Huckleberry takes another state!

You are right-- it is the belief that government should be a tool of the people rather than the people a tool of the government. Which means that anything done within the limits of the law in America will have the support of the people (in which case it will be American) or will be swiftly reversed by the collective will.

You are using a ridiculously limited definition of the word "American" that has nothing to do with American VALUES. What an idiotic and moronic way to put things, and there's no way anyone but a braindead battered bitch could think that way or agree.
You are using a ridiculously limited definition of the word "American" that has nothing to do with American VALUES. What an idiotic and moronic way to put things, and there's no way anyone but a braindead battered bitch could think that way or agree.

When it comes to how our government is run that was a good way to look at it.... the will of the people.... the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
When it comes to how our government is run that was a good way to look at it.... the will of the people.... the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Whenever we say "American", we are using it in the context of "American values", or whatever they mean right now, and whatever they meant in 1776.
Whenever we say "American", we are using it in the context of "American values", or whatever they mean right now, and whatever they meant in 1776.

So are you suggesting that the will of the people is no longer an American value?

Whose "American values"????? That seems to be where you are confusing yourself. You take the far right and far left and ask them to define American values and I bet you get two very different answers. So whose do you use?
So are you suggesting that the will of the people is no longer an American value?

Whose "American values"????? That seems to be where you are confusing yourself. You take the far right and far left and ask them to define American values and I bet you get two very different answers. So whose do you use?

WTF???? We both know you are not this ignorant. NO MATTER WHAT THE SUGGESTION IS.... IT IS NOT UNAMERICAN TO SUGGEST IT AND TRY TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION. As long as you follow the procedure set forth, there is NO SUGGESTION that is unAmerican.

It is truly sad that you continue acting as though you do not understand the above.

Well, at least you are intellectually consistant. I personally belive that certian anti freedom ideas are unamerican, even if it would be legal to enact them!
We aren't talking about whether to suggest is unamerican, we are talking about whether or not the proposed suggestion itself is unamerican.

For instance, "We should kill all Joos" is a suggestion. It is not unAmerican to suggest. That is known to the most braindead zombies amongst us, and it is ridiculously ignorant to try to point it out in the middle of a conversation. However, killing people for possessing a certain religion, which is the result of the suggestion being carried out, is quite unAmerican.

Do you understand, Superbaby? Or do I need to explain more?

EXACTLY, thank you!
Do us all a favor.... go grab your binky and your blanky and leave the discussion to the grown ups if you refuse to pay attention to what the conversation is about.

Jarods last post:

"Would it be unAmerican to promote a change in the constitution that would prohibit people from practicing Christanity? "

Another of Jarods posts:

"Do you believe it would be UnAmerican to suggest a change that would promote the free exersize of religen?"

He specifically asks in both cases if it is unamerican to "suggest a change".

It is NEVER unAmerican to suggest a change and to try to get the majority to do so.

That does not mean that every suggestion is a good idea or that it has a snow balls chance in hell of being approved by the required majorities.

So no matter how many wacked out suggestions you come up with, NONE are unAmerican to suggest.

You are being disingenous. You know what I explained about how it was not the fact that he was suggesting changes, but the changes he was suggesting. Stop playing dumb just for teh sake of avoiding a discussion you know you will lose.
Whenever we say "American", we are using it in the context of "American values", or whatever they mean right now, and whatever they meant in 1776.

Exactly its disengenous to say that if the people supported some change that drastically altered the Nation, that the new nation would still be "American" in the sense we have been discussing it.
Exactly its disengenous to say that if the people supported some change that drastically altered the Nation, that the new nation would still be "American" in the sense we have been discussing it.
Hence the reality that it is unsupported by the numbers. "Fearing" what will never be is definitely worthless. Even if he were elected, there is nothing to fear about it. It just isn't going to happen. It is a waste of time and energy to even discuss it other than as a weak attempt to get votes in West Virginia.
Hence the reality that it is unsupported by the numbers. "Fearing" what will never be is definitely worthless. Even if he were elected, there is nothing to fear about it. It just isn't going to happen. It is a waste of time and energy to even discuss it other than as a weak attempt to get votes in West Virginia.

