I care what people propose because it illistrates there internal structure. People who so deeply misunderstand how and why America came about and the basic principals of freedom consern me, because as there numbers grow, the threat to our way of life grows.
I do not want true freedom to perish from this Earth. I am for LIMITED government, especally when it comes to individual freedom.
Yes, if I want to Marry 6 Cats and a Dog, I should be allowed, and it should be no business of the governmetns what so ever. I belive that before the Government should be allowed to act there should be a rational basis to do so. And by rational baisis I mean, limited to its role of protecting individuals from actions that unduely, directly, and negativly injure others. Sure that is a ballancing act, but the scale should be set against government influence.
So a guy throws knives in my direction, that should be illegal.
A guy dances naked in an area where I can easily divert my eyes should I choose... That should be legal.