Huckleberry takes another state!

AGAIN, and AGAIN, its not the act of supporting that I have a problem with. My problem is that people so misunderstand freedom and what America is about that they would support an idea that goes directly in the face of that. I would never ever support or promote prohibiting these people from supporting these ideas, it is merely my OPINION that such ideas are UNAMERICAN.
And AGAIN, it wasn't the person they called "unamerican" but the idea of protesting against the war...

You labelled people as unamerican. Something you objected to long ago, and something I supported your objection to. I am not changing my position. It is wrong to call people "unamerican" because you don't like their ideas.
And AGAIN, it wasn't the person they called "unamerican" but the idea of protesting against the war...

You labelled people as unamerican. Something you objected to long ago, and something I supported your objection to. I am not changing my position. It is wrong to call people "unamerican" because you don't like their ideas.

I have not called any PEOPLE Un-American. I have called ideas Un-American. I objected to people calling others Un-American for protesting. I would never do that. I would call Un-American ideas Un-American. I would not call the act of promoting something UN-AMERICAN.

Are you intentionally being obtuse or have you had some sort of brain injury?
I have not called any PEOPLE Un-American. I have called ideas Un-American. I objected to people calling others Un-American for protesting. I would never do that. I would call Un-American ideas Un-American. I would not call the act of promoting something UN-AMERICAN.

Are you intentionally being obtuse or have you had some sort of brain injury?
And there is my rub. The right didn't call "people" unamerican.... they called the idea of protesting a war unamerican....

Blah, blah. This is exactly what I have said a few times. Before they supposedly called you "unamerican" because they didn't like an idea of yours, but when it is turned in the other direction then it is "no! It is the IDEA!"

It is wrong to call any person's ideas "unamerican" because they are unpopular. And then attempt to divide them from their ideas. When it was you, you were upset, and rightly so. I supported you in that, because it is wrong to demonize a group because of their ideas.
And there is my rub. The right didn't call "people" unamerican.... they called the idea of protesting a war unamerican....

Blah, blah. This is exactly what I have said a few times. Before they supposedly called you "unamerican" because they didn't like an idea of yours, but when it is turned in the other direction then it is "no! It is the IDEA!"

It is wrong to call any person's ideas "unamerican" because they are unpopular. And then attempt to divide them from their ideas. When it was you, you were upset, and rightly so. I supported you in that, because it is wrong to demonize a group because of their ideas.

It was the act of protesting they called UN-American. Plus, wanting to prevent a forign policy disaster of a war is not Un-American. Trying to control people via religen is. This nation was not founded because some wanted a war and others did not. This nation was founded, in part, because many wanted religous freedom!
Protesting is PARTICULARLY AMERICAN. Trying to control others behavyor through religen is NOT!
Well, at least you are intellectually consistant. I personally belive that certian anti freedom ideas are unamerican, even if it would be legal to enact them!

And certain people feel abortion laws are unamerican. Yet it is the will of the people that determine what is or is not going to be amended to the constitution. It is the will of the people that will determine what is law. The laws the majority oppose will be overturned by our Reps. If the Reps do not do so, then they will be voted out by the people and replaced by those that will.

Your entire argument is ridiculous.
It was the act of protesting they called UN-American. Plus, wanting to prevent a forign policy disaster of a war is not Un-American. Trying to control people via religen is. This nation was not founded because some wanted a war and others did not. This nation was founded, in part, because many wanted religous freedom!
No, it wasn't the act. Nobody went out to arrest them solely for protesting, nobody even suggested it should be illegal. It was the "idea" that they would be against the war that they thought was "unamerican".

That was how you wanted to interpret it, but when it goes the other way you pretend that it is okay to so label.

Whatever it takes to make you feel good about it. I will continue to be against labelling people for ideas that are unpopular even if it is Huckabee (whom I totally do not support for office). Or if it is my own side so labelling.
EXACTLY, thank you!

IF the majority of Americans supported such an action it would be American. Obviously such a wild example is never likely to gain approval by the majority, but if it did it would still be American as it would be the will of the people. Obviously if such a hateful bigotted view came into the majority and became an amendment, some would fight against it. You would, I would and most of this board would.
I never realised so many things were "American" or "Un-American"

Could anyone settle a bet we have going on here.

I say that copper sulphate is definitely "American" while my mate thinks it is almost certainly "Un-American". Thanks in advance.

There's a tenner riding on this, you know.
No, it wasn't the act. Nobody went out to arrest them solely for protesting, nobody even suggested it should be illegal. It was the "idea" that they would be against the war that they thought was "unamerican".

That was how you wanted to interpret it, but when it goes the other way you pretend that it is okay to so label.