I agree it would never pass, but the fact that he promotes such a thing is outragous and in my opinion Unamerican and I am embarrassed that enough Americans dont understand that to let him win so many states.
I agree it would never pass, but the fact that he promotes such a thing is outragous and in my opinion Unamerican and I am embarrassed that enough Americans dont understand that to let him win so many states.
I think it is more unamerican to attempt to squelch his expression of ideas than it is for him to promote such a drastic change that will never be implemented.
I think it is more unamerican to attempt to squelch his expression of ideas than it is for him to promote such a drastic change that will never be implemented.

I am not trying to squesh his ability to promote ideas. I am all for him promoting whatever he wants. I am unhappy so many people support it. Where have I said he sould not be allowed to promote such ideas.
I am not trying to squesh his ability to promote ideas. I am all for him promoting whatever he wants. I am unhappy so many people support it. Where have I said he sould not be allowed to promote such ideas.
Things that are "unamerican" are clearly things that should not be "allowed in America" by definition.

You are not "all for him" promoting such an idea. You have said that it is unamerican to want to change the constitution that way...

The "unamerican" label used so liberally that people don't recognize what they are saying any longer. The left constantly saying the right called them "unamerican" until today where the left is calling others "unamerican", it doesn't matter when it is used. If all they are doing is expressing ideas, it is not "unamerican". Nor is it "unamerican" to support the ideas.

What you should be doing is recognizing that so few do nowadays that this guy won't be swung into office for promoting the changes and celebrating the change.
Things that are "unamerican" are clearly things that should not be "allowed in America" by definition.

You are not "all for him" promoting such an idea. You have said that it is unamerican to want to change the constitution that way...

The "unamerican" label used so liberally that people don't recognize what they are saying any longer. The left constantly saying the right called them "unamerican" until today where the left is calling others "unamerican", it doesn't matter when it is used. If all they are doing is expressing ideas, it is not "unamerican". Nor is it "unamerican" to support the ideas.

What you should be doing is recognizing that so few do nowadays that this guy won't be swung into office for promoting the changes and celebrating the change.

WRONG, I think there are plenty of things going on in America that are Unamerican, but I would never promote squelsching the right to promote them. I do not support what you promote, but I would support your right to promote it to the death.

What I am doing it regestering my unhappyness with so many people supporting this person for president who promotes such anti-freedom and un-American ideas.
WRONG, I think there are plenty of things going on in America that are Unamerican, but I would never promote squelsching the right to promote them. I do not support what you promote, but I would support your right to promote it to the death.

What I am doing it regestering my unhappyness with so many people supporting this person for president who promotes such anti-freedom and un-American ideas.
You are calling them "unamerican" for supporting what he promotes. Either that or you must forgive the right for calling you "unamerican" because they didn't call YOU that just the ideas against the war.... They didn't stop you from protesting....

Either you are a hypocrite, or you chose the wrong word. "Unamerican" probably shoudln't be used so liberally against the spread of ideas that are unpopular. There is nothing more American.
You are calling them "unamerican" for supporting what he promotes. Either that or you must forgive the right for calling you "unamerican" because they didn't call YOU that just the ideas against the war.... They didn't stop you from protesting....

Either you are a hypocrite, or you chose the wrong word. "Unamerican" probably shoudln't be used so liberally against the spread of ideas that are unpopular. There is nothing more American.

AGAIN, and AGAIN, its not the act of supporting that I have a problem with. My problem is that people so misunderstand freedom and what America is about that they would support an idea that goes directly in the face of that. I would never ever support or promote prohibiting these people from supporting these ideas, it is merely my OPINION that such ideas are UNAMERICAN.