HR 127 is a way to confiscate guns

Nope. Those two amendments have always applied to the States.

Only in the Into the Night/SmarterthanYou/IBDaMann school of constitutional law. Nothing in the Bill of Rights applied to the states until 1925. Basic constitutional law.

The Supreme Court does not have authority to change the Constitution. You are ignoring Article III.

They changed nothing. They ruled the 2nd allows gun registration. It had never been interpreted differently and both state and federal laws include some registration requirements. If I register my gun and I still have it, it was not confiscated.

Into the Night
Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing.
You are ignoring the 9th amendment.

The 10th amendment gives the states power over such issues as vehicles on the public roads.

You think the founders included driving as one of the other rights in the 9th?

Into the Night 12/31
Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing.
The data says states with more strict gun laws have lower gun death rates. That's a factual statement.
There is no correlation. Not a fact. Learn what 'fact' means.
Of the 10 states with the strictest gun laws, eight of them are in the bottom 10 in gun death rates, and all 10 are in the bottom 20.
Cherry picking fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.
A single state rise in violent crime doesn't change that.
Yes it does. Divisional error fallacy.
It's a single data point,
You are using single data points. Denial of self. Irrational.
and 'violent crime' is a generic term for things like assault and rape which is different than the more specific gun death metric.
So any other violent crime is okay?
As for registration, the burden imposed by having to register a firearm is minimal,
You are ignoring the 5th and 6th amendments.
and it allows a gun to be traced to an owner.
You are ignoring the 4th and 5th amendments.
It may make it easier after the fact to identify a criminal who used that weapon.
I don't let criminals use my guns.
Laws per se don't stop any kind of crime. No law does.
If I want to do something illegal a law won't stop me, so why have any laws? Because they DO have an impact on crime rates, even though that impact is difficult to quantify.
Laws have NO impact on crime rate.

Laws that are unconstitutional can and should be ignored.
Because no one dies if someone votes illegally. And because there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, therefore those laws are more likely to disenfranchise voters than they are to prevent illegal votes.

Did five people die in Washington DC or not?
Sorry dude. You cannot make the evidence go away.
Why? Why wouldn't doing both be a benefit. We know that veteran suicides are a huge problem. Doesn't it make sense for example to get them treatment for mental health AND make their firearms less accessible? Why do you think these two things are mutually exclusive? I'm curious, however it's a moot point. We agree on mental health. We disagree on gun laws, so it makes more sense to focus on resolving that issue.

WRONG. You simply do not recognize the Constitution of the United State nor any State constitution.
Huh? People that get guns illegally don't get them legally? Ah, DUH. Why does that lessen the need for laws that make those means illegal? Your lame attempt to tie death to an illegal vote is laughable. There is no direct or even loose connection. I guarantee there is a connection between the purchase of a gun and that gun being used to kill someone.

Another logic fail on your part. Complete fail BTW. If a straw buyer purchases a gun legally and then illegally provides it to someone else, that is a legal gun purchase resulting in a gun going directly into an illegal persons hands. And it happens all the time.

I have three guns. I have not killed anyone with them. Those guns have never revolted against me or threatened to kill me in any way.
Some don't want a voter ID and others don't want extended voting period or mail-in ballots. The reason is the same--they are afraid it will give their side less votes or the other side more votes.

WRONG. It's to reduce or eliminate chances of voter fraud and election fraud.
Only in the Into the Night/SmarterthanYou/IBDaMann school of constitutional law. Nothing in the Bill of Rights applied to the states until 1925. Basic constitutional law.

They changed nothing. They ruled the 2nd allows gun registration. It had never been interpreted differently and both state and federal laws include some registration requirements. If I register my gun and I still have it, it was not confiscated.

Into the Night
Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing.

Idk what kinda babby shit you smoke to make you post such bullshit, but you should probably stop.
Only in the Into the Night/SmarterthanYou/IBDaMann school of constitutional law. Nothing in the Bill of Rights applied to the states until 1925. Basic constitutional law.
WRONG. the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th amendments apply to the States WHEN THEY BECAME PART OF THE CONSTITUTION. The 1st amendment does NOT apply to the States. It specifically applies only to the federal government.
They changed nothing. They ruled the 2nd allows gun registration.
That changes the Constitution. It infringes on the right to own a gun, and is building a database to witness against yourself. No court has authority to change the Constitution.
It had never been interpreted differently
No court has authority to interpret or change the Constitution.
and both state and federal laws include some registration requirements.
They are unconstitutional.
If I register my gun and I still have it, it was not confiscated.
Irrelevant. It CAN be used to confiscate it more easily, and it acts as a Scarlet Letter.
Only in the Into the Night/SmarterthanYou/IBDaMann school of constitutional law. Nothing in the Bill of Rights applied to the states until 1925. Basic constitutional law.

They changed nothing. They ruled the 2nd allows gun registration. It had never been interpreted differently and both state and federal laws include some registration requirements. If I register my gun and I still have it, it was not confiscated.

Into the Night
Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing.

You're a serious anti-Constitution and Anti-American nutbar.