Whatever it takes to make you feel good about it. I will continue to be against labelling people for ideas that are unpopular even if it is Huckabee (whom I totally do not support for office). Or if it is my own side so labelling.

I dont agree but can see your point abuot the word Un-American. I will change my position to say that his ideas about changing the constitution are Anti-Freedom.
I never realised so many things were "American" or "Un-American"

Could anyone settle a bet we have going on here.

I say that copper sulphate is definitely "American" while my mate thinks it is almost certainly "Un-American". Thanks in advance.

There's a tenner riding on this, you know.

Only political ideas or policies can be American or Un-American in the sense we are currently discussing them.
You are being disingenous. You know what I explained about how it was not the fact that he was suggesting changes, but the changes he was suggesting. Stop playing dumb just for teh sake of avoiding a discussion you know you will lose.

Yes, on another post you changed your position and said it was the change that was unamerican. But on those posts that is not what you were asking.

Also, as I stated, there may be people that think your opinions are UnAmerican. They would be just as wrong as you are. The left bitches and whines when some far right nut calls them unAmerican simply for expressing different views. Now here you are doing the same damn thing. IT is not unAmerican to suggest changes and it is not unAmerican to have those suggested changes be unpopular.

It is very much American to bring up ideas and try to promote your opinion on how things should be run. Just because the majority disagrees with you, doesn't mean your ideas are unAmerican.
I never realised so many things were "American" or "Un-American"

Could anyone settle a bet we have going on here.

I say that copper sulphate is definitely "American" while my mate thinks it is almost certainly "Un-American". Thanks in advance.

There's a tenner riding on this, you know.
Copper sulfate, being an agent to create the bacterial stench of H2SO4 in water is more "French", but we let it in here anyway...
To me, it is VERY American to protest, it is VERY American to promote un-popular ideas. It is VERY American to stand up for what you belive in.

It is however, un-american to try to limit freedom of others based on how you belive your "God" would want people to behave.
WRONG, I think there are plenty of things going on in America that are Unamerican, but I would never promote squelsching the right to promote them. I do not support what you promote, but I would support your right to promote it to the death.

What I am doing it regestering my unhappyness with so many people supporting this person for president who promotes such anti-freedom and un-American ideas.

So then you have no problem when the right calls someone on the left unamerican for the manner in which the left acts or the ideas the left promotes???

You say you are embarrassed that so many support Huckabee. Well guess what.... there are many people embarrassed that so many people support Hillary and her ideas as well. Does that make her ideas unamerican as well???
I have not called any PEOPLE Un-American. I have called ideas Un-American. I objected to people calling others Un-American for protesting. I would never do that. I would call Un-American ideas Un-American. I would not call the act of promoting something UN-AMERICAN.

Are you intentionally being obtuse or have you had some sort of brain injury?

By calling their ideas and the promotion of those ideas unAmerican you are saying they are acting in an UnAmerican way. The very same thing people said about members of the left. Something which you pretended bothered you. I say pretend because you are doing the exact same thing.
So then you have no problem when the right calls someone on the left unamerican for the manner in which the left acts or the ideas the left promotes???

You say you are embarrassed that so many support Huckabee. Well guess what.... there are many people embarrassed that so many people support Hillary and her ideas as well. Does that make her ideas unamerican as well???
Well, it does if she tries to "limit their freedoms". So ideas that limit somebody from hiring based on race would be "unamerican"...

I disagree with the premise. All laws limit freedom, not all laws are "unamerican".
Only political ideas or policies can be American or Un-American in the sense we are currently discussing them.

No, they cannot be. No idea or policy proposal can be UnAmerican. It is inherent in our system that ALL ideas have the ability to be heard. That any policy can be promoted. There is nothing more American than that.

The fact you don't like a policy position doesn't make it unAmerican.
Yes, on another post you changed your position and said it was the change that was unamerican. But on those posts that is not what you were asking.

Also, as I stated, there may be people that think your opinions are UnAmerican. They would be just as wrong as you are. The left bitches and whines when some far right nut calls them unAmerican simply for expressing different views. Now here you are doing the same damn thing. IT is not unAmerican to suggest changes and it is not unAmerican to have those suggested changes be unpopular.

It is very much American to bring up ideas and try to promote your opinion on how things should be run. Just because the majority disagrees with you, doesn't mean your ideas are unAmerican.

Id like to see the cite because I dont think I said that, if I did it was a mistake and I will apologise.
So then you have no problem when the right calls someone on the left unamerican for the manner in which the left acts or the ideas the left promotes???

You say you are embarrassed that so many support Huckabee. Well guess what.... there are many people embarrassed that so many people support Hillary and her ideas as well. Does that make her ideas unamerican as well???

I have a problem when they call protesting un-american. I do not have a problem when they call an idea unamerican.