Humans are diverse!

But at the same time you do not need laws to govern all behaviour as the right seems to believe and push, especially the religious right.

A society can have and respect people who believe abortion is wrong and who won't avail themselves of it. But also others who think it is fine, within limits and who support it.

The only intolerant position is if either side tries to force the other to live to their view of it, simply because they think they have accrued enough power to force it.

So everything should be legal in your opinion?
I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure no two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

Are you retarded?
what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

agreed......besides the difference between men and women, there are also difference in intelligence and integrity.....even though you are ignorant, dishonest, make your living chasing ambulances and prone to believe the obvious is a current event, we still agree you are human.....
But at the same time you do not need laws to govern all behaviour as the right seems to believe and push, especially the religious right.

A society can have and respect people who believe abortion is wrong and who won't avail themselves of it. But also others who think it is fine, within limits and who support it.

The only intolerant position is if either side tries to force the other to live to their view of it, simply because they think they have accrued enough power to force it.

thinking that peopole should not kill their children is not limited to the religious.......
It is a hallmark of the right to try and force the way they want to live on to others.

pure bullshit......the left wants to control choices about smoking, vaping, light bulbs, flush toilets, gas stoves, the size of our beverages, how we define marriage, what sort of vehicles we may drive, even who we get to choose as our nominee for president......good lord......restricting choices is your life's goal.....
Brilliant argument. Do you believe people are all born the same and not affected by culture?

Nope. Thats not what your asinine post claimed though. People are different but they are vastly more alike then different. People seem different because "culture" started focusing on how people are different and not what they share in common. It all started with that multicultural bullshit. Its amazing how little time you people spend thinking.
Huge political factions in America are completely incompatible.

Since I know you're a big fan of hip hop I'm sure you remember this joint from back in the day about the Crips and Bloods peace treaty. If they can come together so can Israel-Palestine, USC-UCLA etc...

I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure no two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

tell me why I should casually accept that a man wants to wear a dress because he wants to be a woman when some of you cannot accept that I want to be able to defend myself by carrying a gun?
Even the Red Sox and Yankees?

Would that even be a good thing?

It would mean that civilization ran out of things to care about!
So everything should be legal in your opinion?

A stupid person might read that in to my post but i said or suggested no such thing.

So you think everyone should be able to rape others legally in your opinion (amidoingitright?)


Back on topic, there are many things the MagaTard right might never want to engage in and believe are immoral, that is fine within their beliefs, that they should NOT be able to force on to others, to dictate how they live.

If MagaTards want religious freedom to live their lives according to their beliefs, they should allow others to live to theirs.


- some religious people believe in minimal hospital care (some none) and zero medicines. Fine. But they should not be able to force us all to live that way
- some religious people believe abortion is wrong to do despite nothing in the bible saying so, other religious people (jews) can show their religion calls for abortion rights to be accessible. Neither should be able to force the OTHER to live to their way. They can BOTH follow their own morals and live their lives.
- Some republicans believe gays should not be able to marry and race mixing in marriage should not be allowed. NO one should force them to marry someone of the same sex, nor someone of another race.

TinkerPeach, when you read those few examples (i could write hundreds more) do you agree with me, that the right should not be able to force others to live to the way they want to live... OR... do you read the above and think 'as long as the right has the power to impose it, they absolutely should be allowed to force others to live the way, they chose to live their lives?
Nope. Thats not what your asinine post claimed though. People are different but they are vastly more alike then different. People seem different because "culture" started focusing on how people are different and not what they share in common. It all started with that multicultural bullshit. Its amazing how little time you people spend thinking.

It’s reality, not pretend land. We are not preprogrammed set predetermined bots as you people like to pretend… Deviation from the “norm” is often healthy and good for culture.
tell me why I should casually accept that a man wants to wear a dress because he wants to be a woman when some of you cannot accept that I want to be able to defend myself by carrying a gun?

Because a gun can and way too often is be used to kill people, the ultimate infringement of rights.
tell me why I should casually accept that a man wants to wear a dress because he wants to be a woman when some of you cannot accept that I want to be able to defend myself by carrying a gun?

When the proliferation of men wearing dresses is responsible for 40,000+ violent deaths a year, we can talk about that. Until it is the leading killer of our children and teens, you have no case for your paranoid need for defense going to the grocery store.