How young Americans are set to change the US forever

Bullshit. I was a member of the young republicans when I was in college and a hippie and look what happened to me! I became a very succesful garbage collector. :)

Of course I have to admit I didn't exactly fit the image but they did appreciate my utterly ruthless and unsentimental assessment of people for what they actually are. I remember when I suggested that to convert hard core Democratic Mercer county to Republican I was told it was impossible. When I told them I wanted to use the Guns, God and Abortion, strategy (well in Mercer County is was more like Guns, God, Abortion and Religious Cults....with religious cult being defined as any religious belief that wasn't Roman Catholic) I was told I was insane. But it worked and on that basis they forgave my long hair and tie dyed t-shirts.

I was a young Republican, canvassed door to door for Nixon. I abandoned the party with his fall.
I know, but the hippie movement was generally the start of the modern lib/prog movement, IMHO.

I was a long hair, but my core principles have always remained the same.
Actually the modern liberal/progressive movement started in the late 1890's and early 1900's and Republicans, like TR, were its leaders.

The time frame you're referring to is the beginning of the modern urban/rural divide that began with Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement.
Not really. It's just critical to win the house in a census year so your party can draw the lines.

Gerrymandering has put us in the predicament that elections have practically been mooted by primaries based on electing persons with the most conservative/liberal credentials. That could be resolved if people would consistently vote in all elections. Not just Presidential cycles. You could probably legislate rational districting and limit gerrymandering.

I think you mean win both houses of the state legislature, not the House, because they draw the lines (within limits set by the Voting Rights Act). Yes, both parties want to win the most state legislatures following the census, but that does not make my statement false that the Dems have as many safe seats as Republicans.

Safe Democratic seats: 173 of 192 seats=90%
Safe Republican seats: 205 of 2400 seats=85%

Will the young folks "change" things by starting to pay lots and lots of taxes adn actually pay the loans off for their college? Yeah that would be a real change.....

Will the young folks "change" things by starting to pay lots and lots of taxes adn actually pay the loans off for their college? Yeah that would be a real change.....

why should regular joes pay more

lets go back to the days of 70% corporate taxes
when we had them in the past it worked fine

And American manufacturing was driven overseas, stashed their funds in foreign banks, and regular Joes had to pay more for their products. Americans today pay a smaller percent of their income for almost every category of goods and services.
And American manufacturing was driven overseas, stashed their funds in foreign banks, and regular Joes had to pay more for their products. Americans today pay a smaller percent of their income for almost every category of goods and services.
