid Civil War.

wow, I met a retard.

no - I mean the two party system. 51% of the vote wins. The side that gets 49% modifies the platform to pull support from the 51%
wow, I met a retard.

no - I mean the two party system. 51% of the vote wins. The side that gets 49% modifies the platform to pull support from the 51%

But, as you know, the Right Wing, because of the gerrymandering, is allowed to grow more and more extreme, because the constituencies are so drawn that they never have to face normal people, and nothing anywhere like most of the voters bother. If the Republicans move much further right they'll attempt a one-party government very soon.
But, as you know, the Right Wing, because of the gerrymandering, is allowed to grow more and more extreme, because the constituencies are so drawn that they never have to face normal people, and nothing anywhere like most of the voters bother. If the Republicans move much further right they'll attempt a one-party government very soon.

you are an idiot
But, as you know, the Right Wing, because of the gerrymandering, is allowed to grow more and more extreme, because the constituencies are so drawn that they never have to face normal people, and nothing anywhere like most of the voters bother. If the Republicans move much further right they'll attempt a one-party government very soon.

There are as many Democratic as Republican safe districts. They are drawn to protect incumbents and the "big sort" means people are living around others like themselves and districts would have to be gerrymandered to make them competitive. Drawing fairly compact and contiguous districts puts like individuals together. Democrats "waste" many of their votes by packing so many together in high density urban areas.
45? That actually seems charitable to me.

As often as Trumptards call me a "commie!" a "Bolshevik!", a "Marxist!", as much as they complain about Chappaquiddick, their general archaic lexicon, phrases, and buzzwords, gives me the distinct impression of elderly, angry white dudes who came of age during the 1950s vintage "Red Scare".
I mean, really their average age strikes me as around 79...or even older!
I dunno....probably the best argument for being a conservative is a 5 minute discussion with someone under 30.
Aren't the "Trump tards" of today the old '60's hippies who were going to change the world as well? Funny you Boomers spent so much time tripping balls and now call each other stupid. Step aside for the good of the country and let Gen Xers run sh*t.

That's an excellent point Wacko!

Cypress....we'd better stay in charge till the Millenials are ready.
And change is coming fast and the old,bitter, uneducated trumptards are reacting accordingly

Older white Americans still hold most of the economic and political power in the US. But the great ethnic diversity of younger generations means that change is coming.

America's workforce, politics and place on the world stage will soon be changed forever.

So great and so rapid are the shifts in the country's population, that, in the coming decade, the US is set to be transformed far more than other nations.

Almost half of millennials and children are from ethnic minority groups and it is this great diversity that is at the heart of demographic changes.

Trump rode into the White House on a wave of support from older white Americans - those over the age of 45.

Many were drawn to his promise of creating a better economy.

But part of Mr Trump's appeal was his stance on growing immigrant populations and political correctness.

His position reflected the fears of some older white people

You idiots have been predicting this for how long?
There are as many Democratic as Republican safe districts. They are drawn to protect incumbents and the "big sort" means people are living around others like themselves and districts would have to be gerrymandered to make them competitive. Drawing fairly compact and contiguous districts puts like individuals together. Democrats "waste" many of their votes by packing so many together in high density urban areas.
Not really. It's just critical to win the house in a census year so your party can draw the lines.

Gerrymandering has put us in the predicament that elections have practically been mooted by primaries based on electing persons with the most conservative/liberal credentials. That could be resolved if people would consistently vote in all elections. Not just Presidential cycles. You could probably legislate rational districting and limit gerrymandering.
Life wll beat them down soon enough. Most of the problems we have now are due to Summer of Love people putting their clothes back on, giving up the LSD, and growing up to become crabby holier than thou conservatives who only make occasional trips to the airport bathroom for a temporary liberation from the chains that bind them.

Wow, you really are about as clueless as it gets. Hippies became liberal profs, not conservatives.
Wow, you really are about as clueless as it gets. Hippies became liberal profs, not conservatives.
Bullshit. I was a member of the young republicans when I was in college and a hippie and look what happened to me! I became a very succesful garbage collector. :)

Of course I have to admit I didn't exactly fit the image but they did appreciate my utterly ruthless and unsentimental assessment of people for what they actually are. I remember when I suggested that to convert hard core Democratic Mercer county to Republican I was told it was impossible. When I told them I wanted to use the Guns, God and Abortion, strategy (well in Mercer County is was more like Guns, God, Abortion and Religious Cults....with religious cult being defined as any religious belief that wasn't Roman Catholic) I was told I was insane. But it worked and on that basis they forgave my long hair and tie dyed t-shirts.