Huckleberry takes another state!

By calling their ideas and the promotion of those ideas unAmerican you are saying they are acting in an UnAmerican way. The very same thing people said about members of the left. Something which you pretended bothered you. I say pretend because you are doing the exact same thing.

It is NOT (again and again) the act of promoting the idea that is unamerican, it is the idea itself.
I have a problem when they call protesting un-american. I do not have a problem when they call an idea unamerican.
"Protesting" is the expression of an idea.

Nobody has said that protesting should be illegal. Even those people. They say that the idea they are expressing is "unamerican". They are wrong, so are you.
Well, it does if she tries to "limit their freedoms". So ideas that limit somebody from hiring based on race would be "unamerican"...

I disagree with the premise. All laws limit freedom, not all laws are "unamerican".

You certantly can make that argument. I said limiting freedom for the sake of religen are unamerican.

Laws that seek to limit freedom without a rational basis are, in my opinion unamerican.
It is NOT (again and again) the act of promoting the idea that is unamerican, it is the idea itself.

and AGAIN Jarod.... an IDEA cannot be UnAmerican. No matter how vile you find it to be to you personally. Promoting that idea CANNOT be UnAmerican. It is why we allow the moronic groups like the KKK and CodePink to exist. They are allowed to promote their ideas no matter how vile and hateful they are.
You certantly can make that argument. I said limiting freedom for the sake of religen are unamerican.

Laws that seek to limit freedom without a rational basis are, in my opinion unamerican.
Earlier you said, "Well, I can see that. I'll call it 'anti-freedom' instead." yet you continue to use it.

The idea is not anti-american. Ideas never can be. If he wants the change he is free to promote it. That is American.
I have a problem when they call protesting un-american. I do not have a problem when they call an idea unamerican.

Protesting is PROMOTING an idea. The same thing as Huckabee is doing that you just called unAmerican. Also, people did not call the protestors UnAmerican for the act of protesting it was the IDEA behind the protests that they called unAmerican.
You certantly can make that argument. I said limiting freedom for the sake of religen are unamerican.

Laws that seek to limit freedom without a rational basis are, in my opinion unamerican.

So do you think the poligamy laws should be changed?

What about other laws that are based on morals?
"Protesting" is the expression of an idea.

Nobody has said that protesting should be illegal. Even those people. They say that the idea they are expressing is "unamerican". They are wrong, so are you.

I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. I belive that if I had an idea that the US govt. should prohibit people from peacefully practicing Christiantity it would be Un-American... but the promoting of that idea would not be un-american.
I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. I belive that if I had an idea that the US govt. should prohibit people from peacefully practicing Christiantity it would be Un-American... but the promoting of that idea would not be un-american.
Okay, so again, protesting wasn't "unamerican" it was the idea of being anti-war that was "unamerican" (only few nutjobs think it should be illegal to protest at all, and they are just stupid). So, they didn't think "promoting" the idea was unamerican, just the idea....

What you were against, you do.
I'm listening (reading) all of this and of course I don't agree with Jarod. I have made that plain in other threads. That said, I might make republicans mad with my thinking about Huckabee and his staying in the race. I like it. I laughed all weekend about how he won and was very competitive. I know he can't get the nomination and even if he could he can't win the general. But it does my heart good to see people vote for the man because I think he is a good man.

Many are voting for him as a protest to McCain and that is OK. It's their choice. But many are voting for him because of the values we hold dear and quite frankly, he lines up with that value system a lot better than McCain does. After hearing Bill Mahr on Larry King last night it makes me want to see Huckabee do even better. I know he can't win. He isn't interested in the VP slot or he would have backed off by now. When all the dust is cleared we are going to have a President Clinton/Obama/McCain....take your pick. I know that issues that I deem to be important are going to be supported/opposed even less in the next 8 years and possibly even the rest of my life. I have come to grips with that. But every state that Huckabee wins is a boost for my morale because I know there are other people out there who think similar to me.
I'm listening (reading) all of this and of course I don't agree with Jarod. I have made that plain in other threads. That said, I might make republicans mad with my thinking about Huckabee and his staying in the race. I like it. I laughed all weekend about how he won and was very competitive. I know he can't get the nomination and even if he could he can't win the general. But it does my heart good to see people vote for the man because I think he is a good man.

Many are voting for him as a protest to McCain and that is OK. It's their choice. But many are voting for him because of the values we hold dear and quite frankly, he lines up with that value system a lot better than McCain does. After hearing Bill Mahr on Larry King last night it makes me want to see Huckabee do even better. I know he can't win. He isn't interested in the VP slot or he would have backed off by now. When all the dust is cleared we are going to have a President Clinton/Obama/McCain....take your pick. I know that issues that I deem to be important are going to be supported/opposed even less in the next 8 years and possibly even the rest of my life. I have come to grips with that. But every state that Huckabee wins is a boost for my morale because I know there are other people out there who think similar to me.

I have asked many times, what is it you like about him? Just an image and feel because he says the Christian code words?
Okay, so again, protesting wasn't "unamerican" it was the idea of being anti-war that was "unamerican" (only few nutjobs think it should be illegal to protest at all, and they are just stupid). So, they didn't think "promoting" the idea was unamerican, just the idea....

What you were against, you do.

I do not agree with the premis of your statement. Many said that protesting was unamerican.
I do not agree with the premis of your statement. Many said that protesting was unamerican.
Rubbish. This is being disingenuous. It was what they were protesting that was considered "unamerican", not all protest for anything. You are being disingenuous to make your hypocrisy feel better.

I am being solidly consistent. It is always wrong to call another's ideas, and thus they themselves, unamerican.
I have asked many times, what is it you like about him? Just an image and feel because he says the Christian code words?

I live in the state right next to him, 40 miles from the state line. Our local channels are out of Ft. Smith, AR and Fayetteville, AR. While he was governor I heard a lot about how he governed and while I didn't agree with some of it, I agreed with most of it. I like the fact that he says the republican party will die if they don't start paying attention to the plight of the middle class. Have you heard another republican candidate raise that issue? I like the fact that he thinks what was done in Iraq was a mistake but realizes that to just "pull out" won't fix what has been done but make things worse. I like the fact that he is a bit more compassionate about immigration than most republicans but stronger on it than McCain. I like the fact that he would be willing to engage in discourse with leaders of other countries and believe he would go into these sorts of talks with an open mind rather than with one already made up. I like the fact that he is the only strong pro-2nd Ammendment candidate still standing. And yes, I like the fact that he is religious and doesn't care if anyone knows it........stating some things are right and some things are wrong.
Rubbish. This is being disingenuous. It was what they were protesting that was considered "unamerican", not all protest for anything. You are being disingenuous to make your hypocrisy feel better.

I am being solidly consistent. It is always wrong to call another's ideas, and thus they themselves, unamerican.

On another level, I do not belive that questioning a war is in any way Un-American, I do belive that limiting freedom on religous basis is much more Un-American.
I live in the state right next to him, 40 miles from the state line. Our local channels are out of Ft. Smith, AR and Fayetteville, AR. While he was governor I heard a lot about how he governed and while I didn't agree with some of it, I agreed with most of it. I like the fact that he says the republican party will die if they don't start paying attention to the plight of the middle class. Have you heard another republican candidate raise that issue? I like the fact that he thinks what was done in Iraq was a mistake but realizes that to just "pull out" won't fix what has been done but make things worse. I like the fact that he is a bit more compassionate about immigration than most republicans but stronger on it than McCain. I like the fact that he would be willing to engage in discourse with leaders of other countries and believe he would go into these sorts of talks with an open mind rather than with one already made up. I like the fact that he is the only strong pro-2nd Ammendment candidate still standing. And yes, I like the fact that he is religious and doesn't care if anyone knows it........stating some things are right and some things are wrong.

I can respect every one of those things. I dont necessarly agree with them all but I can respect the and dont find any of them outragous or Un-American.

Its the desire to incorporate Gods law with Government law that offends and upsets me. His desire to make something illegal because it is his interpertation of what his "God" would want. The only limits on freedom should be based on a rational (non-religous) basis, for the greater good.
On another level, I do not belive that questioning a war is in any way Un-American, I do belive that limiting freedom on religous basis is much more Un-American.

The point you seem to fail to understand or comprehend is that there are many out there who share the exact opposite opinion of yours. Neither of the two positions is UnAmerican. The very fact that you are so determined to label someone UnAmerican is pathetic.

Who gives a crap what the RR says or what they propose if they have no chance of it passing?
The point you seem to fail to understand or comprehend is that there are many out there who share the exact opposite opinion of yours. Neither of the two positions is UnAmerican. The very fact that you are so determined to label someone UnAmerican is pathetic.

Who gives a crap what the RR says or what they propose if they have no chance of it passing?

I care what people propose because it illistrates there internal structure. People who so deeply misunderstand how and why America came about and the basic principals of freedom consern me, because as there numbers grow, the threat to our way of life grows.

I do not want true freedom to perish from this Earth. I am for LIMITED government, especally when it comes to individual freedom.

Yes, if I want to Marry 6 Cats and a Dog, I should be allowed, and it should be no business of the governmetns what so ever. I belive that before the Government should be allowed to act there should be a rational basis to do so. And by rational baisis I mean, limited to its role of protecting individuals from actions that unduely, directly, and negativly injure others. Sure that is a ballancing act, but the scale should be set against government influence.

So a guy throws knives in my direction, that should be illegal.

A guy dances naked in an area where I can easily divert my eyes should I choose... That should be legal.
I care what people propose because it illistrates there internal structure. People who so deeply misunderstand how and why America came about and the basic principals of freedom consern me, because as there numbers grow, the threat to our way of life grows.

I do not want true freedom to perish from this Earth. I am for LIMITED government, especally when it comes to individual freedom.

Yes, if I want to Marry 6 Cats and a Dog, I should be allowed, and it should be no business of the governmetns what so ever. I belive that before the Government should be allowed to act there should be a rational basis to do so. And by rational baisis I mean, limited to its role of protecting individuals from actions that unduely, directly, and negativly injure others. Sure that is a ballancing act, but the scale should be set against government influence.

So a guy throws knives in my direction, that should be illegal.

A guy dances naked in an area where I can easily divert my eyes should I choose... That should be legal.

1) I have no problem with your caring what others propose. You should care and I wish more people would care. The problem is your insistence upon calling them unAmerican for having ideas you do not like. The very fact that you say you are worried about losing what they founders intended is friggin funny considering they WANT people to be able to bring forth these ideas and not be labeled unAmerican for having ideas that may not be popular.

2) No argument whatsoever from me on the portion where you discuss limiting government influence. But that should hold true regardless of whether or not the idea being promoted has a religious tone to it or not.
as for

"A guy dances naked in an area where I can easily divert my eyes should I choose... That should be legal."

Then why are you so opposed to someone putting up a tablet with the ten commandments in a public place if it is done with private money?